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Everything posted by logan23

  1. just released a team mod cast in the team social group

  2. hey just release a team modcast in the team social group

  3. hey just released a team mod cast in the team social group

  4. hey just released a team mod cast in the SGroup

  5. Hows the mod cast 6 going?

  6. Another tmcast, you will like this one

  7. Its posted, and its only 23min long,lol

  8. another tmcast, in 5 minutes this one you will like, trust me

  9. I keep a list of people who allowed me to use a mod or part of one for the credits.

  10. thanks, now if the Collar fix ok to use?

  11. I'm going through the final polishes on pre-beta one and working on prebeta2, aiming for the weekend of 30th should have prebeta1/2 ready to test. Hows the writing?

  12. I was wondering what changes does the FF2 mod do to the 2da appearance?

  13. Hey, hows the Mcast going?

  14. Hey, new team cast is up

  15. The team cast is released

  16. You will have them by Saturday =)


  17. the pre beta teamcast coming later today

  18. Hey, thanks for the mention in the forum about what you want in kotor3 =)

  19. I sent you e-mail

  20. Are you looking for a full time script person or just an adviser?

  21. When is your "Leisure Suit Jedi" coming out? lol

    I can only imagine George Lucas's face expression if he was told there was a game like this coming out or someone sat down and pitched this game idea to him...:thmbup1: classic

  22. Thanks!

    I'm downloading them now=)

  23. I posted on the artwork =)

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