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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. no, no, like i said i don't want anything to make me jump the gun to start working on ansion before i get the tantive, the devastator, and the pheonix complete

  2. Not yet, I haven't had any time to focus on SOTE because of a paper I'm writing. Just passed the 16 page mark and I'm almost halfway done.

  3. NP, I'm trying out modeling right now. I'm honestly a little surprised at how easy it is to make some of the objects and shapes. Giddy up!

  4. Oh cool, is this going to be a new planet or an expansion on one of the original?

  5. Oh my gosh, I know, its been far too long...

  6. oh you mutha, you've just opened a can of worms...

  7. Oh, sorry my fault - forgot about those.

  8. Ok, I'll add an alarm on my phone to remind me but I'll definitely have a little bit of time to meet you. See you then. Also since you're on right now, I can talk with you now, I'm over at SOTE right now but I only have about 1.5 hours.

  9. Ok, I'll meet you Thursday about 9:15 pm eastern standard time.

  10. Ok, well good luck to you. I know that's rough having to start over.

  11. Okay then, I will be able to catch up with you tomorrow after my concert which will end as late as 9.

  12. One more thing, would you have any ideas for side quests in a city like planet like Taris? This is for Slehayron.

  13. harIII

    Quick question, would you be interested in doing any modding work for SOTE? If so you'll need to refresh my memory on what you can do.

  14. Refresh the page and if that doesn't work, meet me on team hssiss

  15. Responding to what?

  16. Right now there is no dead line because I myself haven't had time to work on the project. Just work on them ask you can when you can. Also I hope everything is going well. I'll check out your models now.

  17. send me your email

  18. so does that mean that Jesus was a conservative verses a liberal? :)

  19. So far I'm well on my way. Smooth talked my way in with a contact on the inside, I'll be attending a service this Sunday.

  20. Something like that...

  21. Something to the effect of an ancient Sith Emperor decked out in some kind of royal robe and crown.

  22. Sorry about that, but it's been a long term project since I've been taking a few breaks from it. My only problem now is trying to figure out what should be done as far as dialog after he's recruited.

  23. Sorry about the delayed reply, I haven't been able to get to a server. I'm sorry but you'll have to hold off for another day or two before I can get you the material, I'm not presently on my computer.

  24. Sorry dude, I had to meet with someone and I just got back. It's about an hour and a half after the original meeting. If you want and get this soon I'll keep sote open so that if you show up I'll be there for the rest of the night. Also if we don't see each other when is the next time you're free?

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