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Status Updates posted by Ulmont

  1. Obviously, it is the beta after all.

  2. Here's what I have so far for CAVE. Make a backup of your origional since I sorta screwed up the lighting.

  3. I'll just post this here, since I already gave you two-pms. Ok, do we get to see a medium trooper?

  4. I did. It whisked me away to your RPing thingie.

  5. Not at all, go right ahead.

  6. The fanz, they lurve you!

  7. Not sure. I know transparency works with non-shader textures.

  8. Why thank you. Now only if CHEVRON 7 LOCKE would join....

  9. Ah, my dear fellow, greetings! Might I draw your attention to the avatar below. It should complement you quite well! So long, 'ol chap!



  10. Wells DR was so kind in his total Nuking of us.

  11. Umm, why not both?

  12. Alpha channels.

  13. Hey Darkpinkman can now.

  14. Nope, sorry. I don't have it. Ask Hockey.

  15. Uh, what format are they?

  16. Astor, would you be willing to stickie the following tutorials in the Design Schematics of RC.Net, and possibly create a tutorial sub-category, like the one in Holowan Labs?








  17. Yeah, I'm Soldier, soldier, and now sentinel. It was debating whether or not to go Infiltrator, 'cept I really wanted Tech armor. I actually found out how to get an insta-kill combo for soldier. Got it on my first playthrough. You pick up the Viper on the collector ship (sniper rifle adv training), then trigger an adrenalin rush. You get about 5 seconds of slo-mo to aim up your shots, and then FWBAM! Kills everything 'cept mini-bosses with 1 head-shot (even Harbinger died with a head-shot. It's amazing). Couple that with fortification as a special power and you're practically invincible. Anyhoo, I figured out how to bring everyone out alive. You have to have 100% upgrades, and 100% loyalty for all squad-members. ^_^

  18. Right click the tex & turn uses alphas to on.

  19. Probably. I was planning to do Arena G-somethingorother.

  20. Dunno, though that sounds cool.

  21. That'd be a no then. Sorry. I can do most of the normal formats like 3ds, Max, OBJ, etc.

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