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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Is your sister just complaining and wearing your fathers patience thin?


    If I'm in the same room as an argument between my dad and my sister, you can just see the arrow on the 'anger bar' going up slowly but surely, whilst a completely oblivious sister doesn't cease to complain. And then boom! Yells everywhere.


    Stress is something everyones got, but they shouldn't brush it off on other people.

  2. In reference to your comment on the HP picture:


    Yeah they had a kid (thus the paralleling Harry's situation). And Tonks was young (about 19, 20), so I doubt she'd be very prepared to lose the person she loved most!

  3. Is this all due to her being expelled? Sounds like she's not taking it too well...


    And I've never been told to 'stay out of the way', but there's been times where I know that I should stay out of the way. My sisters going through her teenage angst, 'everyone hates me and I hate everyone' stage. It gets a bit annoying...

  4. 'You play through us'? Wow. What are they, religious? I suppose you did offer practise... but that's basically using you as tool or something. How very selfish of them.


    Yeah, being a girl, most of the girls in my year either had no care for sport, or weren't anywhere near as good as the guys. But since I hung around with guys, I had an advantage that other girls didn't have - hand eye coordination, a good catch, a strong throw, endurance. But I could never run fast... I have shortish legs, and my body isn't made for running quickly... more for running for longer times, but at slower speeds.


    Anyway I'm falling asleep listening to depressing music, so I'll speak to you tomorrow. :^: good talking and good night!

  5. I guess that is the sensible way to be, but I'd hate living with the thought that I was right, but I let someone who was wrong win. Sometimes I can't be bothered wasting my time with people like that, but I've been known to be in the mood to aggrivate someone into hitting me lol. Usually with my sister. Luckily I have a secret defence mechanism!


    Just looking at yours and HOPs conversation... I hate sport, but I always got asked by teachers/people on the teams to join because I was 'so good.' I didn't though. Were you ever picked for anything like that?

  6. I may be spontaneous, but it doesn't mean I do things without thinking. When I'm on games, or even in real life, and I'm setting up traps for people, or something of that nature, I get a thrill, because it builds up suspense and still gets the job done. :^:

    When it doesn't work, it's a little disappointing, but it usually does, because the whole point of a trap is to make sure the other person isn't aware of it.


    I've never been in a fight, or a situation where I was forced to fight fortunately, but I usually just rely on comebacks or sarcasm to brush annoying people off lol.

  7. I'm doing alright myself, thanks. Should be sleeping though. :^:


    I've been reading that KOTOR thing you posted in the thread... I think it's hilarious lol.

  8. Hey there.


    Random friend add? :xp:


    How are you?

  9. Hmm, I agree. Sometimes it is just dumb luck though... like escaping seconds before something bad happens. I remember in New York in February, me and all of my friends went into my other friends room and had a party, but the guys made way too much noise, and the teachers came in. I dived under one of the beds, along with about 4 people, and the teachers said that if we don't go now, we'd be in serious trouble. I think I was about the only one who moved, and the teachers forgot about me whilst everyone else got detentions and restricted responsibilities. ;)


    I wouldn't say I'm a very 'prepared' person... I'm quite spontaneous, but I improvise and I am confident.

  10. Agile or not, you're taught to fight in martial arts etc., so it would require some strength. Though strategy would win over brute strength anyday.

    People constantly say I'm really clever, but then others say I'm just average. It's highly confusing... then again, the people who call me 'just average' got lower GCSE grades (teehee) so your guess is as good as mine.


    I put wisdom as 14 because I have good advice for things I've never experienced, I'm apparently sensible and tend to know possible outcomes before something occurs. This way I can avoid problems. Others just say it's 'luck'. Bah. Maybe it's intuition more than wisdom... whatever!

  11. For yours I gave you

    Strength - 14

    Dexterity - 14

    Constitution - 13

    Intelligence - 13

    Wisdom - 12

    Charisma - 15


    lol. Obviously I don't know you, but going off certain things.


    Lmao! Karen is brilliant. She has no equal. :lol: except Jack of course.

  12. Really? Strength 12? I'd have thought with your training in the arts it'd be a little higher. But everything else is pretty accurate to what I put for you... like charisma... I didn't put that high because you said you're not good in social situations lol.


    For myself I'd put...


    Strength - 13

    Dexterity - 12

    Constitution -12

    Intelligence - 13

    Wisdom - 14

    Charisma - 15


    It's not exactly pin point accurate, but that's just a quick 'maybe' summary.


    Gee, I loved that description you gave of me :lol: I just get along with guys better. Girls tend to either hate me or use me... or at least try to >_> I have absolutely no idea why... I remember once, a girl tried to use me to get to one of my guy friends... and I just embarrassed her in front of him instead.



  13. I don't need a red saber, I've already got red hair :xp:


    Scrubs is SO amazing! It just never gets old, and all of the characters are hilarious. If I could I'd let you borrow my dvds of it... but there's a sea or two in between!


    Will and Grace is awesome... Jack and Karen make the best duo :lol:

  14. I used to play football... well, soccer in your case. I was the first girl on the boys football team in primary school :D how proud I was. But I got bored and quit. Especially since guys on the opposite teams were annoying :¬:


    I'm not a fan of fighting... I guess that's why karate never took off for me. Despite the fact I grew up around anger-problemed guys, I'm quite the opposite of them... okay, I'm not the opposite of them, but still.


    I'm more charasmatic, smart and full of ideas... not to brag. I couldn't call myself a guardian, but I couldn't say I was anything like a consular. And besides, Vrook was barely even Jedi, let alone a consular! :lol:


    But still, that dream was pretty cool. So I drew us all, if you hadn't already read, and put stats on like strength, defence, dexterity... etc. :^:'


    You're not much taller than me. I'm 5"6'

  15. Ah, didn't even know there was a TV series. I don't really watch TV that often... I do watch Scrubs, Will & Grace and Malcolm in the Middle though. Love 'em. :^:


    Oshh, my shoulders feel horrible. The burns have made my skin all scaly and rough. Eurgh. What makes it worse, is it's patchy lol. Now I know what it feels like to be a Sith!

  16. Ahh, Terminator. I hate those films! Watched the first one, thought it was the lamest thing ever, and refuse to watch this new one that's come out... isn't Helena Bonham Carter in it? She's my favourite actress, but despite this... Terminator rules out all goodness that could be put in it... simply because it is Terminator :lol:


    We did post a lot... I dread to think how many posts we've sent to each other via visitor message :lol: I think we posted about 70 pages or something. I'll have to check.

  17. Sure, let's see a picture. It's only fair since you've seen a picture of me, anyway.


    I consider myself a sentinel. I'm not really a guardian... people say I can hit hard, but that's usually only out of anger. I don't like to fight, so I rely on other skills.


    I know what you mean - I can wake up sometimes and believe my dreams to be real, for about 5 minutes tops, before I realise that it was all fake. It's scary sometimes, especially when something bad happens in one.


    Obviously you do karate (I forgot the actual one you do) which could be classed as guardian, and you definitely have other skills, but I think a consular fits you best. You just remind me of one lol

  18. Is Cameron that person who used to be in your sig? Whatever she's from I don't watch it lol.

    I can't really decide on a good sig... so I picked awesome song lyrics - how original am I!


    400? DYs got more :¬: lol. most of them posts are stories/talking to DY or you via threads on the forum anyway!

  19. Welcome back. :^:

    We're discussing the dream I had about you, HOP and I being a Jedi trio fighting against a group of sith and droids, trying to get to a ship to save someone/something. In the dream, I was a sentinel, you were a consular and HOP was a guardian, but one of you died and one of you disappeared, and I tried to help the dying one, but in doing so, the ship got away.


    Lovely, no? :D

  20. Ahh it all makes sense now. :D lol

    Nah, I wouldn't be screaming for help - I'd be owning the enemies, one three people at once. Then I'd trip up, and the ship would fly away. Yup.


    Before you go to sleep cramn your head with all sorts of Star wars things, and then think of yourself as a Jedi - it's SUPPOSED to work.


    And I'll let you read the story then. ;)

  21. God. You two would be getting autographs whilst I'd be getting sliced in half by the enemy! Or maybe I'd just see Bao-Dur and get a photo and autograph from him.... Yeah, I like the latter idea. :lol:


    I don't know how my dream was so accurate - they're usually pretty.. erm... senseless. I'd be the best sentinel there ever was! I think you'd be the Guardian because you seem to be able to piece together a good fight scene... and DY, well Consular goes without saying, really. He just is a perfect fit for a consular.


    We were fighting sith, and a few droids. We were trying to get to some ship to retrieve someone... or something... but one of you guys died, and we never made it, because I tried to heal you, and the other one just disappeared.

  22. :lol: That's DY for ya!

    You looked very similar in the dream. I imagined you both with medium brown hair and blue eyes. One of you was taller... but... you're apparently both muscular cause you both work out.

    Oh, you were a Guardian and DY was a Consular, and I was a Sentinel... but we all had the same colour sabers - purple lol.



    I wonder what we'd ACTUALLY be like if we were all part of a Jedi trio.

  23. I know what you mean. I actually really like stories about OCs... it's really creative. People don't realise the effort that goes into it lol. I had a dream the other night that me you and DY were Jedi in SW :lol: it was quite funny.. and one of you died, but I don't know which one, because I kept on mixing you up with each other. So I woke up and decided to draw us all... despite the fact I have no clue what either of you look like, and put stats on us that are on KOTOR. I know, I'm sad.


    I've drawn Jacen, Marit and Virago and inked them. I haven't gotten any further than that.

  24. Hey, she needs a nice break. Alcohol just makes problems worse, surely you know that! lol

    And English food is rubbish >_> why does she want that? If you get a drink, try Snake Bite Black. But only if you choose to.


    And in regard to SW books... only started reading this one. The story is amazing, but the detail isn't the best. I'd say fanfictions beat them, but at least they stick to the actual story instead of someone elses original idea.

  25. I know what you mean. Poor Mission... and turning Zalbaar against her - now that's just cruel. :xp:

    For some reason, when I turned against Jolee and Juhani, Juhani was just quiet and attacked me. >_> surely my character wasn't that bad.


    Have you read any SW books?

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