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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Well what I figured was....

    (this is an example)

    Say you're writing for Yuthura. You'll write the whole chapter/section she is the main character in. Then you'll show HOP and I, and we'll read over it and add our own things (like corrections, better wording) - basically redrafting it, without changing what you've written.


    Of course before we start writing it, we should give an overall brief on whats going to happen.

  2. No, I'm not using it for stress. That just makes it worse.

    I've done that before, and it just made matters more stressful.


    The most I'll do is have a bottle of wkd. It does nothing to you. But only if I can't help it - and I hate saying that because it makes me sound really weak.


    Hope it goes well for ya'.

  3. Is throwing up psychological, too? lol

    Bleugh, hate vodka. It's funny, because in QFR when I was describing Mira drunk, like she was unable to stand? I thought I was overexaggerating and had gone overboard, but I couldn't stand up towards the end of my party.


    Damn alcohol.

  4. Two days? Wow, what did you drink?!


    I've once felt sick for 3 days, but that time I blanked out, remember nothing, fell down the stairs and almost killed myself :lol: you'd have thought I'd learnt my lesson, then

  5. I think it costs about £6 over here. Old and cheap. Juuust how we love 'em. :lol:

    Got assassins creed?

  6. She didn't find out. ^^

    She just thought that my friends got a little crazy. phew.

    though I'm not looking forward to cleaning up tomorrow...


    You going to keep on drinking or stay sober?

  7. Tut, Halo. :xp:

    I thought the first Halo was right, but 2 and 3... and is there a 4 coming out? they just killed it...

    Yeah Fables for xbox, but it works on 360. It's so good. :) Much better than Oblivion, and I like that.

  8. Well the whole stink bomb incident happened like 3 years ago. It's sooo outta' fashion :xp: yeah, our kids have knives... so much fun... in the news the other day there was an article about a boy who knifed his own sister and mum, and he went to my school in the year below me. O_O! it's crazy that I probably spoke to him.


    It randomly shut? lol it's usually sundays that things shut but oook. Tomorrow Imma gonna' get some clothes - in desperate need of some new'ns. So I might miss you being online - but I'll be sure to read the next chapter! :D


    Y'know the Mira story I'm doing? The description is really easy - someone said it sounds 'realistic', but y'know what I'm basically doing? I'm taking my surroundings and experiences and just exaggerating them. Maybe that's kind of sad :lol:

  9. It's up to you lol

  10. you got banned from swimming?!

    well I've got a heart breaking child story - when I was 9, I was one of the tall girls and there's a bouncy castle in the swimming pool, and you've gotta be 11 to stop going on it.

    they thought I was eleven because of my height :( lol

  11. Nevermind about the photograph thing, it's a holograph. :xp:

  12. Awh, gutted. You should have eaten your greens. :xp:


    I'm alright, thanks!

    Cinemas today. :)


    Do you know what Star Wars' equivalent of photographs is?

  13. I don't really have interest in tomorrow, but I do in the far future. :^:

    I'm not doing Psychology for career purposes though, no, I just want to learn it. Though, I have a talent for reading people. I can always predict what people will do before they do it, and know what they're actually thinking when they lie etc. I'm pretty empathic i guess?

  14. Ohh, don't worry about that. You update SiD pretty quick - most people don't update stories (on other sites, anyway) for weeks, or even months. As you can see, I'm slowish with my updates.


    So you're doing Geography, was it? I'm planning on doing Eng lit, Psychology, Media and Film when I go to college. :) I'm especially interested in psychology - I've always been interested in... people.

  15. A lot of friends I know do that lol they stop going out as much or stop talking as much because of school/college/uni. I do the same, sometimes. At least I did during my exams... but I had fun too - don't forget that!


    And what about K3?

  16. I never thought of writing as compared to alcohol lol it's not like that for me. I can't concentrate if I've got something I need to be doing. I usually just play on games :^:; eh.


    You're doing your degree aren't you? if that's what they still call it over there. yeah, that's a tad important lol.

  17. that's actually what drove me to give it up lol and oh god, I'm never touching the stuff again. Well, I hope I don't drink it for a long time.

    It also upset me that my friends stepped all over a picture of my dead cats. It made me realise I'm putting the important things in life after myself.

    Alcohol makes you become someone you hate.

  18. Yeah, I've not found it too difficult yet, but when I come face to face with the stuff, well that's another story :xp: thanks.


    and to your other msg:

    it was good, until the party. At first I invited about 7.. small enough. Then I had a few drinks, and invited more. >.<; then it got out of hand. And I drank too much. I couldn't even stand towards the end, I ruined 2 friendships, wrecked my house and lost trust from my mum.

    Worst. Party. Ever.

  19. pff. England's terrible for it. I don't even think America's as bad, with its hundreds and thousands of people.

    All I know is it was probably one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, because it has a knock on effect. :/ and the only reason I realised it is because of a party I had the other day. >_<;

  20. :o

    Wow, sober for 23 years?

    Believe me, don't continue... It just wastes your money, and you feel like it's the only thing that you can turn to if you're annoyed/sad/happy.


  21. Hey. :) how's life?

    You know what's strange? The other day, I decided to stop drinking and turn my life around, and a few moments after I decided this I read your Yuthura fic chapter where she did the same.

    Coincidence? I think not!


  22. Maaarius Fetttt.

    Bonjour. :) How's life treating you?

  23. :o you must play Fable. It's like KOTOR, just earthly/medieval. :^:

    Tis horrific. I'd rather just be IN star wars :xp:


    sure thing! Have fun at the sleepover. :)

  24. I guess some people get rewarded and some people don't.




    indeed. :) RPGs are by far the best. Are you a fan of Fable? can't wait for that sequel to come out. As for the KOTOR MMORPG, well, it'd be nice to have a star wars MMORPG that isn't dead expensive, but KOTOR? :/ baaad idea.

  25. Well, yeah, it is fun. But all of my mates that play games are guys, and they prefer Halo and shooting games. N'yeah, that's just not me :xp:

    Haha I know! I wanted one :( I never win medals. The best I've won is £10 ¬¬ and I spent that on jeans. Pff.

    I know it does, and scary thing is I didn't care. >_>; I've given myself a big mental slap.

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