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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. yeah, i've considered things like this lol

    i've seen shows and games, also, where stuff like this occurs.

    of course at first, she'll be talented, but not experienced at bounty hunting. so that's the question of what order this all falls into place.

  2. that's quite interesting. some of the plotlines I've come up with are:

    -the killing

    -threats from bounty hunters (when she becomes recognised)

    -when she discovers she doesn't want to kill, she could retract from the 'big' bounties, and fall to a lack of credits.

    -someone who she is sent to kill but can't because of some significant issue.

    -obviously, hanharr.


    i've decided an OC named Leo would be a good 'acquaintance.'


    also... do you mean she does things the more complicated way round, but with more success?

  3. Yeah, that would be great. :)


    and I've listed a few 'problems' she could encounter as a bounty hunter - her first kill(s). being one of them. I've got quite a bit of the plot stored in my head. And don't you worry, I've got the character progression set in stone. ^^

  4. sure thing. :D - happy to help!

  5. well, with my Mira story, I'm planning to let it go on for a while. Like 'episodes' in a TV show, if you get me. That's how I view fanfictions.

    So if you think it would take from the story, that's your choice, but i dont think it would, unless it became repetitive.

  6. slang? :lol: alright then. this is gonna feel weird typing..


    mint = good

    class = good

    rank = disgusting

    sick = cool

    buzzin' = good

    'angin' = disgusting


    cant think of anymore off the top of my head.


    Atton? I think he's annoying lol. he's very self infatuated and is out for himself (unless it comes to the exile!)

    but he's got a strong head and probably strong will.

  7. I can have two conversations at once lol

    I'm also on KOTOR2, writing my story and talking to my friend at the same time as this, so, keep talking if you want.

  8. you mean you want to know more slang words?

  9. ahh, not saving any slaves as a Jedi is very true. though, as a sith it was 6 (?) years, and the Jedi had only been a few months, hasn't it?

    having no trust would definitely make it more difficult for Yuthura, whereas Yuthura seems to always doubt herself or her intentions. this might seriously drag her learning as a Jedi, back.

    which would be a great twist to the plot if you ask me.

  10. haha.

    it is a kind of way of talking.

    like instead of me saying 'that's great!.'

    i would say 'that's mint!'


    'mint' is a slangword

    get it? :)

  11. I guess if I have to explain it

    it's the use of real words to express a certain meaning, that doesn't conform to the dictionary.

    it's different where ever you go.

  12. It sounds pretty good. It would be pretty convincing - that quote reminds me of Sion lol.

    Though, don't try to concentrate completely on this OC. And if so, there should be something besides an old friendship, as a motivator to try and turn him to the light side.


    you could say she was trying to 'pay back her debts to Revan' because he did this for her? A way of relieving herself from feeling guilty and 'imprisoned' by feeling the need to repay him.

  13. Morning to you. ^^


    Ahh, well you see your story is very much based on Yuthura's progression as a character.

    I think if she were to see her own flaws exaggerated in that of another, it would be difficult to come to terms with/fight. if you get what I mean. :)


    you planning on using your OC or a character in star wars?

  14. lol i can't really explain it. :S


    and i can't see your signature on these messages! i'll check posts you've done. ^^

  15. wait.. you don't know what 'slang' is? :o

  16. haha. police men walked past me today, when i had 4 bottles of wkd in :lol: - idiots!


    and nothings as simple as people interpret! it sounds pretty interesting - i'll be sure to read it when i'm in a fit state ^^;

  17. but do you judge on underaged drinking? now that's the question.

    so anyway, i can't read yr story a the moment (obvious reasons). what's it about?

  18. hey stephen! :D welcome to lucas forums!

  19. oh i dont force people to read my stuff. if they like something (like Mira!) i'll suggest iit haha.

    y'know. but i will read it. ^^

    i'm pretty good. bit drunk, so if i typo, don't judge me :lol:


  20. i didnt know that you wrote 'an easy escape!

    i havent really looked at the coruscant entertainment centre so i will soon


  21. hahaha Solja boi is up though :lol:

    and I want to be a TV/film producer - youknow, tv scripts, directing, the whole thing. I feel that I can do it. you know?


    do you know any English slang?

  22. lol sure thing ;)

  23. ah, that wasn't the end of the chapter. it's just a 'start'. ^^;

  24. ah. you wont be happy with my other message then :lol:

    dont worry i was planning on going offline soon anyway - got to be up, tomorrow!

  25. hey, would you mind reading over this and telling me if it's a good start to a fanfiction, I'm working on? if you can't be bothered, just say :p




    They say that there were an assortment of credits to be made on the smugglers moon, if you knew what you were doing. The thing was, seventeen-year-old Mandalorian refugees were the hindmost thing any 'employer' wanted to hear, and word spread swift on Nar Shaddaa.


    To be frank, these last few years had taken quite the toll on me, due to the consequences of these struggles, and where ever I trod, people knew - somehow, everyone had knowledge of where I had come from and what I stood for. Even presently, as I was slouched against the Cantina bar, my fair complexioned face and red haired head balancing somewhat comfortably on a half-hearted hand, eyes jittered my way, as if I was about to suddenly reveal that I was a Sith Lord and had come to annihilate the moon and everyone on it. I hated it - I wasn't a uselessly broken droid, and I sure as hell wasn't a sight for sore eyes... not these days at least.


    So here I was, ordering a favourable Ithorian Mist, to ease the toils of living life as Mira. I observed as the male bartender fumbled about with several murky pint glasses, underneath the bar, possibly attempting to conceal the vulgar condition of his glassware - and doing a terrible job of it, at that. At last, he jolted up, as if shocked with a Droid Electric Arm, and instantaneously slapped down a lever, the beautifully brewed Ithorian beverage drifting out into a chosen container. With an intriguingly feminine flick of his greying locks, and a wink of his wrinkled eyes, the bartender handed the drink over, in exchange for the last of my credits.


    Fantastic. I was back to square one.



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