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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. my own fanclub? well... :^:


    yeah, the theme can be red and green. because my hairs red and well.. i like green...


    I didn't know you were only 14. :lol:

  2. goodness gracious me.

    aren't I popular? :lol:


    like I said to t'other guy, I'm not on often, mind. :^:

  3. I don't go on it that often anyway lol

  4. your 'WLM' contact list? what's that?

  5. im not really one for listening to instructions but i guess i'll do it lol

  6. lol damn tutorials. i'll probably look at one, if it'll help.

  7. ahh.

    i've never inked anything in on the computer, before.

    I wouldn't really know how to go about it. :S

  8. ahh thats quite awesome. :D

    what do you use? photoshop?

  9. ooh i like it. :D keep up the good work!

    and if you ask me, some of the pictures on that 'art threat for non-artists' are really good at art lol

  10. the past hour?! wow. what are you drawing?

  11. I've relaxed too much this holiday :lol:

    and no, I've finished the first chapter, and I'm waiting for it to be accepted by kotorfanfiction.com

    I'm writing Quest for Revan atm. :)

  12. I'm alright, thanks. Though, I finally found concentration to write my story... and my mum made me do like 50 chores lol.



  13. Helloo, welcome to lucasforums. :^:

  14. haha I dont remember having a favourite character either.

    the old guy was hilarious.

  15. wow really?!

    That's such a coincidence lol

    I used to adore Dragonball z, and drawing, so... it made sense!


    :) Who was your favourite character? :p

  16. I'm good at drawing landscapes and such, but I lack the patience lol

    once, I was in France, and I was drawing this beautiful scenary, and a bunch of French people came past, saw it, and gave me money! it was great.


    I use adobe photoshop, but only for very minor changes. I really love how some things come out, but I've not posted anything photoshoped yet.


    How long do I take? Well, the Mira I drew (since it's fresh in my mind) took about 30 minutes to draw it (no shading) and then about 10-15 to ink it. Probably why I forgot the pouch. :^:

    people never understood how I can do it quickly, but when I take my time they come out better. Haven't done a full pencil drawing in a long time.

  17. I have, but I never end up sticking to it - I hate restrictions when it comes to art.

    Do you always use them?

    I started drawing at the age of...5, and I copied characters from an anime called Dragonball Z from the TV lol

  18. it's a curse, ey.

  19. lol riight. hes currently borrowing K1 and i'm getting withdrawal symptoms :(

  20. pfft. excuuse me. he only has one of the games!

  21. I go off imagination.

    I'm good at remembering images, so when I do fanart, I can remember it roughly and I leave the rest up to imagination. The guns on the Mira I've just drawn were totally made up..

    I'm very much right brained. And I never listened to what my art teachers said - my way of doing art is how I do art. It's like a writing style - I never followed my teachers writing style, I made up my own, and the teacher ended up using mine. lol.

  22. You know like Mira 'got someone mad' and then they sent Hanharr after her?

    I was thinking she could infiltrate some kind of 'base' (havent really thought what, yet) to steal something of use to a specific crime lord or hirer, but she could get semi-caught, (like your idea, just without imprisonment.) and the persons whos base she breaks into, could hire Hanharr to hunt her. but whilst shes in the base she comes across some of the mines and she knows how to sever the signal in the underground tunnels where Hanharr tries to get her.


    sound convincing? (obviously with a bit of work.)

  23. there are a few ideas that I can't really explain, but I've 'role played' in my head.

    I did think bounty hunting alone would get repetitive, so yes, maybe something like that should be added.

    Leo, I figured, would be another bounty hunter, who also has unorthodox methods, but still kills. This could bring a suspicion of 'being cheated' into the plot.

    One idea I had, was her cheating somehow, to get more credits, which would in a sense be a sort of theft.

    Obviously some bounties will demand more than others - Im planning a few big 'missions' she can agree to.

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