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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Maybe instead of killing the 'peace' she's found, you should find something that places her self/ambitions at risk. You have the council idea going... Revan... Perhaps now she has found peace she will lose all memory of what it's like to feel at an unrest.


    If you don't know what I mean, just ask ^^

  2. HOP posted something? I haven't really been on the forum, apart from the occasional 'scan over'.

    i thought you had a fairly decent main plot. My Mira story's pretty much going to be built up on subplots/dilemmas.


    also, what do you mean you're going to be gone tomorrow? :confused:

  3. Your story isn't really repetitive, as such. I guess it might just seem it because it's only concentrating on one persons thoughts and ideals. Thats what I think, at any rate.

    If you think you're going to lose interest, why not play KOTOR1 again, and go through Korriban? I find that if I'm at a loss of what to say, I'll go on the game, talk to that particular character for a bit, and I'll feel inspired. :)

  4. *checks*


    oh, your comment is there. it didn't alert me for some reason...


    nice rant :lol:

    and it does feel nice having the house to myself. though my dogs being difficult and won't drink anything, but she's panting like a maniac. -.-;;

  5. Your story's got a flow to it, anyway. And I'm sure the chapters are fine. You've definitely maintained a stable consistency throughout the story, though. :)

  6. what do you mean, what's going on with my blog?

  7. I've read up to the chapter in SiD, where Zez-Kai Ell tells Yuthura the secret/Yuthura tells Ross she'll take him as a padawan.

    It's really good so far. And I'm catching up to the latest chapter. ^^

  8. So it's settled then?

    I think we work together fairly well, considering our differnet approaches to fictions. I'm keen to try out new techniques, and such.

    Though i think we'll know if it fails, if we can't come to conclusions/write in accordance to the previous chapter.

  9. perfect plan, I'd say. It would be ideal for keeping the story going, if we need to come to agreements or think around something. It could be our maintenance break lol

  10. The only problem I see is that if one of us gets bored and drops out. itd be a shame to drop, it though.

    Maybe we should write the first lot of chapters between us before posting and see how we like it?

  11. If we did it cleverly, it could work. Like for example, travelling a long way, there's time for a character to have their own chapter/section. Wouldn't you agree?


    That's what I was worried about. I've got Quest for Revan, The Huntress, an original prose all going at once, and college soon. I'd find it relieving when it came for you and HOP to do 3 transitions at once, but if it came to me, I'd feel stressed. I guess that's a major disadvantage of waiting for HOP to get home.

  12. agreed. I guess you could think of it as a 'commission'. you've been given the brief, and all you have to do is follow it with your own flare, and own ideas.

    I've actually done something like that before, and it was quite useful, because most of the leg work was already done for me.

  13. Also, an idea... I read a fanfiction one, (not starwars or KOTOR) where the main plot was on the go, but every here and there, there was a chapter for a particular character, so that they could have their part.

    It was usually an emotional piece, personal to that character, but had little to do with the plot.

    Would that serve as a good idea, or would it be too off putting for the reader?

  14. we should only take our turn when it best fits the chapter.

    Say for example, you only needed one chapter with Yuthura/emotion/whatever in it, then you should only do the one chapter. However, if its an important lead up, or a significant part to the plot, then maybe 2 or 3 in a row would be for the best.

  15. I guess what would work...

    There would be no need for an 'emotional' piece with say, Bao-Dur, unless he was dying or was reminded of the mandalorian wars etc.

    Are you saying we should have one party for ourselves? And only use that particular party when we need to use our particular talents for that chapter?

  16. Well, planning is always messy. As long as we have a solid 'idea' of what is going to happen, there should be no distastefulness.

    I suppose I would be rather annoyed if all my characters got killed off...

    What do you propose we do about problems like that?

  17. Yes i have noticed 'Return from Exile'... and I agree. Some characters are more comfortable with different people. For example, if I had to write a story where Disciple was the main character I'd most likely die...

    So, you think we should have 3 different POVs?

  18. that's the beauty of writing :lol: I sometimes think the same thing with my stories... -.-;

    I have too many ideas.

  19. Have fun with it. :^:

  20. oooh. that is sly.

    i don't really know what to suggest, since i haven't read about any of it yet...

    though, i think, rather than to anger, it should drive her into a state of determination. hmm.

    Are you going to continue the story after Revan gets his memories back?

  21. thank you. :)


    I'll let you in on a secret, I think my plot is always breaking up. If you think that, just stop, plan it with any possible way/outcome of what is happening.

    Maybe there should be more to the secret (what ever it is) that she was told... and so when she is confronted by the council, they say something like 'so you know what you must do.' or something.

    I'd go for something really adventurous... if that's the way youd want to head toward.

  22. nooo i didn't mean it like that! wasn't I the one who messaged you first, anyway? lol.

    I was distracted by someone ringing me. >.<;

  23. ahh, no I get what you mean. I think that's happening to my QFR story, because I'm finding it monotonous to describe consistantly.

    Ive been trying to write chapter 6 for ages, but when I get the chance, I'm interrupted. T.T

  24. oh I know it was just teasing... but there was some truth there. ^^; eh.


    and I see what you mean, now. My next chapter of Quest for Revan has a lot of dialogue, though. So hopefully that'll come out alright. It's going to be difficult doing emotional scenes in The Huntress without her sounding OOC.

  25. Since I've become paranoid about how much I speak in threads... :xp:


    would you say my lack of dialogue and overload of description is for the best or for the worst?

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