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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. You can. Its there.


  3. when i posted it in xat, it crashed.


    // This is an incredibly hacky function to allow the doors to be properly

    // closed on Yavin without running into the problems we've had. It is too

    // late in development to fix it correctly, so thus we do this. Life is

    // hard. You'll get over it

  4. Hey, i just found a 2da that (i think) defines what walkmesh values work. surfacemat.2da

  5. hey, im getting TF2 next week

  6. Hey, could you write a quick tutorial on texturing an area model, cuz with my model, it ends up looking a whole lot better in max, then the game stretches the textures to the extreme.

  7. @your sig

    how will that piss them off?

  8. I finally found a chatbox i can use on my ipod!

    but i cant put it on proboards. We'd need to use my site for it.

  9. Hey, hows it going?

  10. Hey, how would I go about submitting tutorials to kotorfiles?

  11. i was thinking the death star but ya know.

  12. I just succeeded in crashing max with a 3 million polly model.

  13. thanks. I just need the beginning of the mod plot done soon.

  14. VP- do you have a script that targets the nearest hostile (or something like that?

  15. Hey, how has the plot of CG been going? I am finishing up the model and am preparing for placing.


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