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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. the reform did squat. nobody seemed to pay attention. I am on leave till june, and it seems our team is doing the same as nobody is doing anything.

  2. Vp- you notice I became a fan of your band on facebook.

  3. That is looking great!

    People tend to like subtle changes over major things.

  4. Modules hate me now for some reason. :indif:

    Hey, why don't you drop by the team hssiss forums chatbox (at the bottom of the page) I can give you fast feedback then:thmbup1:


    Im there now if you want to chat.

  5. I think i started in may 2008, although I did not improve skinning wise till about last summer. I started with modules, surprisingly. Had no prior experience either. Just free time and google :thmbup1:

  6. Lol. its basically a desaturation.

  7. Personally- i would go with something more subtle for the camo armors. Too much remover the "niceness" quality.

    This is how I would go at it. Maybe try something like this and see what you like. You are defiantly improving!




    Note: it was a quick skin, it is not very complete.

  8. Im trying to learn it. It ticks me off cuz its so different from kotor. All ive been able to do is reskin an elven dagger-


  9. Ok thanks. BTW- do you mod oblivion?

  10. RL comes first :D

    I have been away from modding a bit too.

  11. hey, on the badge nomination thread you posted "Badged & Tagged" what does tagged mean?

  12. thanks for the nomination


  13. There is many overlay settings, find the one that works the best for what you are doing. Also desaturating either what you are overlaying, or what you overlaying onto provides the best effects.

  14. A tip for your camo mod- Overlay.


    Have you seen my combat suit mod? The first version was made when I was at your skill level. Then i learned overlay, and made the rest.


    Good job so far! :thmbup1:

  15. RR! hows things been going!

  16. Do you use gimp or photoshop?

  17. Nice to know I have a fan :)


    I am a big fan of Clan Ordo, and I would love to include your Mandalorian in my mod. (I sense a side quest :p)


    If you wish to talk sometime with me, or some other modders (HarIII, logan23, Varsity Puppet, Lord of Hunger, TriggerGod, and others, why don't you drop by the Team Hssiss chat box at the bottom of the page here: http://teamhssiss.proboards.com/

  18. Hey, great work on your mod. Can't wait to try it out

  19. Hows it going?

  20. sorry, didnt hear the beep

  21. hey, drop by hss when you get a chance. i got an idea for you.

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