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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. I've had one for a few months now :p

  2. Hey, you got a custom title! How'd ya manage that?

  3. Hey, could I get a link to those gimp plugins you posted about in Xarwars's thread?

  4. Hey, I herd about your Dragon Age mods, does that mean you retired from kotor?

  5. Well the last work on the plot was done by you so...

  6. Hey, ready for your first job since you've returned?

    I need the journal entries for CG, pm me when they are done


    (take your time with them, I don't need them done for a long time, no rush)

  7. I was thinking something like


    that you already did, but I would like a shirt on (sleevless) and, if you could, find a place to overlay a camo texture.

    I would like him to have the same tattoo as canderous, but on the other side, could you put a logo I have (ill pm it to you soon)

  8. Redrob, do you think, when you get a chance, you could make some new clothes for Jax (Canderous's brotther) in my CG mod?

  9. Trig, I need you to post a production log for mustafar following the example of the CG one I posted. (see the private team hssiss, reform last post for where)


    If you don't do this we will NOT work on the mod.

  10. Yat, I need you to post a production log for TLO following the example of the CG one I posted. (see the private team hssiss, reform last post for where)

  11. Hey, could you join me on hss?

  12. Happy bday, sorry i'm late my comp access has been on and off for a while.

  13. Happy bday (so says team hssiss forums)

  14. Hey, saw your post. My modding team would love to have you. Our only modeler (currently, our old one left) is only a noobie (me)


    If you would like to join, why don't you visit us in our chatbox on our forums.



  15. Great to have you back!!!

  16. In the utc set min hp 1 on, then make their factions gizak 1 and gizak 2

  17. Man, you shouldn't leave just because people don't think you can. Stay and prove em all wrong. When I showed up with the plot for CG, the only reason people believed in my mod was I showed progress in modules before anything else. Hide for a while them surprise them with progress. They cannot fight that.

  18. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  19. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  20. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  21. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  22. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  23. Check Team Hssiss private group.

  24. Check Team Hssiss private group.

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