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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Yes well i was wondering what you'd want them to look like.

    Come to hss. We cal talk better there.

  2. I was looking more for "minion" statues. To guard tomb.

  3. Grats on Kfiles staff job!

  4. what should the statues be of?

  5. i almost have the pyramid done. (the outside)

    What game is this for?

  6. I have an idea for you. To add moving ships in the skybox you could make the ships into "people" models, and then set them on a walkmesh and waypoint with a really high speed. It wont make them go up and down i don't think but it may work.

  7. Well we could have the cut part accessable only after talking to jax and put more mandalorians in there.

  8. One thing about the script? Could you change kashyyyk to somewhere else? I want to avoid existing places.

  9. My saber pack is released! I'll be converting it to TSL this weekend, if you want to use them just ask:thmbup1:

  10. Can't, bed time. I'm typing this from my iPod. I'll finish it tommarow. My next project will depend on how my new gfx card works.

  11. Svosh? I was wondering if I could edit a few bits of your robe model fix mod and release it? Full credit to you for the collar.

  12. I am going to PM Svosh about the model, I think I am going to fix the boots, and another feature that is annoying me. That way people won't need to choose:thmbup1:

  13. considering i can only read 2 parts of it, eh....

  14. Does your new FF mod use any edited .mdls for the robes?

  15. How'd you find the site?

  16. I've seen you on my site, right?

  17. You never told me but how did the saber turn out?

  18. Did not know? Ha, you must not have seen a post by me in at least 2 months lol

  19. You got your name changed?

  20. Could you come over to hss?

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