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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Sorry, i was gettin a water. Care to come back?

  2. Thing one: I shall tweak their stats

    2: it is linked to the valley of the dark lords in front of a pillar.

    3: I forgot to copie it into the folders.

  3. Won't be there till tomarrow. What's the problem?

  4. You could work on the city of corelia. Just start with side quests. Ill most more detail in the group.

  5. :raise:I haven't made any rumors.

  6. Hows your mod going?

  7. :( Are you still going to try? Also do you do weighting?
  8. Remember that armor I showed you? Have you gotten a chance to start it?

  9. It's just getting on my nerves. He's only once actually compleated something for me the whole time I've known him.

  10. Hows RoR pre-beta coming?

  11. Good to see you around :D

  12. What module are you using?

  13. I'm in the chat now.

  14. How'd he find the site- I still kinda think its you... sorry. Yat kinda made me paranoid.

  15. sidias. He called you stupid.

  16. someone is bad mouthing you in the chat. Unless its you pulling a japanese_food kinda thing

  17. Logan- I really need that scripts list.

  18. Hi, your improvement to the GUI looks great! If you'd like I could edit the odd brown part to the menu. I've been needing to do that anyways.

  19. Oh, sorry, US central time.

  20. I was in too many for me to keep up with.

  21. Quote= You:

    Why is it that when I come to pay you guys a visit you're all gone /quote


    Cuz you come when we are not there :p

    We are mostly all there around 5-9pm

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