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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. True:D But still, I think my guy is in some pretty deep water with everyone....:D

  2. I think I threw a curveball with Akira's episode of madness:D

  3. Yeah, I saw it!:D Pretty cool stuff, especially for gimps!:D

  4. Okay, Chev, I was just asking:) It was just a slight concern, we're friends, friends inquire on how friends are doing, and if they're not doing well, friends help eachother:D So just keep that in mind:D


    Well, if all else fails, I'll see what I can do.

  5. Wait...I've just spoke to Xero again, he might actually be able to edit is ways:D He's taking advice a bit better...perhaps we can still save the thread...I'll talk to Jedi_Man if all else fails though...


    ...also, Chev, how're you doing lately? Anything on your mind?

  6. It's okay, no need to apologize:) I just wanted to give some advice on it. I suggest editing your posts to correct the zombie mistake. I'm sure you'll get an opportunity soon to flee from the zombie horde, but we're still in the beginning, we just have to let the story develope:)


    Also, the way you post, as in, how you write them I mean. The way you write down what's happening is okay, but it may be a bit harder for the other posters to understand. If you look at the others and how they post, you'll see that they are more storylike, more like how you would write down a Fiction Story in the Coruscant Entertainment Center. I know that writing like that helps the others understand a little bit better:)

  7. Yeah...I remember what N00bs can do...booting him would be a good idea if he continually refuses advice and keeps going the bad direction....but how? Hmpf...this is difficult...

  8. You know, Chev, I'm thinking that the thread will be harder to resurrect then expected...I don't know if the new guy will take my advice...we'll have to wait and see...

  9. Chev, what happened? You seem a bit more pessimistic then usual...


    Well anyway, I've just spoke to the new guy, just left a post explaining that the zombies haven't returned yet, and that his characters story should somehow connect to the other characters, and not go off on his own.

  10. Welcome to the forums!:D


    Excuse me, Xero, but I think we're going through a bit of misunderstanding in the Zombie thread. You see, we've got to pay attention to where the storyline is going, and just so you know, the zombies haven't returned yet{so your character would be happy, and his girlfriend would still be alive}. I suggest you read up on the original Zombie's Walk{it's in the Dantooine Theatre}, before you begin posting in the second one.


    Also, take a look at the other posts in the story, read from the beginning before you post and add-on to the story. We want this RP to go in an organized direction, so it's good if we can intertwine all the characters in the storyline, as opposed to everyone going off in their own direction, in other words, just connecting the characters.


    If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I don't mean to be overly-critical, but it just seemed that you didn't quite know what happened in the thread so far...

  11. I think you're right, the n00bs are coming in and ruining the RP. They don't read the story and assume they know what is going on. We can still save the thread, though. We just need to talk to this new guy Xero, Scar's okay, his characters are fitting in somewhat, but we need to talk to the n00bs and figure this out. Stick around, Chev, we can save it:)

  12. Oh no!!! I know how having songs like that stuck in your head is like! ARGH!!!


    I hope another good song replaces it....like Star Wars or something...:D

  13. So, Chev, how're you doing in the real world:D How's life:D

  14. -----There is also a Unit of Russian Special Forces, led by Vlad, their mission was to destroy the virus, and cover-up any evidence that led back to the Motherland.


    Well, anyways, somehow, the survivors, soldiers, and Russians, band together, and through a long and bloody advance against the zombies in Chicago, they reach the center of the city, where they plant a nuclear weapon. You see, the Zombies are all connected to a hive mind, and if enough zombies are wiped out at the same time, then the Hive Mind would die, taking nearly all of the zombies with it. They blow up the nuke...and then..we reach where we are:D


    That's just a bare summary, so you should look at the original RP for more specific reference.

  15. Well, Cyborg, I'm back:D


    Okeedoke, what has happened...


    Alright, in the very beginning, Vladimir Rosokosvski{my character} accidently invented a virus capable of transforming a human being into a creature of horrifying proportions, the zombies. He tried his best not to let the virus be released, but his Soviet Commanders liked it, and created a few Nuclear missiles that were armed with the virus. They were unable to use them, as the USSR fell in 1990, but 19 years later, ex-Soviets sold 3 of these 'virus nukes' to terrorists in the Middle East, who used it on America. The virus spread quickly, and the US found itself engulfed in a fight for it's life. However, in the infected zones, there were still bands of survivors {Chevron's character, Jedi_Man's character} and isolated military groups {ForeverNight's character} who fought on, despite the horde. ----continued

  16. You know, ForeverNight, I'm glad that we have no fluent Russian speaking people in the RP, that little tidbit you said was...well, when I read it, it made chuckle at how accurate it was, if you were actually cussing, though I'd probably be more offended. Just wanted to comment and say, "Good one.":D

  17. Sure, Cyborg...but unfortunately, I won't be able to give it to you until later tonight, I've got to leave soon sadly, so I won't be able to provide the summary until...8:30 or later, something like that...I'll be gone for about an hour or so:(

  18. Zombie's War and any of the other ones are okay:D

  19. Alright, I'll take a look:D

  20. CHEV!!! POST!!:D It is now my turn to make you post in the threads!! POST POST!!:D

  21. Oy...the comp is having problems? I understand that, and it's rough. I think I made up about 100 foul words in a period of 10 minutes when my comp was giving me trouble...but I fixed it though:D


    So, the air conditioning needs work? Well...if it's really hot, then the air conditioner will save ya:D So it can't be all that bad:D

  22. I'm doing pretty good, just writing and RPing right now:D How about yourself? Anything new and exciting happen lately?:D

  23. Hey Chev, sorry about the little incident with Scar's post, I should've directed him to Jedi_Man first. Just kinda ignore the post for right now:) Sorry:(

  24. Yeah, I've talked to Scar as well, but I'll be sure to talk to Jedi when he's online....I just sent a message to ya because you're the one person who reacted to the random posting.:)

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