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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. My sister is a tad over 21, a pretty good age to get married I'd think:D We're all still in shock, it's a good shocked though:D So, just lazing with the family? That must be fun:D Well, it's now Christmas eve over here, and I have to wrap presents before my brother gets home, or else the surprise be spoiled... So, are giving your family presents?:D

  2. So, what's new, Endo? What brings you here this late hour?:D

  3. Oh, pretty good and hectic:D My sister got engaged and we're currently in shocked happiness:D Oh, that and we're all pretty excited for Christmas and getting together with the extended family:D So, what are your plans for Christmas?:D

  4. True, true, caffeine isn't like the movies, eh? :D LOL:D

  5. True, true:D Perhaps I should try decaf:D lol:D

  6. HAHAH! Yep, but I think the cup of java last night was a bit too effective:D

  7. Nichts. Nichts sie alfreizen du heir.


    Nope, nothing is happening, life is quiet.....*hears distant boom*

  8. Oy, a wizard/sorcerer?? That is an....interesting combination:D Bee! Do not go to the evil side!!:D That's what hanging out with evil people does to you!!:D {And as a good lawful person, I must prevent you from becoming one with evilness:D}


    So, how's the pre-Christmas days coming along for you?:D

  9. No worries, you aren't the problem, just a misunderstanding, that's all:D


    Well, check your options, there's one called "Edit Avatar" and you can place a picture for your thingy, that's about it:D

  10. Thanks Jedi!:D Merry Christmas to you, too! Well, we figured out the problem so all is well now, I hope:D

  11. Nope, the Red-Hatted league is my domain, do not threaten my rule.

  12. Yeah, I better get wrapping....terrible things will happen if I don't:D Indeed, Yoda had it right on the money:D


    So, you're flu has made some more appearances?:( I hope you get better, that bug isn't very good, but better to be sick with family than to be sick on your own:D


    Ahh, DS9 is finished? You must tell me about IT!! In good time..:D


    So, I imagine you are quite excited about Christmas, yes?:D

  13. Well, just busy with the coming Christmas, you know. I'll be seeing alot of my relatives as well on Christmas. It will be alot of fun to see them:D That, and now I have all of the presents near wrapped, so, YES!!

  14. I don't know, but we'll figure out something, for now, I'm trying to reestablish the direction, but we'll see:D

  15. Oh, I was on a long trip, therefore my lack of being here, but I'm back:D So, that's happened:D


    Christmas is coming, and this clone trooper is prepared!!!!!!

  16. You gottem' all wrapped??? Hoo boy, I haven't exactly...umm...started:D But that will be remedied!!!!!


    Yes, Whazzup is my thing...my territory....grr:D


    Besides that, life is quiet and good, my Sister just got engaged and I'm in slight shock because she's getting married {I'm happy for her, but it was rather surprising, well, not really:D} Life is good, though:D


    So, how are you?

  17. Oh, Thank you! I didn't realized I was missed! Well, life will go back to normal now that everyone can annoy eachother:D

  18. Oy....I had no idea that such chaos takes place in my absence....I will see to it at once...no hard feelings, though, what happened happened:D

  19. That's good to hear:D A heart and direction can definately help the movie quite a bit:D

  20. Yep, it is good indeed!:D So, what are you?

  21. 'bout the same thing, just gettin' ready for the holidays, which should be quite fun:D

  22. Whazzup, fellow RP-er:D?

  23. Yep,the game is absolutely amazing with its accuracy, STG-44 is still my favorite, though, a baptism of fire for the enemy...hee hee hee:D

  24. Where have you been on the Zombie thread!!?? We haven't heard from you!! :D :D

  25. I think both are very very cool! Glad you started the Zombie, that one is a TON of fun:D Two Thumbs up!


    *Puts up two thumbs*

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