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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Yep, I noticed.:D Why me?

  2. I wish to apologize for my misunderstanding during the story.:( I am an idiot as of this moment, well there's a first for everything.

  3. Just about the same thing, it's cold.:D That and I'm just hanging around the forums, not much. Anything new?

  4. Okay, I'll go take a looksee:D

  5. Ahh, so you're at the flu again?


    Well, guess what.


    I think I am, too:(


    I've probably been moving around quite a bit, but I think I've just caught a minor bit of the nasty bug.


    But besides that, life has been all good and jolly as I wrap my family's presents. I hope they like them!:D

  6. Hey Yar-El! Whazzup?!

  7. ENDORENNA!!!!!! What's up???

  8. Yeah, a snow blower would definately improve the situation:D That is alot of snow, I'm not laughing:D Oh, so some of your family's birthdays are right next to Christmas, or for your little sis, on Christmas? That must be pretty exciting for them:D


    Yep, who needs to do a bench-press when you have snow to shovel, eh?:D Do that every other day and you'd probably be pretty ripped:D But, as you said, not the happiest.:D

  9. I'm doing pretty good:D It's really cold and there's lots of frost, but sadly no snow:( In fact,the last time it snowed here was a freak weather snow storm in 1973, long time ago...:D I remember where I used to live, though, lots of snow there right now:D


    So you got 30 inches in the first day? That's crazy! Must be pretty deep right now? So, how's the holidays treating you{besides the snow that is:D}


    Yeah, shoveling snow can be a pretty tough job, but it does need doing:D

  10. Whazzup, Rev? Haven't heard from ya in a while:D

  11. Nope. All quiet on the Western Front today.:D

  12. Oh, not much, but life is fun and jolly:D How about you?

  13. How are you doing, good sir?

  14. Okay, I'll go check it out!

  15. Well Bee, I have increased my geekiness!:D


    My results are:


    Lawful Good Human Cleric {Level 1} :D


    So, what do you think?

  16. Eh, no worries, I do not feel ignored:D Yeah, I understand the studying for the big test, it must take precedence! So, no worries:D Keep posting on the poetry, you're doing really well!:D

  17. Thank you! Have a great day!:D

  18. My Alignment??? We shall soon see! {Though I must go soon, but I shall return!!:D}

  19. What???!!! No worries, I'm sure as you're amount of friends and messages increase, you will not be loser-ish:D


    With a large amount of visitor messages, comes a large amount of responsibility...



  20. The answer to that, I know not, but you may get one eventually.:D

  21. Well, a very excellent question, Bee. I will be frank and honest. But I will not say I don't know.


    I know not.:D:D

  22. Well.....it's just a visitor message....hopefully not illegal:D but, eh?

  23. BEE! BEE! You're here!:D So, WHAZZUP! Did you sleep well?

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