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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. OY! I'm jealous, we haven't even started here:D

  2. It's summer in Aus? Oy, that must be interesting:D So, you lookin' forward to the holidays?

  3. Not much sadly, not much:D

  4. Well, we were only talking about Tom Clancy books, oh, and I tried to get him to join our valiant cause of DSMALL.


  6. Oh, yeah, meh, we'll that's interesting, wasn't it like a dark comedy?

  7. Well, sure, don't mind if I do..



  8. I shall report in about this book as soon as completed, Comrade Litofsky!


    *puts on Emperor's cloak*

    You think you are not turning to the Dark side? You, like your father, are now, MINE!:D


    Just kidding:D

  9. Well, saying things like that won't improve the situation with him/her. Just PM and ask, Mods and Admins usually want to help as opposed to kill, so, what's to lose, he/she may help greatly:D

  10. To be honest, I don't know. I'd suggest asking Redhawk him/her self. That would be the best decision for me if I didn't know what to do.

  11. Well, yes, I have joined sadly. I now offer you an oppurtunity to defect to us. We've been fooled into this dictatorship of a Government. We must preserve the honor of the forums, and join hands with the DSMALL! This is fun:D


    Yeah, school does make it difficult to get alot of reading in, especially during the holidays as well. Yeah, I just got the Rom Clncy book "Red Rabbit" and it's very good. I've got a long way to go before it's done though:D

  12. You know, think you just have a bloody nose, nothing to be really really worried about, but do what you think is best. Now, if you were coughing up blood, I might say go to the hospital, often, the coughing of blood leads to Death, but that's just in the movies anyways {though technically true} bloody nose, nothing to worry about, just get a paper towel or something. VOILA!

  13. Oy, whoops:D Was it good?

  14. Idiocracy, well, I suppose you're right, lots of idiocracy:D Is there nothing in the world that doesn't have idiocracy:D?

  15. There seems to be a lot of idiocracy letely, eh? Well, it is good to hear that life is going well. Watch any good movies lately? {Yeah, that was probably a pretty random question:D}

  16. Very awesome Red Hat, Alkonium. You are definately of the League:D

  17. I'm doing pretty good, just getting into the season and such. I'm trying a bit harder in my studies as well, it's going to get pretty important once the new year starts. So, anything really catch your attention lately?

  18. What is new, good comrade Sabre? I have not heard from you in a long time, yes? How is the season doing for you?

  19. Okee dokee, I shalt not readith that conversation..I do not wish to be ruinzed. :D

  20. BWA! I am the Master Now!!:D

  21. Well, that's my sis for ya:D

  22. BWA HA HA HA!! As the newly Elected Chancellor of Plumbership, I declare your toilet plugged, BWA HA HA HA!!:D

  23. She watches both, she's a pretty big fan of Jane Austen flicks. Her famous saying for Keira Knightly though is "My head is bigger than my waist:D" That was funny, ha ha ha:D


    Yes, the image of a Clone Trooper watching it does bring disturbing things to me, ugh:D

  24. Wait. You watch Pride and Prejudice? Oy curumba! My sister does, too:D


    {and in the end, because there is nothing else to do, I end up watching it, too. Very unbecoming of a Clone Trooper, yes?:D}

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