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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Asian food is awesome! One half of my family is Philipino, so whenever we get together we eat alot of the good Asian food stuff.

  2. So, who would your favorite character of any LotR franchise or book be?

  3. Oh! Steak! Any type of steak!

  4. ......uummmmm......uuuummmmm.....oooh I got it!.....ummmm.....

  5. My favorite food is....uuummmm......ummmmm.....uuummmmmm.......

  6. Yeah, a Monarch probably is the one of the only completely honest forms of Government, the only downside is when the Monarch abuses his or her power{which you can almost gauruntee, its Human nature}. That would leave the Expunging Group as a good and honest form of Government, but if it were humans doing this, it would take a very long time to decide on what to do, don't you think? Humans, by nature, disagree on things pretty much all the time{like what happened with the current elections}.

  7. Oy, I understand draft problems, ouch, hope you find the right version soon. No need to rush though, the Sith Lords can wait for the next chapter to annoy you:). Isn't that assuring:).

  8. Oh, I was just trying to figure out howto post pictures using photobucket, but I figured out how, thanks anyway!

  9. Oh, Litosfsky, when you posted your map of the world for CoaP, did you use photobucket?

  10. I guess your right, America has so many "factions" if you think about it. When it comes to who leads, everyone sort've collapses on each other in an effort to decide who wins. I'm not sure that what I'm talking about is what "If you think it matters" is talking about, but that is what I got for right now. In the end, everyone fails in their quest for power{unless of course, the new leader happens to be a very very good one}.

  11. Good luck on the mini-mid-term, I think I have something similar as well to do.

  12. Just wondering, but what is your opinion on the new election and American politics?

  13. There's not that much going on around here, either. Besides the election and preparing my funds for Christmas{I probably should get the presents now, some stores have already been stripped of all presents:confused:}. :D Oh, oh, that and I'm unfortunately having a little writing block when coming up with the new comedy sketches for the Luke Skywalker story:confused:. How's your story coming along?:D

  14. So, what's new in your neck of the woods?

  15. So, how are you doing lately?

  16. So, whazzuupp, My Lord



  17. Formerly-red:confused:, the government, heh, there's a way to see it, I agree. How goes life, Comrade Litofsky?

  18. Yep, Barack Obama has won, I imagine that you don't like Bush that much?{same with most of America:D} Obama will probably be a breath of fresh air to our politics.:D

  19. Cool Avatar, Sabre! That is indeed the Supreme Abstract.

  20. So, Comrade Litofsky, what news of the current American Elections?

  21. Yeah, well, guilt trips are rather nasty tactics...but as you said, very effective with the right levers {as opposed to the left levers, heheh:D} I'm just an optimist, that's why you can't be HORRIBLY out of shape. I spend alot of time in front of the computer and my right hand's index finger is super strong.:D I understand the feeling of UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH. A way to cure that is to jump up and down{simple but effective:D} Anyway, have an optimistic point of view!

  22. True, true, the names are definatley as important.

  23. True, true, I'll have to read Red Storm Rising soon, after Debt of Honor, though. Man, all these books have really cool names, dn't you think, Comrade?

  24. I think the ones with Jack Ryan are probably the most original and the best of the series. What do you think Comrade Litofsky?

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