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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. you like dogs don't you?

  2. hahahaahah!!!!! that's a classic!

  3. what does "BLAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!" mean? :xp:

  4. i was looking at the thread: We added a new member to our family! (Pictures ahead)

    i saw the pic of your son. e looks REALLY familiar... strange

  5. ah,te mirdala. i needed to talk to a modder. do you know of any mods for TSL that let you see the mand'alor's face? or that allows you to wear his armor WITHthe helmet?

  6. i'll just wait till i can use my home computer

    and it's scavanger-man-34

  7. any suggestions on how to fix it?

  8. huh... it says

    "Component: game

    File group:


    Error: Catastrophic Failure" not sure what that mean

  9. i'm not sure :xp: but i'm actualy instaling the game now. it's on my home computer but i was going to install it on my own computer anyway

  10. good. your qualified for my group. and yes i have it for the pc. where do i find the file?

  11. do you completely HATE the clone wars tv series?

  12. oh. it's in the ahto space port. it's called "cinderella"

  13. you seem to dislike the clone wars series

  14. i started with plain shapes. now i'm pretty good

  15. your what? art or art group?

  16. well DW's searching for members of his group. it's called "fan art"

  17. can't say i have. and thank you for the complement :D

  18. strange. it's like a video game with less lights and more paper. well what paper games do you like?

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