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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Ok, thanks for the input! I'll try never to get another infraction again.

  2. Ok, this has to be as confidential as possible. Its called the Jedi Knights and its a little something JM and I teamed up to work on. Its about finding Revan and you get 14 party members. I'll get the storyline posted ssoon.

  3. ok, u can SEND IT TO ME.

  4. ok, what if Middle Earth became war torn thousands of years later, and they had to recolonize another continent. Can I portray Legolas?

  5. Ok, you can leave one of your social groups and then join mine. What did you have in mind to edit?

  6. Ok,a clean copy has been placed in the Fanfic center.

  7. One of my lead writers left, so, welcome aboard! I'll send a invite to you

  8. or if you want for zayne, you could do a reskin of Mical, give him brown hair, and make his face a little less crooked. Check your pm's.

  9. Otay! Just a sec, somethings wrong with my comp's internet. A Trojan horse or something! It says LF isn't a safe site. I'll run a system backup and then a restore and see if that helps!

  10. Outstanding! I don't know of many people who have the guts to say that! I'm a christian too, and even though I get angry at people, I NEVER seek revenge. I also hate when people hate something I have said or done. I get upset easily and am kinda sensitive, but I am a very intelligent kid. i love writing too, I love making SM vids with legos and I enjoy what I have learned so far with modding. And oh yeah, that Jerk just closed another one of my threads!

  11. perfectly fine with me man. How do you do gmail chat though? I don't have it.

  12. Perfectly understandible! I was however wondering if you would like to beta test it when it comes out and join the group. And also, is your avatar Jarael from the comics?

  13. pm me what you got so far.

  14. pm me your storyline and I will come up with some descent dialog.

  15. poor JM. He is leaving LF forever because he feels put down and feels that alot of members tic him off. He won't even be finishing his mod!

  16. post in Pirates now. I just wrote my chapter.

  17. posted in your RP and created my second character.

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