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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. Yeah we like our mandos :p

  2. No problem. Pretty sure i sent all of 'em, but if any are missing tell me :)

  3. Alright :) Maybe we could put him on Coruscant with the Jedi Temple? If you want.

  4. haha i just didn't know what it was ner vod xD

  5. Why thank you. Do you think we could add in the Nulls, I don't know about you but I think it'd be cool to see them.

  6. My name is: mandoa merc


    I'll add you on my friends. Are you a member?

  7. grr i can't find the "inventory" button..is it under actor classes; or if not, where is it?

  8. Hey ner vod, did you ever read any of the RC books?

  9. Hello! I was curious, how many moderators for LF are there? And are you always online, it seems that whenever I login you are active.

  10. Yeah, like Felucia and stuff. But we can really put em anywhere :D

  11. Guess it is :D Do you like it? I think the orange turned out a bit light..

  12. Ohhh okay, that explains it. Thanks vod! :D


    If I wanted to edit a clone trooper's armor and apply it to the clone trooper no-helmet model, what would I save the texture as?

  13. I know you already answered this, but how do you merge pictures (by this i mean side by side, kind've blur em together like Hockey's sig) in GIMP? sorry :p

  14. Go ahead, you founded CM anyways :p

  15. You MIGHT be able to just hit the PrtScn/SysRq to take a screenshot, although you'll only be able to take one at a time. Fraps is a pretty legit program though, and free if you don't mind only being able to record 30 second videos.

  16. Ok okay.


    It's entirely up to you vod. Do what you feel like :)

  17. What do you mean by render? I just applied the texture to him..i always thought it automatically included the shader as well. hmmm.

  18. so what is a mod informer interview? Does it mean we're special? :p or are they common?

  19. Need any voice lines ner vod? :)

  20. thanks! :D glad you noticed, no one else; though I didn't really expect em too :p Given the massive wave of facebook "happy birthdays" I'm rather happy in that regard as well xD Never knew it could take so long to like and thank every one of the 40+ posts... :)


    hahaha I find it amusing and pathetic that the last time i posted on your profile was my birthday last year. oops :p sorry!


    As for my birthday, it was pretty awesome :D Just sat around at played Call of Duty: World at War (Yeah yeah I know I don't have Black Ops :p) Just tired and wish I didn't have school. Hey your birthday is coming up! :)


    Well, talk to you later vod! If you happen to have a Playstation network account or facebook/email, etc. and you feel like talking more just say!

  21. Righto, will do. And if you need any skins, you know where to find me.

  22. Hey, when's that lightsaber texture coming my way? ^^

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