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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. Well, I realized that. But what did he get banned FOR? Just wanted to know what he did, I don't see many profile that are banned so he sort caught my attention.

  2. Could you make a tutorial on how to get the new weapons into RC? Hockey's been busy.

  3. Hey ner vod, pop on by CM, we're making a lot of progress :)

  4. Hey ner vod, worked on any skins lately?

  5. If you could, yes. Just the blank episode 3 helmet please :) and if i e-mail the helmet and armor skins back could you put em ingame and get some screenies sometime?

  6. No no, I really meant it!

  7. Eh don't worry, just pop on by once in a while; make a skin every 1 month persay, and you're fine.


    Or you can just post xD The guys in CM are great though, really nice and helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask 'em!

  8. what help do you need with your mod? I can churn out some skins if you want, although I can't map due to lack of experience and time..

  9. Which parts of the helmets which? Yup, sure can; although I'll be using my camera then converting to a MP3. Should I e-mail you the lines?

  10. Thanks! :D I personally think my shock trooper is my best, but I'm pretty sure it's in Hockey's album..

  11. Hey, I somehow got the texture for the trench gun; no idea how I did it; but it's there :p Also tried to download the XSI thingy, Prudii gave me a link; but all it did was install some weird Akamai program that I don't think was supposed to be downloaded..


    so the sketchup plugin you gave me allows me to get the weapon mesh, correct? Sorry, I forget what I asked for originally :p And check the post I made a couple days ago on your profile, I found a link to a The Force Unleashed stormtrooper you may find helpful!

  12. Could we switch up the music for the trailer once you get it out? Maybe Warrior by Disturbed or Indestructible? ^^ Just a suggestion.

  13. Actually, here's the links for both the skeletal mesh, animations, and sounds. Just to save you from looking for em :p


    Storm Trooper Mesh & Animations



    Storm Trooper Sounds


  14. Actually, I'd be like "What in fierfek is that?" and then start busting out laughing. Maybe we could make it a special easter egg for say, the first 10-20 downloads? Just to see what everyone thinks.

  15. I've been working on him, but I've been busy with finals and everything for school lately so ya..

  16. You mean, like copy the all white clone pic I made, then just draw different color schemes on it?

  17. alright, just need to find a certain part of it. sending those voice files now btw.

  18. Just e-mailed you those lines; they're MP3 files.

  19. Hey ner vod, would you mind sharing your knowledge on how to mod TFU? Skinning maybe? :)

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