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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. Alright, I'll get on em as soon as I can.

  2. Hey Hockey, do we have a need for a 501st trooper skin? I made one a couple weeks ago, and wondered if you wanted it for the mod.


    Just an idea :)

  3. aw that stinks about the mandalore. And thanks for liking my picture!

  4. Well as far as I know, all the squad positions are already taken. The voice places available are:




    -clone trooper


    and probably a few more...

  5. nope, I only mod for RC. And yes, they really need to make an imperial commando game.

  6. Ner vod, how do I find new weapon meshes? ^^ Should i use that google sketchup thingy? And when I do find a mesh, what do i do next?

  7. Ahhh ok. I do hope it makes a return! :)

  8. Hey ner vod, d'ya think you could make an audacity tutorial so all of us can make our lines with the "helmet effect"? Just for the sake of time..

  9. Sure. By other lines you mean..

  10. ya like king arthur and stuff.

  11. Hey Hockey, for future lines, could you please tell me where their going to be taking place and how Jai is acting; so I can add some mood to my voice instead of sounding like Microsoft SAM? Thanks!

  12. oh ok :) Well if you need any more let me know.

  13. Yup, I live in maryland :D oh cool your basically right down the road! I've never actually played KOTOR, but I've heard it's a awesome game.

  14. hey hockey check out my mandopics group, commander dimal requested I make a picture of alpha squad's advisor and I was wondering if you could make a skin for him ingame? (once the pics done and stuff)

  15. Nope just saying you can check it out if ya want :D

  16. hey hockey read my post on huge modeling breakthrough plz. I need instructions :p

  17. Happy belated birthday ner vod! Sorry I'm late :p

  18. No problem! Glad to have made you a signature :) If you ever want another, just tell me.

  19. You'll get the hang of it eventually :)

  20. I'm 14, 15 on April 10. Can't wait! I'm gonna go play RuneScape now lol but I'll keep this tab up

  21. In the north-east corner of your screen it will show a little box that should look like this:



    Commander Dimal

    You last visited: Yesterday, 06:20 PM (or whenever it was)

    You have 1 unread message (or however many you got)


    then, click on the 1 unread message button. It'll show a list: public message, private message, friend invite, etc. Whatever option has a 1 or higher next to it means you have a new message in that category. In your case, click on the private message option.

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