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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. LDR

    Happy Turkey Day!

  2. Nice, I have faith in ya.


    Rock out brotha.

  3. LDR

    Hey, Har. I'm really liking the progress of your Shadows of the Empire mod. Anyways, can I join your Shadows of the Empire mod group? I have some cool ideas for this mod.

  4. Congratulations! :clap2:

  5. No prob bud. You deserve it.

  6. new thread on your forums

  7. Happy Turkey Day!

  8. La Dhaa said it translated into Mandalore the Dangerous Lunatic. Anyways, I made a new thread on Holty's forums. Check it out.

  9. Hey, I actually made a tutorial. Check it out. :D

  10. LDR

    Happy Turkey Day!

  11. Hay there, welcome back!

  12. I, uh, kinda lost my two badges... :xp:

  13. Also, what does Te Je'karta Mand'alor mean?

  14. LDR

    Thanks, man! You'll be hearing from me!

  15. WE MISS YOU JM!!!!! Especially me. :xp:

  16. Happy Turkey Day!

  17. LDR

    No. I'm using my father's laptop. I bdon't know when I'll be back, but expect a long silence.

  18. Happy Turkey Day!

  19. Thank you! I worked very hard on that.

  20. You're a helluva better skinner than I am. Nice robes! :D

  21. Well I am a sucker for KOTOR. Count me in.

  22. Doing good. I know how to mod. I can do most aspects of modding, but I'm too addicted to Black Ops.

  23. Happy Turkey Day!

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