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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. We're not fighting Darth Sevairis are we? ARE WE? :xp:

  2. Tomorrow at 3:30 pm.

  3. Hey, you're character is fine, no worries. Bio is a bit short, though - but that doesn't really matter (if you're one of those people that fleshes out their character's whole backstory during roleplaying).

  4. Tuesday, the 4th at 3:30 pm.

  5. ...Erm. I can't model, sorry. Ask my friend, Dak Drexl, to model it. He's the one who is teaching me to model.

  6. LDR

    Alrighty then. I already set up the casting call. Judge it for yourself.

  7. It's better than Lord Vitiate, that's for sure.

  8. Galaar chat?

  9. LDR

    Heh. Fair enough.

  10. You could keyword 'Mandalorian pics' or something. I don't know.

  11. I believe, I've quite possibly made, the greatest post I've ever made in an RP! :D

  12. Pulling a Jim Braddock on us, I see. :p Get well soon!

  13. Hey Sam. What's going on man?

  14. What type of "test" would Varik and Light and Traver have to perform?

  15. Of course I would!

  16. How's the Korriban expansion? Get the TSLPatcher to work?

  17. LDR


  18. Thanks! And yep. Thelightfang is one of my buddies from BOS, along with Yukub. :D

  19. Looks like karma smacked you across the face. Now THAT'S what happens when you leave people behind. :xp:

  20. LDR

    Hey buddy!

  21. In that case, Varik has a Light Side alignment, but it's kinda weak. It'd be at Zaalbar's alignment (in KOTOR) but slightly higher. It's low because of the questionable lengths he goes to aid others - and his strong commitment to his now-dead family. If you follow D&D rules, then Varik would be a Neutral Good. Kif Lomuta is a Chaotic Good.

  22. Meh. I'm kinda busy too. Getting ready for a vacation. Heading to the West. I'm going to visit Lincoln's house, Custer's last stand, Mount Rushmore, and other places along the way.

  23. Yep. I won't be doing the prison ship mod yet, though. I need to finish my Korriban Restoration. Augh, these OnEnter scripts are harder than they seem! XD

  24. Gee, you've really drained yourself, haven't ya? 3 chapters in one day. Just sit back and relax. :xp:

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