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Status Updates posted by Snard

  1. Lmfao SH, I am also curious as to why you did this.

  2. Your avatar is like a female Justin Bieber.

  3. Strange indeed Q. You might not want to share so much personal stuff with strangers on the internet.

  4. Great. I'm also part of the team( that is unless harIII kicked me off the team for my absence. I hope he didn't) I'm a skinner.

  5. Heh. Thanks, although that was more of a statement than a compliment. :p

  6. I'll get on hssiss in the next few days.

  7. Of course you heard that. Although you'll believe what you want, my age that most of my friends on here know is100% truthful. I'm also interested in how someone I've never heard of(you) heard something like that about me. If you actually want to know the real reason for me being gone for so long, then PM me.

  8. Heehooha I have returned from the grave

  9. hellz yes, here's Snard

  10. Oh IAYD, how you amuse me with your ridiculousness

  11. Lol, thanks man. Dont apologize

  12. Eh... wont be getting better. ever

  13. Thank you kind sir. been away for some medical reasons :/

  14. Is something wrong?

  15. Finally changed my avatar. Not like it matters ;)

  16. Already downloaded it yesterday.

  17. Sure, but for the next couple days im not going to have as much time as i usually do.

  18. I completely understand. And it doesnt sound mean, it makes sense.sorry to bother you.

  19. ... calm down. im a modder. im only a month old on the forums though

  20. Thanks. Also not saying that any of you will do this, but dont think im a noob at modding. Im not the best modder but im pretty decent. Again, not saying any of you will. Thanks again:)

  21. Slight despair " I have to here". Thats the message under yur name lol

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