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Everything posted by neoncolor8

  1. Trailer !!!! (Nevermind, was already posted)
  2. Here's the link to the interview with a timestamp when she asks about Return: https://www.twitch.tv/cressup/v/1501961031?sr=a&t=5079s
  3. Noah Falstein was doing a live interview right now on twitch, spoke about playing Return (Alpha testing). Nothing too specific but he says it's Ron's best work and the storytelling is one of a kind! He even said that the storytelling is so special that it's gonna be a topic for studies on the topic for years to come! He also said he's gonna be back playing it again soon because the VO is being implemented and he's still a beta tester. 'Cressup' on twitch!
  4. I love Monkey Island for being so empty and big. It's pure nature with some tiny spots of human activity, surrounded by ocean. Lonely and mysterious. Needless to say that I didn't like the idea of an amusement park and a giant robot. I really hope it's back to being a lonely island.
  5. I really like this, it looks very guybrushy and it combines the familiar look&feel with the new art style. There might be a reason why we didn't see Guybrush yet, maybe he's undead and a ghost/zombie pirate after what happened in Lechuck's Revenge (tm). Ron said this is going to be an E-ticket ride. I hope it's not getting too weird and we'll still get a normal story + adventure. Also they mentioned in an interview that the games reflected their current life. When they began making games and working at lucasfilm Guybrush wanted to be a pirate, very young and naive. Now they are older and maybe Guybrush got older too.
  6. Lucky you! When I played this game there was no switch for fewer in-jokes. It was too much tbh, i really hope they learned their lesson for RoMI.
  7. I have to try it, but wouldn't this discourage the player from picking the safe when the time is right?
  8. I get Stan and Murray, but what about the voodoo lady?
  9. It's the same for me, I really enjoy the atmosphere, the places, the music, the feeling. The games are like a place to visit from time to time. I hope they get this right!
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