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Everything posted by Remi

  1. In my mind that's the biggest omission from the "regular" cut -- they should've kept it in. But hey, now you have an(other) excuse to play the writers' cut!
  2. The Switch controls were fantastic. How easy they made hotspot switching with the L and R buttons? Chef's kisses all around.
  3. PS — all times refer to the one true time zone: the one I’m in. ;
  4. Specifically in our interview. Sheesh! And yes, I'm confirming.
  5. Another one that doesn't really need spoiler tags -- Otis is in jail for stealing flowers from Carla's garden. I like that the flowers not only can be seen, but that they are yellow like in MI1. Otis likes his yellow flowers.
  6. I'm playing it right now and am about halfway through it. It doesn't add that much but I actually appreciate what is there. The old pirate leaders are a good example: In regular mode their shop just appears out of nowhere and their descent from the throne is barely touched on. In the Writer's Cut there is a lot more information about both things. Good dialogue, too. I suppose I can see why they did streamline the game, but for more... enthusiastic... fans, I think the Writer's Cut is the "ultimate" option.
  7. Weird, last part was not entirely dissimilar for me, either.
  8. My stages of dealing with the ending: Slight disappointment. Think about it for ten minutes; things sink in; not actually that disappointed. Think about that I've been thinking about it for ten minutes -- must mean they've done something right. Appreciation sinks in. It was the "right" thing to do. Set up the second play-through. Plan on re-watching Twin Peaks: The Return. (And possibly The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.)
  9. Shameless promotion. https://youtu.be/Ob77A_BLIkI
  10. I never got the connection. ReMI/Remi. Huh!
  11. Don’t know what you’re all complaining about, it works perfectly for me.
  12. There are plenty of rain forests in the PNW for god's sake.
  13. That's the first video I have not going to watch. The puzzle? OK, fine, but four minutes of dialogue, etc. is a bridge too far.
  14. 8 am PDT — same as the #monkeyislandmondays
  15. No real spoilers in the video, but the music is banging. Slow, but banging. Slow-banging.
  16. Un-spoiled that line as it's not a spoiler (unless you haven't played MI1) -- you don't have to show the Pirate Leaders the proof. Collecting all three before going to see them is entirely possible -- though, of course, they'll be gone by then -- so it just depend on what option they decide to go with in ReMI.
  17. I did something similar. Then I got called out on it. Then this happened. https://mixnmojo.com/features/sitefeatures/Excerpts-from-the-Slack-Indiana-Jones-and-the-Kingdom-of-the-Crystal-Skull
  18. I mentioned it on Twitter -- the big reveal is that "Guybrush" is an imposter as proven by him trying to perfect his signature. (Also love that short little repetition sting at the end of the theme.)
  19. I'm gambling on the 9 pm time slot, too, though 9 am seems more plausible if they want to keep the #MonkeyIslandMonday thing going.
  20. While the queen's death does dominate the news worldwide, I doubt it has enough of an impact outside of the UK to delay anything. At this point, international concern seems mainly to be about her corgis.
  21. I think they said in the commentary that she's basically more of a "double agent," more interested in her own agenda. Something like that.
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