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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. Most excellent Litofsky! Most excellent! :D


    Soon we shall communicate in REAL-TIME!!!~!!!!

  2. My character's Lain, from Serial Experiments: Lain. It's my favouritest anime. <3


    And yours? (Though I'm personally interested in... other facets of your character...)

  3. My personally favoured strategy for countering homework has been throwing it out of the window and boldly showing up for class the next day, declaring that I was either unaware of the homework, or forgot about it.


    I remember finishing school.

  4. Nah, I wasn't into wrestling much. I was quite opposed to it as a matter of fact, we only got WCW early on and maybe WWF. Then later in 2002, this new channel popped up and they had the rights for WWF (which turned WWE the next month) and I was watching one bored afternoon and I sort of got hooked. Then it became a trend in school, alongside Pokemon (which also started airing the same year), and 'twas a good time. I can't remember when I quit, but it was probably early-to-mid 2004, as I'd grown disillusioned with by gimmicks and childishness of it all.


    I'd like to have watched some of those extreme matches, but they probably wouldn't get past Indian censors. Besides, I've found violent movies more entertaining now. ;)

  5. Nightwish came out with a new album late last year. You might love it. I know I do.

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  6. No thongs I see. >.>


    Still, fairly good for most young women such as yourself. :p Skype already!

  7. No Visitor Messages?



  8. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





  9. Not a whole lot, studying and researching stuff. Been pretty confused about things to be honest, lol


    No biggie, <3

  10. O hai




    You might want to post there

  11. OF all the beauteous wares

    Exposed for sale at fairs,

    None will give more delight

    Than those that to your sight

    From distant lands we bring.

    Oh, hark to what we sing!

    These beauteous birds behold,

    They're brought here to be sold.

  12. Oh how easy for you to say, sir, ye who has not read the great Zamyatin's We. Because We is from God, and I from the Devil. We is unity, and I is weakness.


    1000 kanji done today. :p I lost the plugin that let me see at a glance how many I know well, but I think that figure should be 200-400 by now.

  13. Oh no sir, you know not the might of the Pink Flamingo. When you enter the Pink Flamingo Mental Institute, you will truly know that


    mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN.

  14. Oh no, on closer inspection, it says "We're neighbors now."


    Wonder what means. Something to do with horses?

  15. Oh yes, nice of you to ask. I did get a new computer on my birthday, it's a modest PC, whose selection criteria was largely upgradability. There's a Phenom 9950 for a processor. I selected it for its speed, but also because it's built on the AM2+ socket, which can also house a Phenom II processor later (or perhaps even another generation, if AMD is kind enough). On the other hand, Core i7 processors are way too expensive and Core 2 processors would be a tad outdated now.


    2 Gigabytes of RAM and a 320 GB hard drive that's plenty for me. The motherboard houses an in-built graphics processor that is an AMD Radeon HD 3200. I got it to last me till I get a graphic card, which is actually around now, as I'm looking for an HD 4850 sometime soon. I'll also need a new power supply, as I settled for a 400W Cabinet Supply when buying the PC, and AMD's site says that a 450W supply will be necessary for the graphic card.


    Anything specific you wanted to know? :)

  16. Ohmaigawd, Hi thar Stoffe!



  17. Ohoho! Guys with guitars are smexy, say you? You must find talented Galder from Dimmu Borgir utterly irresistible, then:


  18. Okay wait let me go calculate that in curryhours.


    Let's see... according to this EST of yours, I will be free:

    12:30 PM - 14:30 PM and I should be up tomorrow at what is your 10:00 PM, and should be free henceforth (assuming I don't oversleep). I might get up earlier, depending on whim, so stick around on Skype, chat with the locals, figure out what's going on in the world while you were... in that cave of yours that was international and baccalaureaty.


    P.S. You need to move to China and get rid of this timezone nonsense at earliest.

  19. Okay: Number one. If you choose to join DSMALL, you will have to forfeit your membership in SSPP, because you obviously cannot be in two parties at once.


    We do not govern, we liberate. Anarchy will set all of you free.

  20. Once you get yourself some Skype, Litofsky, you will see all those projects and works disappear into the thin air.


    Reports on Medieval History would be very interesting: if you are making it on your computer I wouldn't mind reading them.

  21. Our Party will you give that which cannot be given to you by any other parties. You will get harmonica lessons, popcorn and will be required to work in accordance with your fellow hive-minded comrades for the Good of the community.


    We will reside in a new era, an era of Surrealism, Marxism and Anarchy combined.

  22. Pakistan really isn't the sort of fundie Islamic state most other countries are; there's still a lot of people there with their heads screwed on tight. There's still a strong anti-US sentiment though, partly due to Iraq/Afghanistan, partly due to the drone strikes. The media there imagines some sort of an overarching plot by the intelligence agencies of India, Israel and the US trying to break up Pakistan.


    The thing about the Davis situation is that people wanted him hanged - he fits the exact bill they were all talking about, a white American CIA operative spying on Pakistan and who willingly murdered two Pakistani citizens. People want a proper hanging for him, not a blood money solution (which he may not have gotten away with had he killed somebody from a higher level of the social hierarchy). That the US is pulling all stops to protect him further validates their claim that the US is ready to protect CIA murderers operating in Pakistan.

  23. Pfft, at least you have a sister who plays Mass Effect. My sister wouldn't come a mile near a video game. :p


    The price itself is about $100 American, it'd be marked up to approx upto $150. I do know a local dealer who'd probably sell it for the more accurate $100-ish. But in any case, I'm really glad ATi announced the card, I was afraid I was going to have to get the slightly more expensive 5770, which has been marked up to about $200+ here. >:/

  24. Phil. Ram. lectures are on Skype only. >:{


    Truth is nobody wants to go with you because they know you'll spike their drink and then do notti things to them and then write up everything in your smutfics. Iz sad sad truth beebee.

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