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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Good idea. I am trying to take this one in a different direction, and trying to make it scarier, but lighter at the same time. Think Steven Moffat's Doctor Who stories.

  2. Good News! The text crawl for Part VIII should be up within the week. This time around, due to "geographical inconvenience", I've been unable to do it myself, so my brother's doing it instead.

  3. Good point. Now, there is the whole, "Eight Months Later" thing I'd have to do, but that'd be at the end anyway.

  4. Good question. The main thing I envisioned was for them to engage the Sith Fleet, with a confrontation between Kalla and Pestilus in the Jedi Temple.

  5. Great, now I'm even less sure about who should bring it up.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday and such!

  7. Happy Birthday and Such!

  8. Happy Birthday my friend!

  9. Happy Birthday, my friend!

  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. Have I blown your mind a little too much?

  12. Have you been searching low and high?

  13. Have you seen the photoshop art that I've been making? I've made six so far, as well as two that have been improved upon by Thanatos9t.

  14. Have you seen what the newest player in A Glimmer of Hope has been doing with his posts?

  15. Have you watched the new text crawl yet? Also, with Lenatha, when you suggested she be a Twi'lek, I automatically thought her skin should be red (which is odd, since I'm much more fond of blue). What do you think?

  16. Having recently written that fic based on The Sith Resurrection Series got me thinking of doing more and suggesting it to cast members, so if you want to do a fic based on the series, go right ahead.

  17. He might know more, but I doubt he'd want her. Depending on a person's comfort levels, it could be described as uncharted levels of awkward.

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