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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. How's that for an introduction in Endgame?


    PS: I'm having trouble getting that text crawl to work, so I'm can't guarantee it'll be up soon.

  2. How's this:


    Good, or too Jack Harkness-y?

  3. I considered Avalon primarily for two reasons:

    1. Consider the symbolism of such an attack. To use an analogy, I think it would comparable to Sauron decimating Rivendell, which was recognised by the Free Peoples of Middle Earth as a safe place.

    2. Part VIII also begins with Andorra marrying Lenatha, and I want the two events to coincide. Andorra would be more likely to want to get married on Avalon than Belos.


    But I suppose I could step the attack up from just one planet to the entire system.

  4. I didn't think you were coming back.

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  5. I don't mean to sound angry or anything, but I'm wondering how it is that my RP is the only one you don't have time for.



  6. I figured there'd have to be a reason for a 33 year old man to still be a trainee, so I decided on using a career change as the explanation.


    PS: I'm starting to consider plots for Part VII, and I'm thinking of having Andorra undergoing some sort of rehabilitation therapy, which has been going on since (presumably) the destruction of Virul and Andirrul. I'm also considering taking more of a horror approach, rather than the epic style of most of the other Parts. What do you think?

  7. I hope you don't mind me nudging you to post in the RP, but yeah, that's sort of why I'm messaging you now.



  8. I know you have been disinterested in RPing, but JM12 has been gone for weeks, and The Eleventh Hour is at a bit of a standstill. Seeing as I don't want it to end like that, would you be willing to fill in for her?


    PS: I ended up mentioning Lenatha in my last post, stating that she had confirmed the results of a pregnancy test that Kalla took.

  9. I know you're a Doctor Who fan, so check this out:


  10. I was more thinking that the "draining" mainly be a side effect of Virul's destruction. Think about it, Virul integrated himself into Andorra's mind over the course of a year, than suddenly he's gone. Plus, she'd suddenly lose all the power she gained in the Force. Cyborg Ninja wants to have Wrath turn good and protect a possibly unconscious Andorra from Tyrannus and the Blood King, so I want to accommodate that as well.


    PS: You're fine with Andorra finding someone else, right?

  11. I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining my Rp Heroes of Nentir Vale. I'm having some trouble getting it off the ground, and I could use another person or two onboard.



  12. I wasn't thinking anything like Order 66. And technically the Republic is still at war with the New Empire. I've got a plan though. How often has there really been anything terrifying in the Series?


    PS: I've just posted the Casting Call now. I'm hoping that Part VI will finish and Part VII will get enough people around the same time, minimising delay.

  13. I'll look into it. Also, would you be interested in reading my WIP Fic For Gallifrey? It's about the Doctor's Eighth Regeneration and the Time War.



  14. I'll think about it. Would a bisexual male who hits it off with both Ty and one of the guys also work? I feel that even though that's one of the many things Komad is, it's not really noticeable outside of Part IV, and I want to roleplay more of that. If you insist on my playing as a bisexual female, I'd be happy to, though.


    PS: Going to add to your fic soon?

  15. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter of your Mass Effect fic tonight.


    PS: If you were planning on making stuff on HeroMachine, Astor_Kaine has set up a thread for it.


    PPS: Still not going to join the Sith Resurrection RP Series Group? We even have people who had no part in them.

  16. I've also got another "superhero" in mind: Captain Crowbar. Look in my HeroMachine gallery to see what he looks like.






    Alright, so he's not so much a superhero as much as a psychopath with a couple of crowbars.

  17. I've finally got this ready to go:

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  18. If the picture is of her as Andirrul, I guess that would make sense, though that doesn't really sound like her blue dress or the brown tank top and sweatpants outfit she wears later on. And here's an idea of what to expect, unless I can figure out how to better make lekku in photoshop, which really doesn't apply to Andorra anyway:

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    You can tell who he is supposed to be, right?

    And if you've forgotten, here are the original two pictures of Andorra:

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  19. If you're interested at all in joining the Sith Resurrection series, the Casting Call for Part V is up now.



  20. If you're interested, here's a ReBoot/My Little Pony mashup I threw together today:

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  21. In case it interests you, here's a recent picture of Andorra I photoshopped up yesterday:

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    She's supposed to have "elf ears", but I didn't see a good way to do that in photoshop.

  22. In that case, I'll tell you the stuff you'll need to know. Andorra and Kalla have already met, but only briefly over a transmisson between Avalon and Coruscant. She's a bit of a worrier, and is curious about Kalla due to her unique physiology (she's a quarter human, a quarter Twi'lek, and half Rodian, and shows physical characteristics of all three(Twi'lek lekku, Human hair, Rodian antennae, a facial structure like a human or a Twi'lek, and hands like a Rodian). Andorra, on the other hand, is of an elf-like species called Avalonian. Just tell me if there's anything else you want to know.



  23. It wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has happened. During Parts II and III, Reyvan was played and created by Jason Skywalker, but he stopped posting, so I handed the role over to JediMaster12 for the remainder of Part III and the whole of Part IV, and I took over him from Part V onwards. He's fine with it now, even though noone cleared it with him at the time.


    It's also possible that if you send him a private message, he'll get an email notification, prompting him to come back.


    You could also leave it on a cliffhanger and make reference to it in Part VII.

  24. JediMaster12 controls Komad's son, so I'm waiting for her, but I think I could say something.


    PS: What was with the "I thought you died" line? The Republic's only been at war for three years, and there had been sixteen years of peace before that. Not much possibility for Komad to have died.

  25. Mainly, I was thinking Rolan might have seduced Jalok in order to steal this artefact you mentioned. Or something involving a relationship ending badly. And would it work for Rolan to have only stolen this thing because he was paid to?


    PS: Rolan left the Jedi Temple already.

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