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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. So, how come you left the Drunken Time Travellers?

  2. So, how does Niera sound for your RP?

  3. So, how does that character sound to you?

  4. So, how soon can I expect a first post from you?

  5. So, how soon do you want the group on the Ebon Hawk to find Varith's daughter?

  6. So, I finally got around to uploading the Text Crawl to Endgame, and I'm about to get started on the one for Check and Mate.

  7. So, is this Superhero RP of yours going to have anything do with my old one? Regardless, can I reuse Blackhawk?

  8. So, is Wrath going to trick Andirrul into meeting the Jedi halfway, or not?

  9. So, something of a middle ground between the two outfits she wore in Part V? (the second only exists as a HeroMachine picture. Basically brown tank top, baggy pants, and black sandals, though that was too basic, and keep in mind, she can afford nice clothes)

  10. So, there's a bit of jealousy between Masters as well? Nice touch. I'm wondering, have you ever read any of the books in A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin?

  11. So, thoughts on Peter Capaldi?

  12. So, what are your thoughts on the backstory Shana came up with for Lenatha? She seems a bit nasty, but I think she needs Andorra, just as much as Andorra needs her.

  13. So, what do you think of my submission to Javyar's?

  14. So, what exactly makes Andorra your favourite character in my RP series?

  15. So, what sort of character do you have in mind for Tysy's new RP?

  16. So, what's going on with Perdante and Faren in Nirriven?

  17. So, when are you planning on switching to pictures of Matt Smith's Doctor?

  18. So, when's the next part of your Mass Effect fic going to be up?

  19. So, when's the next time you'll be adding to your Mass Effect fic and my RP? I'm looking forward to both.

  20. So, yeah, I'm attempting to bring back the Drunken Time Travellers.

  21. Something I was thinking about with The Eleventh Hour was that Alriana and Tavaryn's child would probably be born around the same time as Kalla and Tonatius's son, and I was planning on doing a bit of an epilogue, set around eight months later, which shows his birth. So, I was wondering if you'd want to do something like that for their child as well.

  22. Something like that. Gender differences aside, he'd basically have the same sort of physical characteristics as Kalla (i.e., green skin, blue lekku, antennae, dark human hair, Human/Twi'lek facial structure).

  23. Something quite important Andorra should respond to in The Threefold War.

  24. Sometimes. An occasional rum and coke, plus I had a good bit of wine in Italy.

  25. Sorry about not responding. I'm thinking about it.

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