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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Well, I've finished the first act of 2112, so I'm wondering: would you be willing to rereview it?

  2. Say, do you ever listen to Rush? I'm writing a musical using their music, and I've been posting it in the CEC.

  3. The only details I really have are that she's a red Twi'lek, a doctor, attracted to other women (I'll leave whether or not she's also attracted to men up to you), and she's Andorra's girlfriend. I'll leave the rest up to you. And if it helps, Andorra's around 21.

  4. First, grab the image URL by right clicking on it, and clicking Copy Image URL (if you're using Chrome), or clicking Properties, and copying the URL there. Then go to the User CP, click on "Edit Signature" and paste it into the text box and put the tags around it.


    PS: What do you think of that new Sith Lord I'm introducing in A Glimmer of Hope?


    PPS: Think you could give my character a good point to introduce himself in Endgame?

  5. Well, I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say the Republic is finally going to get a proper run for its money.

  6. Since I noticed you've done a lot of Mandalorian art, I suppose I could tell you about a character from Part I called the Mandalorian Jedi. She was known for integrating Mandalorian armour (Boba/Jango Fett style, but I never specified colours) into her Jedi robes, including the helmet.

  7. Nothing's really for sure though. Currently, my plan is for that to happen near the end of Part V, with Komad explaining what had happened to the Governor, similar to the end of the Doctor Who episode Journey's End. I'm thinking then Part VI might explore how Kalla took the loss of Andorra, with Tonatius comforting her, eventually more, which could lead to problems if Andorra escapes Virul's control.

  8. Interested in my new Costumed Heroes RP?

  9. Ok, so due to your absence, Chev was force to write Velerc out of DttS. However, he did so in such a way that he could return in Part VII, and while Part VI isn't quite done yet, the Casting Call for Part VII is up now.

  10. Read my fic 2112 yet?

  11. Ok, well, all I've really got planned is that it begins with the Avalon system getting devastated by the Undying Sith Empire, and probably at the end, they manage to seize Coruscant from the Republic. Not much else is really concrete, but another thing is that the Jedi Order, which is falling out of favour with the Senate, is forced into an uneasy alliance with Echelon 5, a secret organisation within the Republic, similar to Section 31 in Star Trek, or Cerberus in Mass Effect.

  12. I just figured that since Mandalorians seemed to be your specialty, that I should let you know about her.

  13. I was planning on reintroducing Iyav in DttS, and I'm wondering if you've got any suggestions for how he should reveal his feelings to Komad.

  14. Yeah, that works.

  15. Sure. I kind of regret not seeing it through to the end.

  16. Want to join the Doctors of Lucasforums then?

  17. Well, I was waiting for more posts from Astor-Kaine, but he seems to be missing, so I'll just work around that. Where's War-Bringer now?

  18. Sure, I never refuse to let someone join my RP's. Of course, it's probably not going to start for a few weeks at the least, there's still a bit left in Part V.

  19. And feel free to come up with any other characters, if you like.

  20. You know I've been trying to work around your not posting in A Glimmer of Hope, right?

  21. I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to join your RP if Master_Archon's in it. We're not on the best of terms.

  22. That's fine. I like the current one anyway.

  23. Think you'd be interested in reading my fic The Dantooine Mission?

  24. Mind taking a look at my Javyar's submission?

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