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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. In case you're wondering, I set the TF gun to random, and then used in to everyone but myself. I had used the anthro-cat setting on myself just before that.

  2. How are there two of you if you were absent for a year?

  3. Brilliant, though it does raise further question.

  4. Interested in joining the Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKnights.com?

  5. Want to join the Drunken Time Travelers of Starwarsknights.com?

  6. Want to join the Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKnights.com?

  7. I have a secret identity now?

  8. Don't you mean enjoy herself?

  9. Should I change Chev back anytime soon?

  10. I find it amusing. Need I say more?

  11. And what do you know? It's entirely your fault.

  12. We travel through time while hammered. Well, it's more just me travelling in a TARDIS I um, borrowed, without permission, with every intention of bringing it back and bailing Chevron 7 Locke out of scary Gizka-related predicaments which are entirely his own fault and then proceeding to whack him with my sonic crowbar. It's great fun!

  13. Well, that's never stopped me before.


    PS: Want to join the Drunken Time Travellers?

  14. Question: How much sense would a sonic crowbar make, if it's the same sort of sonic as the sonic screwdriver?

  15. No, but if he doesn't respond in three days, Dar's yours.

  16. Want to help me demonstrate to Chev how painless getting whacked in the head with a crowbar is?

  17. I'll need to restrain you lot then.

  18. Yes, if by immune you mean dead.

  19. Couldn't I just whack the whole lot of you with a crowbar?

  20. I don't have a sense of morals or responsibility?

  21. Happy Birthday, my friend!

  22. So, are you The Doctor's greatest enemy?

  23. Going to post that artwork anytime soon?

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