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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. And your thoughts on my considered titles for the next two instalments in the Sith Resurrection Series?

  2. Andurilblade posted some new artwork in the RP Series Group's Gallery! Take a look!

  3. Another idea that's been floating around in my head: What would you think of Belina becoming the first Chief of State of the Fourth Galactic Republic?

  4. Another part of my plan is that after Virul takes over Andorra, Andorra continues to resist, and although Virul remains in control, his mind starts to decay instead of hers. However, the Jedi believe Andorra's mind to already be gone, and Virul's slipping mind to be the result of the takeover gone awry. Up for a challenge like that?

  5. Another question for The Sith Resurrection Part VII: will the three bloodlines be relevant anymore?

  6. Another thing is that I'm surprised you didn't mention any of this stuff you had problems with before. When I got you to make that HeroMachine art, the details I gave you made it clear that both Kalla and Komad are bisexual.

  7. Another thing that Tysyacha and I were discussing is how in your backstory, Lenatha seems a bit for lack of a better word, nasty (namely the whole torturing that Hutt bit), and I'm wondering what your plan is there, unless of course, you really want to keep it under wraps.

  8. Any chance I could persuade you to come back to Death to the Sith?

  9. Any chance it has Knights with Ser as their title instead of Sir?

  10. Any chance of finding someone to replace you in the RP?

  11. Any chance of patching things up with Niera and Juhani in Check and Mate?

  12. Any chance we can get Eleventh Hour and Death to the Sith up and running again?

  13. Any chance you'd be interested in either of my RP's, which would be Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VIII: Wrath of the Empire, and Mass Effect: Universe? A writer of your calibre would be an excellent addition to either one.

  14. Any chance you'd be interested in my RP Heroes of Nentir Vale? I could do with a few more people before I start it up.

  15. Any chance you'd be interested in my RP Heroes of Nentir Vale?

  16. Any characters in particular?

  17. Any problems with the character I posted?

  18. Any reason you cancelled those three RP's?

  19. Any reason you unbefriended me, and left my group?

  20. Any suggestions for name and species?

  21. Are you going to join the group for my RP series? You were technically in two of them, albeit briefly.

  22. Are you good with Iyav coming to get Alriana and Tavaryn in DttS?

  23. Are you sure you can't be persuaded to take over a character or two in Days of Fall: Call to Arms? A lot of people seem to have disappeared, people playing important characters.

  24. Are you Tysyacha?

  25. As always, go right ahead.

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