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The weekend is here


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What we should plan one of these days is a raid on Ft. Tusken. Corzip, Jo-Dae, and myself and several other [non -A-] people tried to yesterday. We were in a fairly far and the tuskens rushed us, and well.....we all died - all of us lol. I think out of 14 people, 2 survived, and I think those 2 were running back out the door anyways.


We also didn't have a medic that could revive etc. I think this would be a fun thing for us to do on the next one of our outings......like maybe next weekend or something. What do you think?

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Six of us raided it yesterday. It was overcrowded and far too easy. Of course, the ratio was:

1 Master Commando

1 Master Pistoleer

1 Master Marksman

1 Combat Medic

2 Doctors (1 Master)


Fort Tusken was:

A) Overcrowded

B) Buggy as all hell (Most Tuskens don't even fight back)

C) Too easy.


Though our group were the only ones to make it to the end of the cavern, it lacked any challenge and was quite boring. Instead, we went hunting packs of Rancors afterwards and had a much better time.

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Last night's hunt was damn fun. There were only 6 of us, but it was the perfect amount. We made it to the last cavern in the cave before we got slaughtered (one of the NPCs cheated - she killed Murashu =)). Speaking of Murashu, we couldn't have gotten as far as we did without him. Most of the enemies con'd blue and white, but we just kept going down. Murashu kept us on our feet though. w00t for Murashu :).


After we did the cave it was just Bogey, Suriso and Me, and we had no problem soloing things around the outpost. I'd like to go to Endor more often, now that I know I can handle it with a couple friends (well, 2 Commandos).


I'd say the best thing about the night was when we got stuck in an Ewok tree house. CSRDan(insert last initial) came and helped us out. After we told him that it was the Ewoks that trapped us up there, he proceeded to change tags to a TKA Master, spawned an Ewok, put on a speed hack, and put a smack down the little teddy bear. It's good to see a CSR with a sense of humor from time to time :D.

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haha yeah that's cool there is a trick that you can learn and it will come in handy with ewok tree villages... It's called /unstick use it in the door to Jabba's rancor aswell...:rolleyes::D

but wish I could have gone but of course I can't go on these anymore until I get things less busy around here.:D


Between Piano, Art classes,CCD, and Boy scouts And School, YOu see that I'm very limited on my time now...(I might actually have to stick to my limit of 2hrs now.:p )

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Originally posted by Bogey

how about kyats again =)



Yes, let's do that this saturday the 13th. I think it would be a lot of fun! Since I've only actually joined a krayt hunting party one time and got killed on the way out to it.....I've never even seen one before lol.


I'll be ready then to hunt krayts. :)

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lol you want to hear a crazy story.....some of you know where the kryte graveyard is right...well for those of you who dont...its in the upper right corner of tatooine...well me and some freinds were hunting tuskins down by wayfar and we stoped to rest up....and out of no where i cought a glimps of somthing moving out of the corner of the screen....i looked again and saw a huge kryte dragon strethching....and the crazy part was it was agro.....and i saw a nother one behind it but it was a small one......but i think i might still have that screen shot....i will have to look....but those things are so cool lookin and would be so fun to hunt...if any of you have seen one of theose dragon pearls let me know plz..............

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well yesterday Murashu, Zarker and me tried to raid tusken :)


bummer for us that like 14 others were already clearing it out.... so we started on another side and worked our way inside.... we let our pets attack the tusken first so it wouldnt mind us.... mur kept the pets going while he fired some poision at it..... a bleed shot from me.. and let the battle begin....


but soon we ran into the other group...

it was to darn busy... even when i decided to get killed and cloned i couldnt because every single tusken was killed.... it took me forever to get killed and cloned :) never happened to me before :)


I must say that my armor is great

i wouldnt have survived a lot of hits if it wasnt for my armor :)

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