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Slip N' Sue?

Darth Groovy

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coming from the era of innocence, no law suits and no political correctness; hell we had 'lawn darts' what a great game, you JUST KNOW kids are going to get bored and start chucking them at each other. hell we saw 'the Deer hunter' and it was candies exchanging hands on the side line as opponents faced off and someone shouts 3 lawn darts, while someone behind slaps the player, egging them on.


yes slip and slide, on several occassions on home video blooper shows i have seen peeps try sliding on a dry slip n slide. also i think a friend or two, including me have tried this stunt.


we also have tried (past tense really) trying things like running a cross a 16 lane highway, at a blind deadman's curve on a dim and wet rainy day. [not proud of this past moment] and older now, glad I am still in one piece, but really law suits not terrorism are killing america. so are stupid ideas and products and ways to make money.


hey kids want to have fun? here run as fast as you can and then HURL yourself at the ground, completely ignoring such things as gravity, and gross bodily harm. why? because it's cool.


if the makers of slip and slide are so non plussed by david spades movie, maybe they should have been better corportae citizens and made something a tad bit safer.


anyhow peeps are just getting dumb and dumberer these days

and i thought we lawn dart gladiators of the 70's had the market cornered on stupidity.

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"The company is concerned that the scene might prompt adults to imitate Spade's action"


I think most adults are smart enough to know not to try that. ;)


and they talk about a drunk man being awarded money. WTF!?!

when i get drunk and do stupid cap i don't expect money neither should he. If I become paralyzed because I did something stupid like that I'd shoot myself.



on another note, they should make a teens and adult slip n' slide. you know, for nostalgia sake. ahh brings back the memories of the old slip n' slide i used to play on(before they added that stupid bumper) we used to use it to dive right into a inflated pool. that was the funnest thing ever, we also had our dog, Lucky(who's now passed{R.I.P}), he used to run and slide across it into the pool, where as the bumper would have hurt him, because he had short corgi legs, since he's a corgi.



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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I think most adults are smart enough to know not to try that. ;)


I am taking a History and Law class right now and we went over some of the stupidest things that people have sued over.


Top 3 IMHO were:


1. Someone sued the makers of a childs superman outfit because the kid decided to jump off the roof because he thought once he had the cape on he could fly. The manufacturer then had to create a warning label with the words: WARNING! Outfit does not give bearer the ability to fly.


2. A couple in NY tresspassed and went to what they thought was an abandoned underground railroad line and started having sex. Sometime during the intercourse a train came and chopped off 2 or 3 of the males toes and he sued the train people. The bastard was tresspassing and ON TRAIN TRACKS!!!


3. Of course the most famous one was the one of the old 80 year woman who sued because the coffee was the standard 107 degrees. She claimed that the coffee burnt her and won like 2.1 million dollars. McDs said that if the coffee wasn't hot then people would complain and that is she wanted non-hot coffee to go to Starbucks and get a chilled Frappachino.


There are of course millions others like these but just a few I can remember.



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

2. A couple in NY tresspassed and went to what they thought was an abandoned underground railroad line and started having sex. Sometime during the intercourse a train came and chopped off 2 or 3 of the males toes and he sued the train people. The bastard was tresspassing and ON TRAIN TRACKS!!!




Haha, thats just stupid. Did he actually get money?

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Haha, thats just stupid. Did he actually get money?


Yes. Isn't that sad. Something about not properly ensuring that people cannot illegally enter hazardous areas or something like that.


A huge sign and chains saying keep out ILLEGAL and dangerous aren't clues.


When you are horny you are horny I guess is the motto.



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Originally posted by TiBo

This kind of fits in here, i saw in the paper today that a old man refuses to give blood now because they called him by his first name instead of Mr. Smith. Sometimes, people just have to realize that they are acting like complete morons!

hey now, in my family if I dont treat my grandparents with respect I get a huge ass whoppin and I am 19 too. It is polite to call people Sir, Mr. , Miss, Mrs. , M'am and damn...it makes me depressed that people arent as polite anymore. So I say GO OLD MAN!! SHOW THEM WHATS RIGHT!!


dotn believe me, I am 100% serious.



and damn it, when I get old...and all these youngins come up to me like "Yo old man whats up." I'll knock some sense into em wit me cane! I better be treated with some F**** respect when I get old, espically after living for so many years having to put up with all sorts of nonsense.


If they did Jackass anymore I would love to see one of their tricks backfire. Lets say they do some jokes to an old man...Id love to see the old man beat them down with a cane or something.

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