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I love this Game!

Dash Jones

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Just thought I'd speak for those who are not the diehards. I liked JK2 for the lightsaber battles, otherwise thought the puzzles were waaay to hard (finally had to look at walkthroughs, maybe the average joe is an idiot, but if I have to look at a walkthrough, suddenly the fun drains out of it), and not wielding a lightsaber sucked at the beginning (I bought the game after playing the demo and loved the lightsaber...other than that, I enjoy other shooters/action better, not as random puzzles that have you doing things for no reason, etc.) I enjoyed JK2:JO, but the main reason was for lightsabers.


Other than that, got my kicks else where.


However, now that I'm playing JK:JA...thus far...everything that was wrong with JK2 is fixed thus far. You start with a lightsaber. Not only that but you can wield the staff or dual in MP (I hear that you can later on in the SP, just finishing off the first group of selectable missions) which is the big draw to this series in the first place for me. The puzzles aren't so complex that you are blowing your mind, and there are lots of enemies to deal with.


Only problem I had was that I was using an ATI card, and had some wierd lighting things.


Also at first, before an update, I had it so that it wouldn't run right when the sky was visible...which was odd.


Other than those, this game rocks for SP! MP I haven't tried yet, still working my way through SP. I like it a lot more than Jk2:JO.


I can't understand all the complaining about the game. Perhaps I'm just not as hardcore as some of you, or dislike puzzles that really aren't necessary, etc. I just thought I'd chime in, that there's at least one person that likes this game heads and tails more than JK2:JO.

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I was really big into JK2, and thought that everything about it basically owned. I didn't care that you didn't have a saber in the begining... I actually liked it, gave you something to work for (and when you finally got the saber, it was SO much fun).


But I love JKA even more. The missions are ALL exciting and entertaining, the saber battles are much better... it's just an all around better product. I have no idea why people are complaining. Just about EVERYTHING people wanted in JK2 (The infamous "Butterfly" move, duel sabers/saber staff, light/dark side, 2 endings, character creation, saber customization... etc. etc. etc.) is in JKA. Raven listened and they listened well.


I for one am EXTREMELY satisfied with this game. It's wonderful!

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Wow, I'm glad someone else here feels similar to how I feel. After reading through here I was thinking, gosh, do none of the people I play with come here, and is there no one that is like me here?


It seems all the posts were like hate posts, but me and a lot of the others I play with thus far have liked the JA better. Of course some of them were those who were using the doublesaber hack in JK2 (never did it myself) and were really wanting some of the things in that are in JA really badly. Now they are really happy with them, and convinced me to buy JA (which I did today...loaded it, and have played it a lot longer than I thought I would. I really didn't like how crazed some of the puzzles were in JK2, which was the big turn off and didn't want any more of the same...JA is much better paced in my mind).


I'm glad there's someone else here that doesn't hate JA and hopefully likes it as much as I have. Hopefully the Online bit will be good too. I have a fast connection, so hopefully it won't be as much of a problem as some people have been saying.


Tried a little of it on a network (not really MP online, just with a friend of mine). She actually likes JK2 better, but she really likes some of the changes in JK:JA as well (and she's better at sabers than me by a longshot. she picks the single saber, against my dual saber, and kicked me down and back across the dual maps!).


Just about finished with the first bunch of multiple selection maps in SP, and enjoying them thoroughly thus far. Thanks for the reassurance that I'm not the only one online looking at forums and such that love this game!

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the game simply rocks. Some of the complaints i've heard (technical bugs) are completely understandable, but the nit picking that started happeneing wednesday afternoon is ridiculous! These people made their minds up before they even played the game for more than 5 minutes.


The game has kept me entertained, i look forward to replaying with different saber/force and difficulty levels.


rancors. gotta love them

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Yeah, Single Player kicks ass, well so does MP (duel anyhoo) imo.

Not many people are gonna go and make "I LOVE JA!!" Threads but people won't give it two seconds thoughts or try another server to come here and makes threads like "JA SUCKS ASS, PATCH IT". I'm pretty sure most people like it, it's just that it seems that the whiners are the majority that they don't like this place and don't post or are too scared from getting flamed (which wouldn't really happened).


I'm on my 3rd mission in JA (4th if you include the beggining thing), It's been great so far, started off with the tram, now i'm on a tatooine level, tons of tusken Raiders to kill, fun packed action :D Most people forget that you're supposed to want fun out of a game and get all depressed because it doesn't have the flashiest graphics to grace the universe.



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Without this turning into a big group hug :p I'd like to chime in and say I love it too, for a big SW/EU fan like myself it is always an experience being part of the SW universe in a gaming context !

I got JA for my birthday on Thursday and I love it ! Especially using the saber, I have much more of a feel for saber moves whereas I was sorta fudging it with JO. I've finished SP, just getting stuck into MP.


Looking forward to my next SW experience when I get KOTOR.....




*Yeah, those negative posters really irritate me too. Basically if they don't like it, they shouldnt play it and get on with their lives...

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I can't understand all the complaining about the game. Perhaps I'm just not as hardcore as some of you,


The really hardcore players are the ones that like the game. Players, like me. Not to put too fine a point on it. Everyone who dislikes the game is without exception tasteless and devoid of grey matter.


The absolute wastes of flesh that have been posting the endless, ENDLESS derivative, unoriginal and unqualified DRIVEL about "Wah wah wah, JO 1.04 sux0rred and now JA suxorrs even worse0rz wah wah giv me my backstabz adn hovering light lunge back u lamorz" can quite simply go and parboil their extremities. This community and indeed the globe, would be better off without their presence. They are quite simply what is wrong with star wars gaming today, and I hope Raven never ever listens to their petty and slimy little rants, lest 1.03 repeat itself.


That out of the way, JA is exceptional. PC Zone magazine (and website) has called it the best Star Wars game ever, I call it the best of the DF series bar none. Superb level design, BRILLIANT variety... enemies that attack from above, below and all around, levels in which one must accomplish interesting tasks in the most unconventional fashion add spice and atmosphere, the full gamut of the Star Wars bestiary is excellently rendered. The graphics have indeed evolved beyond JO, and if I push the settings up to max, there is very little framerate dropoff, surprisingly. Vehicles that modders have wanted to ride for years are now usable, and there are NPCs that one either cares about or wants to kill, in exactly the right proportions and positions. The finale is excellent whether one chooses Light or Dark (though from the point of view of killing one annoying NPC, the Dark side is tempting for a change. Yet another plus ;) ) and though the final dialogue on the Light path is a little tedious, it and the Dark side equivalent leave enough of a door open for a contiguous sequel for me to hope Raven's started on it already.


Multiplayer is similarly solid, Siege looks good, though there are few enough UK servers so far for me to try it on. :(


All in all, a very early Christmas present.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

The really hardcore players are the ones that like the game. Players, like me. Not to put too fine a point on it. Everyone who dislikes the game is without exception tasteless and devoid of grey matter.


The absolute wastes of flesh that have been posting the endless, ENDLESS derivative, unoriginal and unqualified DRIVEL about "Wah wah wah, JO 1.04 sux0rred and now JA suxorrs even worse0rz wah wah giv me my backstabz adn hovering light lunge back u lamorz" can quite simply go and parboil their extremities. This community and indeed the globe, would be better off without their presence. They are quite simply what is wrong with star wars gaming today, and I hope Raven never ever listens to their petty and slimy little rants, lest 1.03 repeat itself.


wow... admins, close the thread, this is a flame-fest

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Sabres only CTF mark you, sabres only CTF. Which was a stupid, futile mode to begin with. Chasing each other round with sabres


more flaming? looks like it.

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Originally posted by Bacon00

I for one am EXTREMELY satisfied with this game. It's wonderful!


That makes 2 of us. Why would ppl complain about this game? They got everything they want. I saw a guy who complained about really small clipping errors in the game and I thought, "wtf is his prob?", I mean come on. You cant make a game without clipping errors and expect it to be out on the release date. This game actually got delivered on time, I think. Well it did here anyways :).


I'm almost through SP and it owns JO at any time. Same goes for MP. Its ownage from start to finish :).



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Originally posted by Spider AL

The absolute wastes of flesh that have been posting the endless, ENDLESS derivative, unoriginal and unqualified DRIVEL about "Wah wah wah, JO 1.04 sux0rred and now JA suxorrs even worse0rz wah wah giv me my backstabz adn hovering light lunge back u lamorz" can quite simply go and parboil their extremities. This community and indeed the globe, would be better off without their presence. They are quite simply what is wrong with star wars gaming today, and I hope Raven never ever listens to their petty and slimy little rants, lest 1.03 repeat itself.


I must say that was uncalled for. The people who complain now are usually the 1.04'ers who dislike the loss of kick. I for one was unhappy by the loss of backstab in 1.03 because I was terrible at kicking and backswing was my only defense against it. I am a 1.03 supporter, though I just found games were more fun back then. As to the comment about saber only CTF, backswing made it fun. Not everyone likes using guns, I was always terrible at using it. That's why I turned to saber only CTF. But these are not the only reasons people complain about academy. Some styles are better than others for power. Such as dualsaber, I've been killed in one hit from a regular swing. I didn't complain however. I just accept that this is how the game works. I'm all for Academy. I just agree that some things need to be tweaked. And no, I don't vote for a return to the full backswing or the kick. Though I think that toned down versions couldn't hurt.

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my only dislike is how short it is, finished it lightside and on last level as darkside now... and only got it friday... so much for keepeing me occupied for a month during the wait for KOTOR for PC...


but other than that its great, double bladed sabre rocks, duels sabres just doesnt seem to connect as much. the levels are greatt, and the sabre combat is very pleasing for the eyes, if not abit random...

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It is very nice to see a positive thread. I'm dismayed by some of the reviewer's scores I've seen - take 10 points for a failure to be HL2, another 10 for not looking like HL2, and then start reviewing ...


I'm only through the 1st tier of missions (2nd time through those) but they are some of the most fun, varied, completely Star Wars-y levels I've ever seen. Some are just plain some of the best areas I've ever played in any game.



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