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I Want Next Star Wars Game To Be Like SPLINTER CELL!!!!!


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ok people I have heard alot of complaints about jedi acadamy and I got to say I agree with most of you.I would like to see another star wars game but if they do decide to make one I would like it to be like splinter cell!I mean I don't wan't to sneak through the whole game like you do in splinter cell but to use the engine and gameplay for a new star wars game! now that would be very impressive in my opinion.All of you are right to say that jedi acadamy really doesn't fell like a star wars title because it really doesn't! First I don't think they should have used the old quake engine in the first place but that was the only way they could of realesed jedi acadamy as soon as they did because it seems what they did was take jedi outcast and throw in new textures a different story and new sabers and acrobatics and TADA!!! you have jedi acadamy!So if the do decide to make another jedi knight game I personaly would like the splinter cell engine to be used or at leased considered because a NEW jedi knight game with that level of graphics and gameplay would be AWSOME indeed!Especially when useing a lightsaber!just think of sneaking up on a stormtrooper holding your saber to his back and then igniting it!!! very cool! well that's my two cents so please let me know what YOU think of this idea and maybe just maybe it will be a reality.If it was done I would pay 70 bucks for a jedi knight game made that well! lol thanks,crazy-j:cheers:

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Never played splinter cell but I'd love to play a true jedi. Sneak around and use the force to bypass enemies, not run through and mass murder everyone.


I want to use my brain, not mash a key and watch the pretty colors slice everyone in half.


Sadly, the majority of the people want to play a mindless hacking game as the puzzels and thinking games are to difficult for them. Therefore I doubt we'll ever see one like we want.

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Well the time setting JA is in is after the Old Republic, and alot of the Jedi Traditions have been thrown out of the window, you don't see Kyle walking aorund in Jedi Robes, no instead he wears that goofy outfit, and the Padawans in JA like Tw'lieks are wearing very skimpy clothes.


But more Stealth modes should be implemented into the next JK game, defently. :)

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Originally posted by Tesla

But more Stealth modes should be implemented into the next JK game, defently. :)

Actually, those sorts of things were taken out of JA because of the backlash from JO. No one seemed to like the levels where you had to sneak around.
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I'm not sure about what ever became of it, but for a long time there were whispers of just such a game, which I believe was slated for the PS2, and it was called something like 'Rebel Strike Team' or 'Rebel Commndos' or something. There is a very lengthy thread about it somewhere in theforce.net eu/gaming forums, with some(alleged) pics from an E3 exposure it (may have!!)had....


As much as I like Star Wars I cant say I'd be too hot on a game like this. I dont have the patience !! I hated Bounty Hunter, thinking it was too slow, and that was meant to be an action/adventure game !!


Keep your eyes peeled, and your scopes polished :p



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Originally posted by Prime

Actually, those sorts of things were taken out of JA because of the backlash from JO. No one seemed to like the levels where you had to sneak around.


I LOVED that level. It was more of a challenge than anything else in that game. And when you did reveal yourself, you had to make sure that nobody got to the alarm panel. I don't know why they didn't have such devices throughout the entire game.

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Originally posted by Prime

Actually, those sorts of things were taken out of JA because of the backlash from JO. No one seemed to like the levels where you had to sneak around.


I didn't particularly like the 'forced' stealth level in Jedi Outcast either - and I'm a fan of stealth. The problem with that level was simple - the moment you were spotted, an alarm went off, and that was the end of your exploits. The same thing happened in Soldier Of Fortune II, another Raven game.


Now...as I said, I'm a fan of stealth, and there are a couple of games that actually got it right. I haven't played Splinter Cell (yet another game I need to get, I know), but I'm talking about the No One Lives Forever games, and Deus Ex. I would say Thief as well, the master of all sneakers - but in that game your only real option is to sneak, whereas the others allow you to mix and match as you desire.


You have the choice in most of the levels of NOLF2 and DX to sneak-and-stun or just run-and-gun. Taking the latter option is definitely more challenging, because you're not a tank, and taking too many hits will drop you like a bad habit - but you can play the games in that way. Or you can opt to sneak around, hide when you have to, and take down your foes quietly - without killing them. Both games also give you the option to remove the bodies, and stash them away. The key to this is that the levels are designed around you being able to hide, and hide bodies, and allow you to choose alternate routes to an objective.


When an alarm goes off, you can usually silence it again, or wait for the place to go off 'high alert' and continue as normal.


These are the ingredients that make stealth a great option throughout these games.


I have to wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment voiced here that the JK series really needs to take this on board in any future outings. If you follow the Dark Path...then by all means go slicing and dicing through every single level - though the Sith in recent time have always been very secretive, operating from the shadows until they are ready to strike. But if you follow the Light Path...you should be able to stun your opponents, Trick your way past those you can't reach without betraying your presence, actually be able to use the 'diplomacy' Luke deems so important that you couldn't practice in JA.



Anyway, Splinter Cell doesn't have it's own engine...it simply uses the Unreal technology with a few modifications. That technology is already widely used in a variety of different games - and is even being used by Lucasarts in the development of Republic Commando, another Star Wars title about a crack team of Clone warriors. So the possibility of a JK game using Unreal tech would seem to be perfectly feasible, IMHO.

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Originally posted by CriPPleR

I must say that igniting your light saber and seeing the shadow of it project onto the wall ala Splinter Cell will be GREAT!




Lightsabres are pure light, they don't have shadows and most probably won't ever have a shadow.


Oh and using paragraphs would be nice Josh, its hard to read stuff when its all stuck together.

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Lucas has never really given an explination of what a lightsabre is. In the first 3 episodes, lightsabres DID cast shadows. If you think about it, lightsabres cannot be as simple as the name leads you to believe, because two beams of light that come into contact with one another pass through one another. The closest explination I have seen as to how a lightsabre would work is this... The blade is actually superheated plazma suspended in a magnetic field. When something is hit by a lightsabre, it passes through the magnetic field and is burned by the plazma. When two sabre blades collide, the magnetic forces repell each other. This gives the appearence of a solid blade.


At any rate, a lightsabre can not be a beam of light since light has no mass.





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I personally was not disappointed with Jedi Academy. And if I may say josh, it is people like you who are destroying the game market today. The more people blindly call for good graphics the more developers will be forced to cater to that need instead of making a good game. I for one am very tired of playing games that look pretty but play like a bloated mule.


I also submit the possibility that the "swinging blindly" is not an issue with the game, but rather an issue of the people you play with on the servers. I hated CounterStrike for a long time at first until I found some good servers.


Here's another complaint that frequently irritates me, people want some kind of phantom ideal for saber fighting. I don't know if you people have ever watched the movies, but all of the fights with the possible exception of the first kenobi/vader are more or less ridiculous from a functional standpoint. Star Wars is style over substance. Besides Raven put a million cvars in the game so you could edit the physics to your needs. They just struck the middle of the road for the default settings.


As for the next game being "Splinter Cell." That is an interesting idea, but I think limiting people to stealth would alienate a lot of fans. Perhaps taking a cue from the Hitman series, which offers several options to complete a mission, is the flavor for this crowd. To give you an example, my freind and I played the same mission, he killed 50 men while I killed two. Both of us completed the mission requirements. It may be entertaining to sneak around, but I'd like to have the option to wipe out a brigade of stormtroopers should the need arise. I also think it may be interesting if you could cut through doors and advance to different areas. Options could be very entertaining.

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More and more games are based on "open-ended" gameplay. That is, you can simply choose your own style of playing the game. Games like Deus Ex and Hitman(2).


While I am a big Thief fan (greatest game ever...) and a big stealth fan (though I didn't like Splinter Cell at all, very very linear) you should always have the option of running around killing everything in your way. Not that it is very jedi-like as far as I'm concerned, but anyway. :)


The stealth level in JO was very poorly done; the game was obviously not made for this kind of gameplay. Actually, I'm not convinced that Raven will be able to make a "good" stealth game. Now that LGS is gone, I'm hoping for Ion Storm which is currently developing Thief 3 and Deus Ex 2.

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I think these random calls for "ooh!!! I want good graphics - it would be reeeealy cool!" are total nonsense. Also The random swining is BS, A player with PATIENCE and skill can easily outplay a person who's button mashing with dual sabers.


Lucas has never really given an explination of what a lightsabre is. In the first 3 episodes, lightsabres DID cast shadows. If you think about it, lightsabres cannot be as simple as the name leads you to believe, because two beams of light that come into contact with one another pass through one another. The closest explination I have seen as to how a lightsabre would work is this... The blade is actually superheated plazma suspended in a magnetic field. When something is hit by a lightsabre, it passes through the magnetic field and is burned by the plazma. When two sabre blades collide, the magnetic forces repell each other. This gives the appearence of a solid blade.


Relax man, Sabers aren't real ;) Also, i used to think it was to do with the light it gives off but did you ever think that it could be that they're not heavy :p


Also I'm hoping the game is not patched seriously liek the did with JO. It might need a few bug fixes here and there and there but hopefully nothing like all these ridiculous cries for kicks are implemented into the game.

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ok people what I mean by having the next star wars game be more like splinter cell is have those type of graphics and gameplay but not have you use stealth through the whole game!Only on certain missions because I too like to blow **** up and kill alot of stormtroopers like most of you but I think having a star wars game along the lines of splinter cell would be pretty cool because we have yet to see one.If a star wars game does get made using this type of stuff I to want it made so you have the options of being stealthy like most of us like and have the option to just kill stormtroopers and others like the gameplay in deus ex so this is what I meant just to clear up a few things. thanks for all of ideas and keep them comeing! josh22:blaze6: :cheers:

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Yes, I know sabres are not real I just figured I would throw that little bit in there because it seemed to be the topic of discussion at the time. Lightsabres, blasters, landspeaders, deathstars. None of them are real, but they seem to mimic real world physics. Every piece of evidence in the movies shows that physics work the same in their world as they do in ours. Gravity is present, so it is safe to assume that light has the same properties in their universe as it would in ours.


As for the original topic, yes I think having a more splinter cell like jedi knight game would be really cool. I also thought it quite odd that Kyle Katarn and now Jaden rack up a body count higher then the casualties durring the battle of hoth :p





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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I'm not sure about what ever became of it, but for a long time there were whispers of just such a game, which I believe was slated for the PS2, and it was called something like 'Rebel Strike Team' or 'Rebel Commndos' or something. There is a very lengthy thread about it somewhere in theforce.net eu/gaming forums, with some(alleged) pics from an E3 exposure it (may have!!)had....




The game is called Republic Commando, as I recall, and is still slated for Xbox for well after the Holiday Season. Check at Lucasarts.com and they'll tell you more. There's an FMV for it available on fileplanet.com as an advanced advertisement.

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Originally posted by josh22

ok people what I mean by having the next star wars game be more like splinter cell is have those type of graphics and gameplay but not have you use stealth through the whole game!Only on certain missions because I too like to blow **** up and kill alot of stormtroopers like most of you but I think having a star wars game along the lines of splinter cell would be pretty cool because we have yet to see one.If a star wars game does get made using this type of stuff I to want it made so you have the options of being stealthy like most of us like and have the option to just kill stormtroopers and others like the gameplay in deus ex so this is what I meant just to clear up a few things. thanks for all of ideas and keep them comeing! josh22:blaze6: :cheers:



Raven has been using id's engines for years. Most likey the next game will use the Doom3 engine which will look much better than Splinter Cell. If Raven does anything like Splinter Cell it should be the characters walking and running animations which are way above and beyond any other 3rd person game.

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I think forced stealth levels are dreadful and the completly lame one in JO was a case in point... but having the option of stealth with a proper stealth system like the superb one in Splinter Cell would be triffic. :D


Also, face it, the third person implimentation in Splinter Cell was streets ahead of JA... it just a far more advanced game both graphically and interface wise... you can climb around and get into boxes and stuff without forcepower jumps :D


Forcepower is great but why on earth (or Tattooine) can you not just pull yourself up into a box???


I enjoy JA but the engine and graphic are showing their age I fear :amidala:


And why oh why oh why oh why can we not decide EACH LEVEL what we want to wear????

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