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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Nah! :D


IMHO Dooku's speeder is the worst speeder design they've (Lucasfilm) come up with. I'm not sure why, I just don't like it - it just seems like some sort of futuristic moped. It doesn't really ever seem to go fast in the movie.

But that's just my view. ;)

Good suggestion though, I hadn't thought of that one. Luke Landspeeder is more of a possibility or the Lars Family Speeder bike. Ya know a Bongo could be cool, but I can't imagine a map that would use it (There is a flag in the vehicle file about being waterproof).


Really though, I need to get the other half dozen models finished before I start work on any more. Plus I'm just starting on converting my two SAGA maps to SIEGE mode, & reworking my QuiGon/Darth Maul Duel map so I'm a wee but busy. ;)



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What about a Star Wars Movie Vehicle Pack, where you have every vehicle thats been in the Movies, Originals & Prequels, alot of stuff like Ties, X-Wings are already in-game, but you could make N-1s, Gungan Vehicles, AAT and the Battle Droid carriers,


I can't think of anymore right now but......man this game has alot of potential for Vehicles :D

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Other Vehicles:






Slave I

Cloud City Fighter

Tie Intercepter

Darth Vaders Tie Fighter

Geonosis Fighter

Jed Starfighter

Darth Mauls ship "Sith Intercepter" I think

Trade Federation Fighters

Republic Gun Ship

Anakins StarFighter

HailFire Droid

Battle Droid Tank


Zam's Speeder

Snow Speeder



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I believe that the AOTC Total Conversion project is working on a number of those - not sure if they're as playable vehicles though.


Vader's Tie Fighter is I think partially in game as a map model.

Pod Car is In game - just needs to be set up as a vehicle.

Also Zam Wessels speeder is in game though not set up as a vehicle (LO-POLY though)

I think? Someone else has done a Jedi Starfighter vehicle (Though I think it had been pinched from AOTC Total Conversion - I may be wrong though)

A couple of the others have been modeled as map pre-fabs, I can think of

A-Wing, Slave 1, The Outrider, AT-AT, Snowspeeder and a LO-POLY map object version of the N-1 starfighter (That could use a new version).

While some of these would be suitable as vehicles, a few of them are really a bit tooooooo large - UNLESS the whole map was scaled to size and only vehicles were used (like some mad Quake3 engine version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter!)

The YT-1300 (Falcon) is set up as a vehicle but there's no model set up for it, so it crashes the game!


Until someone really get's the hang of the spaceships & makes them playable, I think it'll be mostly smaller 1 & 2 person vehicles and animals.


Kadduu, Eopie, Shaak (Anikins Rodeo Level :D ), Fambaa, Ronto, Bantha etc...

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Originally posted by monsoontide

While some of these would be suitable as vehicles, a few of them are really a bit tooooooo large - UNLESS the whole map was scaled to size and only vehicles were used (like some mad Quake3 engine version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter!)

AT-ATs and snowspeeders could be quite cool...


*Thinks about Star Wars HALO*




Has anybody answered the question of whether vehicles can have a driver, a gunner, and/or passengers? I imagine with Siege scripting it wouln't be hard at all to have a vehicle that an emplaced_gun follows around, as if it was part of the vehicle...but doing it all in one package would be much more efficient.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

AT-ATs and snowspeeders could be quite cool...


*Thinks about Star Wars HALO*




Wow man, I like your Halo style thinking on this one....vehicles with gunners? Man that would be good for Siege....


*Pauses to imagine it*

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Originally posted by MuRaSaMuNe

Nice! I wonder if you can make a vehicle (like the transport in Ep2) in which you can have passengers with you, and some who can shoot the lasers? :cool: The bantha is my fav :D


I got multiple people working for the lambda shuttle the download link is: http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/swiftsgarage/lambda2.pk3


the spawn name is lambdashuttle2 Two other people control the turrets, unfortunately I can't get them to move for some reason, I'm going to continually update it. Another problem is the turret view is a little messed up. For just passengers, it'd probably be something like this:



turretview1 "<whatever the pilot's view is>"


I'm pretty sure it's turret1view or turretview1 or something lol I'm not at home :p.


Since there's no weapon assigned to turret1 it should act just like a passenger. That's just for hide rider ships though, I'm not sure how it would work with a speeder and such. Also, it'd probably be possible to make it so that the passengers can look around. If you guys need any help .veh file wise, I'd be glad to help.


I'm not that good at editting and such, I just saw that all of this was in here, but was commented out (//) so I took the comments out and it worked. Not sure why they commented it out though...

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Originally posted by monsoontide

I believe that the AOTC Total Conversion project is working on a number of those - not sure if they're as playable vehicles though.


Vader's Tie Fighter is I think partially in game as a map model.

Pod Car is In game - just needs to be set up as a vehicle.

Also Zam Wessels speeder is in game though not set up as a vehicle (LO-POLY though)

I think? Someone else has done a Jedi Starfighter vehicle (Though I think it had been pinched from AOTC Total Conversion - I may be wrong though)

A couple of the others have been modeled as map pre-fabs, I can think of

A-Wing, Slave 1, The Outrider, AT-AT, Snowspeeder and a LO-POLY map object version of the N-1 starfighter (That could use a new version).

While some of these would be suitable as vehicles, a few of them are really a bit tooooooo large - UNLESS the whole map was scaled to size and only vehicles were used (like some mad Quake3 engine version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter!)

The YT-1300 (Falcon) is set up as a vehicle but there's no model set up for it, so it crashes the game!


Until someone really get's the hang of the spaceships & makes them playable, I think it'll be mostly smaller 1 & 2 person vehicles and animals.


Kadduu, Eopie, Shaak (Anikins Rodeo Level :D ), Fambaa, Ronto, Bantha etc...


Yes we will be working on a number of those.


Also Zams speeder is almost finished

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BECAUSE of you I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY... want JA now :D. LOL I don't even have my comp. yet to run it. Check out the specs. on my sig. I'm going to have to wait 3 more weeks to get it (DAMN) and I've already waited for 3 lol(damn again) but oh well, good moding and really sweet stuff you're making.


I just hope you can make like, I know this is a lot to ask but

this :atat: . I know it can be done just A LOT of work but it would be really cool :(

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Making One Would be the EASY part. Getting it animated and working in the game (Along with a big enough map, that's the hard part!)

Wonder if we used the scaling mod (for yoda) to make ALL the player smaller - then you could make appropraite Snow Speeders & AT-AT's without the maps having to be too big - Just thinking out loud :D

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i started to animate the Deback and its a very hard work. in fact i am still stting up the skeleton. as i made the animations for the droideka, i think it will take quite a long time to do some good job. so dont expect this to be finished soon.


animated models will take much longer to make, cause they are very difficult compared to non-animated models. but as soon we can do some coding there will be a lots of possibilities and we will creat completly new things.

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OK, I've updated the screenshots a bit, though you probably won't notice a difference on most of them as I said before it's really just finishing the skins and the meshes (I spen most of last night working on the Sith Speeder, so it no longer looks quite like the picture), and I've really only had a chance to work on a couple of them as I've been really busy at work this week!


Will update these next week, once I've done some more work on them.

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