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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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since i could post yesterday, i'll try now...


i love the speeder itself, but dislike the weird constant explosion mines. i'd prefer if they were similar to the lambda shuttle mines. and fyi, the whole skin has an ambient glow when dynamic glow is on.


i look forward to future releases.

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The whole thing with the mine weapon is just wierd.

As I mentioned in the Readme, the look of it all depends on which level you play on eg. on the duel1 map it looks like a ball of smoke on the ffa1 map it's a lowing blue ball of energy and on the siege_desert map it's a sparkling fizzing white blob, ywt all use the same "ships/bomb" effect.


If you'd rather the weapon of the vehicle behave more to your tastes, feel free to edit the vehicle and weapon files.

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I just thought of something that you could model that would be amazingly cool..


If you've played Knights of the Old Republic on the Xbox (or, next month, the PC), then you know how awesome the Sith Guard and Sith trooper armors look.. If you could model those two......mmmm...

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Modeling players is no problem , doing a decent skin isn't a problem either - it's more a lack of time, since I have so much other stuff I want to get done (Mapping, work etc) - that I'd have to have a really good reason to invest time into a player model.

Perhaps when KOTOR comes out someone will find a way to load the models into 3DSmax and then they could be "adjusted" or used as a base or reference for a JK:KJA version.

Still don't know about KOTOR - I hope they will release a demo for it, I just don't have the spare ca$h to throw at it. Which is why I don't play galaxies or subscribe to hyperspace - but that's another issue entirely ;)


Will post a WIP and some updated pix this week.

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yeahm u read something on the music section on the lucasarts kotor site, and they said someone was picking music for the demo... so based on that, it sounds like there will be a demo.


EDIT: Here, i found out where i read it, see:


The decision was made to have Jeremy score the two cutscenes that would be used in the demo, and he began work immediately.
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Thanks for the web-links Zappa_0 :)


As for weapons for the various vehicles, I'm open to suggestions.

I'd like to make a sort of falling rock weapon for the ewok glider, & the speeder bike has a standard swoop laser.

As for the rest, I don't know.


If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to let me know for:

Anakins Airspeeder

Desert Skiff

Aiwha (Thanks for the pix scouttrooper)




Though I don't really know if any of the beasts will have weapons other than what the rider has.

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Anakins Airspeeder- maybe do a laser like the swoops.


Desert Skiff- Turbo Laser something like a smaller deathstar laser with less power


Aiwha- umm maybe they can drop bombs like thermal dets


Dewback- no weapons. maybe u can make them eat ppl


Acklay- umm it would be cool if u could make them attack. if its possibles, same for dewback but that was a joke.

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Keshire has the Acklay set up so if you spawn it as an NPC and not a vehicle, it will attack and skewer you with it front leg and bite your head off!!!

Currently though I don't think it's possible to make the vechile version attack - though hopefully this will change if RAVEN ever release the source code stuff.


Working on skinning the skiff currently. Instead of an onboard weapon, I think it would be cool if we can get passengers who can use their weapons. (The ones in the movies are unarmed)

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Is it possible to allow the passengers on the skiff to walk around? It would be awesome if they could fire their weapons while riding, should prove useful in ctf and siege ;)


Sorry to be an impatient bastard, but what's the status on the Endor Speeder Bike :D?

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Unfortunately, I think the passengers are stuck in place - since they are positioned with "bolt_passenger" tags on the model.


Duncan_10158 has the Speeder Bike and I guess will get to it when he has time. The model and skin are finished though. Then it will just be the veh file that'll need tweaking - any suggestions for how it should handle compared to the STAP and Sith Speeder?

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faster, it should be a little fast,t he speeder in the movie was liek super fast, and as for a weapon on anikens speeder, why do something diff, why not put a laser cannon on both sides, kinda liek an a-wing, were to laser meet in front and wipe out the target?

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Check out this thread


MP Flyable Vehicle Discussion


It's about getting the Lamda Shuttle flying with passengers who operate the side cannons.




NOTE: I believe all the tags for the vehicles are:








There may be more...

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That skiff looks pretty hot! I think you should just make passengers sit on that bench in the middle...but if they could shoot while riding, that'd be awesome! As pnut said, great applications to team play (ie, technicians could bring a strike team in to steal the flag, etc)!

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Originally posted by monsoontide

Check out this thread


MP Flyable Vehicle Discussion


It's about getting the Lamda Shuttle flying with passengers who operate the side cannons.




NOTE: I believe all the tags for the vehicles are:








There may be more...

what's bolt wake?
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Okay, the tag is bolt_trail, but there's also a wake_fx, I guess it's for water vehicles, though you could use it for anything from a dust trail kicked up as the vehicle passes to a tron type "wall"! It's basically just another place to put an effect on the vehicle. I don't know if it actually works though since I haven't used it yet.

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Hi Folks!


Found this over at another site - this is direct from Mike Gummelt at Raven and is a more complete vehicle template file for Jedi Academy.

He also states that passengers are always never drawn!! And max-passengers is 8. Vehicles are limited to two types of weapons currently.


Here we go - this is big, so you may want to print it out to read it!


{"name", VFOFS(name), VF_LSTRING}, //unique name of the vehicle


//general data

{"type", VFOFS(type), VF_VEHTYPE}, //what kind of vehicle

{"numHands", VFOFS(numHands), VF_INT}, //if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons

{"lookPitch", VFOFS(lookPitch), VF_FLOAT}, //How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle

{"lookYaw", VFOFS(lookYaw), VF_FLOAT}, //How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle

{"length", VFOFS(length), VF_FLOAT}, //how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?

{"width", VFOFS(width), VF_FLOAT}, //how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?

{"height", VFOFS(height), VF_FLOAT}, //how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?

{"centerOfGravity", VFOFS(centerOfGravity), VF_VECTOR},//offset from origin: {forward, right, up} as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward)


//speed stats

{"speedMax", VFOFS(speedMax), VF_FLOAT}, //top speed

{"turboSpeed", VFOFS(turboSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //turbo speed

{"speedMin", VFOFS(speedMin), VF_FLOAT}, //if < 0, can go in reverse

{"speedIdle", VFOFS(speedIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given

{"accelIdle", VFOFS(accelIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed

{"acceleration", VFOFS(acceleration), VF_FLOAT}, //when pressing on accelerator

{"decelIdle", VFOFS(decelIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //when giving no input, how quickly it drops to speedIdle

{"throttleSticks", VFOFS(throttleSticks), VF_BOOL},//if true, speed stays at whatever you accel/decel to, unless you turbo or brake

{"strafePerc", VFOFS(strafePerc), VF_FLOAT}, //multiplier on current speed for strafing. If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing


//handling stats

{"bankingSpeed", VFOFS(bankingSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control)

{"pitchLimit", VFOFS(pitchLimit), VF_FLOAT}, //how far it can roll forward or backward

{"rollLimit", VFOFS(rollLimit), VF_FLOAT}, //how far it can roll to either side

{"braking", VFOFS(braking), VF_FLOAT}, //when pressing on decelerator

{"mouseYaw", VFOFS(mouseYaw), VF_FLOAT}, // The mouse yaw override.

{"mousePitch", VFOFS(mousePitch), VF_FLOAT}, // The mouse yaw override.

{"turningSpeed", VFOFS(turningSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //how quickly you can turn

{"turnWhenStopped", VFOFS(turnWhenStopped), VF_BOOL},//whether or not you can turn when not moving

{"traction", VFOFS(traction), VF_FLOAT}, //how much your command input affects velocity

{"friction", VFOFS(friction), VF_FLOAT}, //how much velocity is cut on its own

{"maxSlope", VFOFS(maxSlope), VF_FLOAT}, //the max slope that it can go up with control

{"speedDependantTurning", VFOFS(speedDependantTurning), VF_BOOL},//vehicle turns faster the faster it's going


//durability stats

{"mass", VFOFS(mass), VF_INT}, //for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10)

{"armor", VFOFS(armor), VF_INT}, //total points of damage it can take

{"shields", VFOFS(shields), VF_INT}, //energy shield damage points

{"shieldRechargeMS", VFOFS(shieldRechargeMS), VF_INT},//energy shield milliseconds per point recharged

{"toughness", VFOFS(toughness), VF_FLOAT}, //modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc. Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction

{"malfunctionArmorLevel", VFOFS(malfunctionArmorLevel), VF_INT},//when armor drops to or below this point, start malfunctioning

{"surfDestruction", VFOFS(surfDestruction), VF_INT},


//visuals & sounds

{"model", VFOFS(model), VF_LSTRING}, //what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?

{"skin", VFOFS(skin), VF_LSTRING}, //what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?

{"g2radius", VFOFS(g2radius), VF_INT}, //render radius (really diameter, but...) for the ghoul2 model

{"riderAnim", VFOFS(riderAnim), VF_ANIM}, //what animation the rider uses

{"droidNPC", VFOFS(droidNPC), VF_LSTRING}, //NPC to attach to *droidunit tag (if it exists in the model)


{"radarIcon", VFOFS(radarIconHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what icon to show on radar in MP

{"dmgIndicFrame", VFOFS(dmgIndicFrameHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the frame of the damage indicator

{"dmgIndicShield", VFOFS(dmgIndicShieldHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP},//what image to use for the shield of the damage indicator

{"dmgIndicBackground", VFOFS(dmgIndicBackgroundHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP},//what image to use for the background of the damage indicator

{"icon_front", VFOFS(iconFrontHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the front of the ship on the damage indicator

{"icon_back", VFOFS(iconBackHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the back of the ship on the damage indicator

{"icon_right", VFOFS(iconRightHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the right of the ship on the damage indicator

{"icon_left", VFOFS(iconLeftHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the left of the ship on the damage indicator

{"crosshairShader", VFOFS(crosshairShaderHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use as the crosshair

{"shieldShader", VFOFS(shieldShaderHandle), VF_SHADER}, //What shader to use when drawing the shield shell


//individual "area" health -rww

{"health_front", VFOFS(health_front), VF_INT},

{"health_back", VFOFS(health_back), VF_INT},

{"health_right", VFOFS(health_right), VF_INT},

{"health_left", VFOFS(health_left), VF_INT},

{"soundOn", VFOFS(soundOn), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when get on it

{"soundOff", VFOFS(soundOff), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when get off

{"soundLoop", VFOFS(soundLoop), VF_SOUND},//sound to loop while riding it

{"soundTakeOff", VFOFS(soundTakeOff), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when ship takes off

{"soundEngineStart",VFOFS(soundEngineStart),VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when ship's thrusters first activate

{"soundSpin", VFOFS(soundSpin), VF_SOUND},//sound to loop while spiraling out of control

{"soundTurbo", VFOFS(soundTurbo), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when turbo/afterburner kicks in

{"soundHyper", VFOFS(soundHyper), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when hits hyperspace

{"soundLand", VFOFS(soundLand), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when ship lands

{"soundFlyBy", VFOFS(soundFlyBy), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when they buzz you

{"soundFlyBy2", VFOFS(soundFlyBy2), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//alternate sound to play when they buzz you

{"soundShift1", VFOFS(soundShift1), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds

{"soundShift2", VFOFS(soundShift2), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds

{"soundShift3", VFOFS(soundShift3), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds

{"soundShift4", VFOFS(soundShift4), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds


{"exhaustFX", VFOFS(iExhaustFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s)

{"turboFX", VFOFS(iTurboFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //turbo exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode

{"turboStartFX", VFOFS(iTurboStartFX), VF_EFFECT}, //turbo start effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode

{"trailFX", VFOFS(iTrailFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s)

{"impactFX", VFOFS(iImpactFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //impact effect, for when it bumps into something

{"explodeFX", VFOFS(iExplodeFX), VF_EFFECT}, //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)

{"wakeFX", VFOFS(iWakeFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect it makes when going across water

{"dmgFX", VFOFS(iDmgFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something

{"injureFX", VFOFS(iInjureFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect to play on partially damaged ship surface

{"noseFX", VFOFS(iNoseFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for nose piece flying away when blown off

{"lwingFX", VFOFS(iLWingFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for left wing piece flying away when blown off

{"rwingFX", VFOFS(iRWingFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for right wing piece flying away when blown off

// Weapon stuff:

{"weap1", VFOFS(weapon[0].ID), VF_WEAPON}, //weapon used when press fire

{"weap2", VFOFS(weapon[1].ID), VF_WEAPON},//weapon used when press alt-fire

// The delay between shots for this weapon.

{"weap1Delay", VFOFS(weapon[0].delay), VF_INT},

{"weap2Delay", VFOFS(weapon[1].delay), VF_INT},

// Whether or not all the muzzles for each weapon can be linked together (linked delay = weapon delay * number of muzzles linked!)

{"weap1Link", VFOFS(weapon[0].linkable), VF_INT},

{"weap2Link", VFOFS(weapon[1].linkable), VF_INT},

// Whether or not to auto-aim the projectiles at the thing under the crosshair when we fire

{"weap1Aim", VFOFS(weapon[0].aimCorrect), VF_BOOL},

{"weap2Aim", VFOFS(weapon[1].aimCorrect), VF_BOOL},

//maximum ammo

{"weap1AmmoMax", VFOFS(weapon[0].ammoMax), VF_INT},

{"weap2AmmoMax", VFOFS(weapon[1].ammoMax), VF_INT},

//ammo recharge rate - milliseconds per unit (minimum of 100, which is 10 ammo per second)

{"weap1AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(weapon[0].ammoRechargeMS), VF_INT},

{"weap2AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(weapon[1].ammoRechargeMS), VF_INT},

//sound to play when out of ammo (plays default "no ammo" sound if none specified)

{"weap1SoundNoAmmo", VFOFS(weapon[0].soundNoAmmo), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when try to fire weapon 1 with no ammo

{"weap2SoundNoAmmo", VFOFS(weapon[1].soundNoAmmo), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when try to fire weapon 2 with no ammo


// Which weapon a muzzle fires (has to match one of the weapons this vehicle has).

{"weapMuzzle1", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[0]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle2", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[1]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle3", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[2]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle4", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[3]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle5", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[4]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle6", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[5]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle7", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[6]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle8", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[7]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle9", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[8]), VF_WEAPON},

{"weapMuzzle10", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[9]), VF_WEAPON},


// The max height before this ship (?) starts (auto)landing.

{"landingHeight", VFOFS(landingHeight), VF_FLOAT},


//other misc stats

{"gravity", VFOFS(gravity), VF_INT}, //normal is 800

{"hoverHeight", VFOFS(hoverHeight), VF_FLOAT}, //if 0, it's a ground vehicle

{"hoverStrength", VFOFS(hoverStrength), VF_FLOAT}, //how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks

{"waterProof", VFOFS(waterProof), VF_BOOL}, //can drive underwater if it has to

{"bouyancy", VFOFS(bouyancy), VF_FLOAT}, //when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy)

{"fuelMax", VFOFS(fuelMax), VF_INT}, //how much fuel it can hold (capacity)

{"fuelRate", VFOFS(fuelRate), VF_INT}, //how quickly is uses up fuel

{"turboDuration", VFOFS(turboDuration), VF_INT}, //how long turbo lasts

{"turboRecharge", VFOFS(turboRecharge), VF_INT}, //how long turbo takes to recharge

{"visibility", VFOFS(visibility), VF_INT}, //for sight alerts

{"loudness", VFOFS(loudness), VF_INT}, //for sound alerts

{"explosionRadius", VFOFS(explosionRadius), VF_FLOAT},//range of explosion

{"explosionDamage", VFOFS(explosionDamage), VF_INT},//damage of explosion


//new stuff

{"maxPassengers", VFOFS(maxPassengers), VF_INT}, // The max number of passengers this vehicle may have (Default = 0).

{"hideRider", VFOFS(hideRider), VF_BOOL}, // rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn

{"killRiderOnDeath", VFOFS(killRiderOnDeath), VF_BOOL},//if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die

{"flammable", VFOFS(flammable), VF_BOOL}, //whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes

{"explosionDelay", VFOFS(explosionDelay), VF_INT}, //how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes

//camera stuff

{"cameraOverride", VFOFS(cameraOverride), VF_BOOL},//override the third person camera with the below values - normal is 0 (off)

{"cameraRange", VFOFS(cameraRange), VF_FLOAT}, //how far back the camera should be - normal is 80

{"cameraVertOffset", VFOFS(cameraVertOffset), VF_FLOAT},//how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16

{"cameraHorzOffset", VFOFS(cameraHorzOffset), VF_FLOAT},//how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0

{"cameraPitchOffset", VFOFS(cameraPitchOffset), VF_FLOAT},//a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0

{"cameraFOV", VFOFS(cameraFOV), VF_FLOAT}, //third person camera FOV, default is 80

{"cameraAlpha", VFOFS(cameraAlpha), VF_FLOAT}, //fade out the vehicle to this alpha (0.1-1.0f) if it's in the way of the crosshair

{"cameraPitchDependantVertOffset", VFOFS(cameraPitchDependantVertOffset), VF_BOOL}, //use the hacky AT-ST pitch dependant vertical offset


//Turret 1

{"turret1Weap", VFOFS(turret[0].iWeapon), VF_WEAPON},

{"turret1Delay", VFOFS(turret[0].iDelay), VF_INT},

{"turret1AmmoMax", VFOFS(turret[0].iAmmoMax), VF_INT},

{"turret1AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(turret[0].iAmmoRechargeMS), VF_INT},

{"turret1YawBone", VFOFS(turret[0].yawBone), VF_LSTRING},

{"turret1PitchBone", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchBone), VF_LSTRING},

{"turret1YawAxis", VFOFS(turret[0].yawAxis), VF_INT},

{"turret1PitchAxis", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchAxis), VF_INT},

{"turret1ClampYawL", VFOFS(turret[0].yawClampLeft), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn left

{"turret1ClampYawR", VFOFS(turret[0].yawClampRight), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn right

{"turret1ClampPitchU", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchClampUp), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to title up

{"turret1ClampPitchD", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchClampDown), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down

{"turret1Muzzle1", VFOFS(turret[0].iMuzzle[0]), VF_INT},

{"turret1Muzzle2", VFOFS(turret[0].iMuzzle[1]), VF_INT},

{"turret1TurnSpeed", VFOFS(turret[0].fTurnSpeed), VF_FLOAT},

{"turret1AI", VFOFS(turret[0].bAI), VF_BOOL},

{"turret1AILead", VFOFS(turret[0].bAILead), VF_BOOL},

{"turret1AIRange", VFOFS(turret[0].fAIRange), VF_FLOAT},

{"turret1PassengerNum", VFOFS(turret[0].passengerNum), VF_INT},//which number passenger can control this turret

{"turret1GunnerViewTag", VFOFS(turret[0].gunnerViewTag), VF_LSTRING},


//Turret 2

{"turret2Weap", VFOFS(turret[1].iWeapon), VF_WEAPON},

{"turret2Delay", VFOFS(turret[1].iDelay), VF_INT},

{"turret2AmmoMax", VFOFS(turret[1].iAmmoMax), VF_INT},

{"turret2AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(turret[1].iAmmoRechargeMS), VF_INT},

{"turret2YawBone", VFOFS(turret[1].yawBone), VF_LSTRING},

{"turret2PitchBone", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchBone), VF_LSTRING},

{"turret2YawAxis", VFOFS(turret[1].yawAxis), VF_INT},

{"turret2PitchAxis", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchAxis), VF_INT},

{"turret2ClampYawL", VFOFS(turret[1].yawClampLeft), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn left

{"turret2ClampYawR", VFOFS(turret[1].yawClampRight), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn right

{"turret2ClampPitchU", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchClampUp), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to title up

{"turret2ClampPitchD", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchClampDown), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down

{"turret2Muzzle1", VFOFS(turret[1].iMuzzle[0]), VF_INT},

{"turret2Muzzle2", VFOFS(turret[1].iMuzzle[1]), VF_INT},

{"turret2TurnSpeed", VFOFS(turret[1].fTurnSpeed), VF_FLOAT},

{"turret2AI", VFOFS(turret[1].bAI), VF_BOOL},

{"turret2AILead", VFOFS(turret[1].bAILead), VF_BOOL},

{"turret2AIRange", VFOFS(turret[1].fAIRange), VF_FLOAT},

{"turret2PassengerNum", VFOFS(turret[1].passengerNum), VF_INT},//which number passenger can control this turret

{"turret2GunnerViewTag", VFOFS(turret[1].gunnerViewTag), VF_LSTRING},

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