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Introducing Gov. Schwarzenegger


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In case your not up on things, the next Govenor of California is going to be Goveror Arnold Schwarzenegger. He won the recall vote w/ an estimated 54%. (i'm not sure if the final number is in yet)


The best part was that current Gov. Grey Davis told Californians to get behind their new Govenor and leave the recall behind.

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Yep, it's official. Arnold is the official terminator of governor Gray Davis by winning the total recall election. This last action hero for school funding has turned from kindergarten Cop to Governor. From the beginning of his campaign, Arnold has surged forward, and like a commando, has attacked Gray Davis's politics. Of course, there for a while, Arnold was dogged with allegations of sexual misconduct, turning the tables and making the predator the very one hunted. Arnold made a statement calling these allegations only 'half-truths, saying his behavoir was only 'rowdy movie set behavior', in essence claiming these allegations were true lies set up by Gray Davis. Arnold's campaign seemed to lose momentum under the intense Red Heat from women's groups, but by the sixth day Arnold still had the lead in the polls, turning the allegations into just collateral damage to be dealt with later. So after 150 gubernatorial candidates ran for office, this running man had all the right stuff to ensure his election through the end of days and his voters jingled all the way to the voting booths. Now californians can only hope that Arnold's tenure as governor doesn't end up like Gray Davis junior or they could be looking at the recall-election twins, and they'll all be wishing they could find a big enough eraser to wipe this page from their history books or forever be stuck with conan the politician.



And yes, I just wrote all that. You can either praise me or pity me... :p

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

Arnold's fans are wearing shirts saying :"Hasta la vista Davis" and his bus is called "The Running Man". He won in a "Recall" election (puns intended)

Maybe his campaign should have been called "The Governator 2: Election Day"




damnit...I mean I like his movies...him being govoner is boring. Plus, Terminator 4 and Conan The Barbarian 2 were in production, and now we have to wait like...3 years before he starts shooting those. Also I movie where he was going to play a hitman...damnit...RECALL HIM!!!!

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The thing is, TK-421, is that Arnie doesn't owe anyone 'entertainment'. He can do what he wants with his life... politics were never meant to be entertaining.


I won't judge him until I see what he and his team are capable of.


By the way... Don't make fun of his accent. It's not nice, at least he tries >_>

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Originally posted by jediduo

Sherack is right, TK. He doesn't owe us anything. I'd like to see you do as much as he has. :rolleyes:



alright....lol...you have a point. If he fixes california, I will be happy. I do look forward to seeing T4 however...tho 3 years from now I will be in my second year of college.^_^ All is cool, as long as he does what he promised he would do to fix california.

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Originally posted by jediduo

Hey now. Certain parts of CA are bad, but don't lump the whole state in. I lived there for a little while, and I'd move back.

That wasn't my point. I wasn't bashing the country; I was simply pointing out that nobody can possibly "fix" ANY states during one mandate. Politicians solve problems and create others... that's how it works!
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