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The Matrix Restarted


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NeoVenom gets jacked out of the Matrix. He opens his eyes, sits up, and cracks his neck. "That was close. I almost got caught by the agents." he said to Hunter, Raven and the others. "Heard from Tepe yet?" he questions his captain. "He said he was heading towards his old place. I was going to go, but agents cut me off."




(Out of character: What are the ships names? :D)

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((OOC: Right now I have to say the story sucks. Well it needs an acctual plot for one. So alow me to provide a plot, I have a prety good one in my head that just may be interesting. I'm not going to clue you in cuz it's just more fun that way, so just follow along.))


(first off I'll post both ships' crews.)




The Solar Cruiser (might I suggest Solaris as a better name?)










Others Onboard:

Jokemaster-recently freed

Shadow-recently freed

Beth-recently freed


The Unwanted (Since Craig named his first guy Hunter I think I'll change my ships name to 'The Unwanted')









Red Lotus


Others Onboard:





(And to introduce my three new crew members)


Real name: Ashley Masters

Alias: Frost

Age: 24

Born: Matrix

Status: freed


Real name: Kyle Masters

Alias: Cinder

Age: 22

Born: Matrix

Status: Freed


Bio for Frost and Cinder: They are albino twins, with white hair and red eyes. They have both been with Selene from the begining.


Real name: Kias Lotus

Alias: Red Lotus

Age: 35


Status: Freed

Bio: He was a captain of a ship a few years ago, and a good friend of Selene, but when his crew was killed by agent's Selene saved his life. Ever since he's been a crew member on her ship.




((And now the plot begins.))


Selene informed the Solaris(or Solar Cruiser) that Tepe got out alright and then headded off for some rest. Just as she was turning off the lights a transmission came in. Selene rushed over to the computer to see a familiar captain talking very quickly and sounding worried, "...Dropped off in the tunnels under Glendon St. taped to the bottom of a phone with the numbers 36 above it, It's important that this..." There was a loud crash and sawing sound, sparks shot everywhere and The captain turned around quickly as a sentinel peeled it's way through the celing and a bloody clawed tenticle peirced his chest and protruded from his back. As he screemed in pain the transmission was lost.


Selene felt sick in the stomach and quickly sounded an alarm to wake up the others and rushed to the front of the ship, 'I used to date that guy' she thought as she rushed to check the perimeter scanners to make sure there were no sentinals nearby, the thought brought a tear to her eye.


Holster rushed to her side rubbing his eyes, "what's wrong?"


"I got a shocking transmishion from captain Psiclone, I've just made sure theres no sentinals in the emmidiate sector."


Holster noticed her eyes were red, "Somthing terrible has happened."


"He's dead."


Holster placed a comforting hand on Selene's shoulder. Just then the other members came into the room.


Selene looked up to Holster and wiped her eyes, "Patch us through to the Solaris(or Solar Cruiser).

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"Right," Beth says, not able to think of anything else. Her mind is racing over what NeoVenom said. This is the real world? So that meant she was living in a fake one before. Did that mean that she wasn't going to be able to continue updating her web site? Darn!


"So if this is the real world, where was I before?" she finally asked.

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"Selene? Can I go in...? I need to do something" Tepe says and looks Salene. Then he walks next to the plugin-chairs thinking something.

"I must meditate in Matrix... It's the only place that I can conguer my fears and hate" He whispers to himself. Everyone hears that he was whispering ti himself but they didn't hear what did he whisper

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