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Force power balance


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Note this is not a request so don't move it, these are my opinions and i want to see if others agree with me on balancing force powers, I'll just post about the dark side powers for now and later have my ideas on light and possibly the nuetral ones. now on to the main post.


First of all GRIP is the best laming move i've seen and i hate laming where they pick you up turn you and drop you in a hole before you can say WTF? My balance idea: make grip at level one simply imobilize our foes for 5 seconds so they can't move/attack/force except for anti grip things like push/absorb at level 2 hold them for longer and do damage to them, and at level 3, you can lift them, and do lots of damage but you can't move them from side to side or "throw" them because, when did vader do that? he just sufocated them where they stood that's my idea for grip.


Lightning is acually weaker than it should be, it does massive damage yes, but it takes up all your force in almost no time, and makes you vunerable to attack from all sides even if you zap your enemy and they keep coming, MY balance idea: ethir make it use less force, and/or add a knockback feature at level 3 like in SP because if you send 1000 volts into a stormtrooper, he's gonna fly.


DRAIN is an extremley useful power, but uses up so much of the users force for so little hp unless you drain multiple targts, it seems balanced as is.


RAGE is an amazing power increasing speed, attack speed, and attack power. but it uses up your hp so fast at level 3 that it's almost not worth using, MY balance idea: make it damage you slower.

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HEAL is the most used lightside ability, unfortunatley, at even the high levels the force used to hp gained ratio is still very low and in the earlier levels, you may as well forget using it. My balance idea: ethir make it cost alot less force, or give you more hp per use.


ABSORB Is just too powerful it makes ANY force used directly on you ineffective, AND gives you force back if it is used on you. but it is not completley unbalanced because it uses up force quickly and can go out at very inouportune times. my idea is make it give you no force back, or make it so it doesn't deplete your force pool just keep you from regening after the use like in SP


PROTECT is too weak as is, as it uses force like absorb, but absorbs too little damage, my idea for balance: make it use force power like in sp and/or make it absorb more damage like at the higher levels absorb about 90% instead of 75%.


Mind trick is a good power, but only lasts for a short time and you can't attack like that or mind trick will sstop working. My balance idea: make it last much longer and/or at level 3 allow you to attack a limited number of times (1-3?) before it will fail If you haven't hit the timelimit yet.


And there is my post on lightside what do ya all think?

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Originally posted by Sgt. Antronch

First of all GRIP is the best laming move i've seen and i hate laming where they pick you up turn you and drop you in a hole before you can say WTF? My balance idea: make grip at level one simply imobilize our foes for 5 seconds so they can't move/attack/force except for anti grip things like push/absorb at level 2 hold them for longer and do damage to them, and at level 3, you can lift them, and do lots of damage but you can't move them from side to side or "throw" them because, when did vader do that? he just sufocated them where they stood that's my idea for grip.


Thanks for the laugh.


Do you have to say "WTF" every time someone grips you? Push/pull would be a better option. If you're not able to do that, sorry but you need better reflexes.


Your argument about Vader not doing that isn't valid since when did Vader capture flags? When did Vader use guns? When did Vader do anything that remotely resembles online gaming?

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

Thanks for the laugh.




Your argument about Vader not doing that isn't valid since when did Vader capture flags? When did Vader use guns? When did Vader do anything that remotely resembles online gaming?

I was using vader as the only time we've seen grip used in the star wars movies and thi IS A STAR WARS GAME. But sometimes you arn't facing the person that is gripping you, and then you are easily thrown to your doom by the time you are turned towards him automatically.

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this has been a complaing since JK1, and it won't change...it's a dark side power that always will be :)


Really you have in almost every case at least 1 second to react, which is more than enough time.



Test your reflexes here:




My times range from .16 to .24 seconds...that gives me at least .75 of a second to get away after I've noticed it. I know guys who's average score on that test is .13....skery.


Doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it really is for in game stuff.


Absorb btw doesn't protect you against push and pull, which is moderately good and bad. on one hand I believe it should protect you from all force powers, but on the other hand, push and pull are too powerful IMHO.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Antronch

I was using vader as the only time we've seen grip used in the star wars movies and thi IS A STAR WARS GAME. But sometimes you arn't facing the person that is gripping you, and then you are easily thrown to your doom by the time you are turned towards him automatically.


This isn't based off of the movies. If you're not facing the person gripping you, turning helps. If you don't turn fast enough, you're screwed, aren't you? Same with if someone swings their saber at you from behind you. If you don't backslash/stab quick enough, you're screwed.

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

This isn't based off of the movies. If you're not facing the person gripping you, turning helps. If you don't turn fast enough, you're screwed, aren't you? Same with if someone swings their saber at you from behind you. If you don't backslash/stab quick enough, you're screwed.

Well when i'm being held up in the air by grip, i can't turn my charaacter

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I looked at this post and started to laugh. All I need to say is this.


Sarge, They don't make games exactly the same as the movie, or it wouldn't be fun. I agree with plaz, get faster reflexes. Wahhh someone is gripping me! I need to complain because I'm not fast enough to counter it!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!


Please Even bots can counter grip. Are u trying to say you're worse than a bot?



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Originally posted by CaptainJackZ

I looked at this post and started to laugh. All I need to say is this.


Sarge, you're a moron. They don't make games exactly the same as the movie, or it wouldn't be fun. I agree with plaz, get faster reflexes. Wahhh someone is gripping me! I need to complain because I'm not fast enough to counter it!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!


Please Even bots can counter grip. Are u trying to say you're worse than a bot?




Hmmm have you forgotten your medication again?


If you don't agree with what i've said about a force power than say so, no need for senseless flames, and it isn't all about grip these are only my opinions on what force powers could be changed for better balance if you don't agree with me say that you don't agree then you can keep your mouth shut because flaming people only makes you look stupid

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Vader isn't the only character to use 'Grip' in the movies, Luke uses it on two Gammorean guards in ROTJ.


But generally, Grip is a Dark Side Power. In Star Wars, the Dark Side is used by the BAD GUYS.


Why would the BAD GUYS, the villians, etc want to give you a fair chance?


Answer, they don't, they won't, they wouldn't!


The villian is the guy who fights dirty all the time and stabs the hero in the back when he's not ready! He's the guy who stomps on the hero's fingers instead of helping him up when he's on the edge of the cliff!


The villian is the guy who lets his thugs to the dirty work for him and makes the sneaky get-away and says how he'll be back and have revenge!



Sheesh, don't you people follow comic books/cartoons/cheesy movies?


It's totally IN-character when you get right down to it.

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i would think all force powers r balanced in JA but i think lightning should be able to be blocked like in JO

i cant see how u want lightning too be stronger its strong enough as it is since it cant be blocked only by absorb if it was stronger all the lamers and noobs everywhere would use it in multi and they could kill u just by pressing 1 button which meens alot of complaints

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Originally posted by Syzerian

i would think all force powers r balanced in JA but i think lightning should be able to be blocked like in JO

i cant see how u want lightning too be stronger its strong enough as it is since it cant be blocked only by absorb if it was stronger all the lamers and noobs everywhere would use it in multi and they could kill u just by pressing 1 button which meens alot of complaints


If they can kill you with one button, that says something about your skill doesn't it? Drain is an easy solution to lightning-happy-whores. While they are wasting their force on lightning, you're sucking up their force to deplete it further while taking the health you're losing back, leaving them with no more mana. For lightsiders, absorb is an easy solution. If they hit you with the lightning before you turn absorb on, you can heal with the force you get back.

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the only force power i find cheap is heal

theres no way you can get a decent heal from it

drain is much better, it heals you and takes away their force pool


i dont play light side but i feel for them :)


grip i find is annoying when they grab you and swing you around like mad so you cant push away...but its a part of the game and i dont want it to be taken out (gives me a reason to lightning whore them :p)


aside from the heal like i said i find everything pretty ballanced

im used to playing lightside so i miss absorb but dark side is more fun :D

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1. Force Heal


I think it should be always like it is in single player level 1

(you have to close you saber and bow down to meditate

and healing shouldn't be immediate but just like in SP...)


Speed and cost of healing should be something like 10hp

per second and 5fp per 10hp... (level 3)


2. Dark Heal (Drain)


I think it shouldn't be ranged attack at all... but it should

be like in SP when it is done from very close... (= hold the

enemy with one hand and drain his life force with other..)


3. Lightning


It should be a lot more powerfull... Any level should knock

down and push away the enemy immediately if it hits...


But lightsaber should be able to block the lightning very

easily (EP2 Obi) and guys with Absorb should be able to

catch and absorb or reflect the attack (EP2 Yoda) and

guys with lightning should be able to reflect the attack

(EP2 Tyrannus)


4. Rage


It shouldn't allow you to take any more damage (it is not

defencive power) But it should make you move and attack

bit faster and add a lot more power to your attacks...


5. Saber skills...


Saber staff or two sabers shouldn't be equal to one saber

but they shouldn't be FREE either...


Saber skills should be changed so that first level allows you

to use all three saber styles (blue, yellow, red) but without

any special moves, Second saber level should add in those

special moves plus some extra power to all attacks...


Third level shouldn't increase your power or add any new

single saber styles but it should allow you to use staff or

two sabers (you should still be able to use all three styles

and make all special moves with single saber/blade...)


And maybe using staff/dual should also set limits to other

powers as well... (so player must choose either fencer or

force master...)

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I like the powers the way they are.


There are so many Grip counters- push/pull/absorb that there is no need to change it. Lightning is fine (make it cost any less and why would anyone use any other power?), Drain is...almost...ok...but I can live with it. I haven't seen a lot of Ragers, so I can't comment on Rage.


Heal does kinda stink, but I don't mind. I haven't seen too much Mind Trick or Protect. I would like to have t like in JO where Absorb was invisible except when someone attacked you. Back then someone might actually attack you when you had it on- now, you would attack you with Force?


But, it's really no big deal.

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at level 3, you can lift them, and do lots of damage but you can't move them from side to side or "throw" them because, when did vader do that


Why would you want to LIFT someone if you can't move them? You want to drop them down from 3 metres once grip ends? Ouch... :rolleyes:


Want a grip that does a lot of damage? What's the use? You can't move them, so they'll break the grip in a second with push/pull or simply flick on absorb. That means no damage. That means the move is totally useless.


Perhaps you should think about your suggestions a little more and try to understand that there is no such thing as "laming".


If you feel you've just been "lamed", think again. Perhaps you're just frustrated because people kill you and you die? Perhaps you should simply learn to counter perfectly legit moves instead of labeling everything that kills you "laming"? That way we'll all have more fun.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Why would you want to LIFT someone if you can't move them? You want to drop them down from 3 metres once grip ends? Ouch... :rolleyes:


Want a grip that does a lot of damage? What's the use? You can't move them, so they'll break the grip in a second with push/pull or simply flick on absorb. That means no damage. That means the move is totally useless.


Perhaps you should think about your suggestions a little more and try to understand that there is no such thing as "laming".


If you feel you've just been "lamed", think again. Perhaps you're just frustrated because people kill you and you die? Perhaps you should simply learn to counter perfectly legit moves instead of labeling everything that kills you "laming"? That way we'll all have more fun.

No such thing as lame? now 2 things, first of all that is A MATTER OF OPINION 2nd saying that on some servers will get you banned


And in a parting note, opinions are like anuses, your own never stinks but everyone elses does :p :p :p :p :p :p

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