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1st or 3rd person View w/light saber


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I bought the game and strat guide yesterday and after playing 1 level I am about to sell the whole thing on Ebay or put it in the shredder. Why the heck didn't they give any idication that this FIRST PERSON shooter series which is based on the Jedi and therefore the lightsaber, would come out with a version that is only in third person for the saber? I got into this series for the emersion of the swordplay and force powers and to me that requires first person. I felt less ripped-off when I bought Outpost back in 1995!, at least I could play it! Unless you are born and raised on third person kiddie games it is most unsettling. Somewhat akin to trying to use a flight simulator with an external view. Having formal sword training myself I need the first person view or it's just not interesing.


{quote} "Who would wanna play with 1st person?


it sux, besides. When you use staff in 1st person, your saber would be blocking your view. (I guess)"


This is the real life hazzard of sword and staff combat, your own arms and weapon can block your view, it's part of the challenge. Remove that and you might as well remove the dangers of being hit IMHO. Part of actual sword strategy, as well as most martial arts is attacking in blindspots and trying to create them. Sorry for being a purist, I never could play a shooter or sim in third person, and I can't firgure why people like it!






I don't know if I will try the posted edit, but I do salute you for the work! Maybe if someone forwards this thread to the developers they could come up with something that will work.

Even if it's not perfect it's better than nothing, because the game is no fun as a stands and I will not boot it again until I have first person saber. Can you believe I actually got so bored in the training area that I attacked Kyle with my saber.....??? Just to see what happened.



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If you bought the game yesterday you have had plenty of time to find out that it didn't have first person lightsaber combat. This has been known since the release. Perhaps you should have checked if the game was what you wanted before you bought it.

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Yeah the 1st person saber view is pretty worthless in Outcast, that why you're in 3rd person view by default in Academy. 1st person would have been so bad if they would have did it a little better. They need to implement a view similar to the one in Morrowing, where you could really see your arms, shouldn't and hand, it sucked when all you could see was the saber and your barely visible transparent hands flashing every now and again.

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Actually the first person saber in JK2 was perfectly fine (I agree, the SP version was limited, but the MP version was great).



Raven seems to be dead set on not letting us use First Person Lightsaber in JA though. Their reasoning (Mike and Kenn, so I assume the whole team) is that they wouldn't be doing it justice unless they had it so it was every possible combination of Jaden's arms, and since that is too much work, they just won't do it.


It was fine in JK2 because Kyle was the only character you could be in SP, and MP it was an unsupported feature slipped in in the last patch.


So if we want it, we'll have to mod it in when the SDK is released.... oh well. If it's client side only, I suppose it could still be used on pure servers?

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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

Does anyone knows how to make the cg_fov thing 90? Because i always have to type it in the console everytime i play.:(


Have you tried binding the command, I binded the devmapall and give all, along with thereisnospoon, might try it for that.


Originally posted by Fibertcat

I bought the game and strat guide yesterday and after playing 1 level I am about to sell the whole thing on Ebay or put it in the shredder


After one day of playing one level? Want some cheese with that wine?


Originally posted by Fibertcat

Unless you are born and raised on third person kiddie games it is most unsettling.


Well hello Mr. Fancy Pants.


Originally posted by radrick01

I am so disapionted that I am returning the game for my money back. I don't think I'll ever buy a LucasArts game again!


Kind of drastic, have you addressed Raven with this or LAE?

Have you given 3rd person a chance?


Things change with good reason, get over it.

If you don't like the game take it back, simple as that.

You should seriously give it a chance, it has to many positive aspects to even begin to list.


In conclusion with regards to the 1st or 3rd person, if the dev's left 1st person saber out, I'm sure there is a good reason. They did a mighty fine job on the game if you ask me. Now ask yourself, could you have done better? If so wait for the MOD tool be released, and there ya go. If not, then shut the h*ll up, who are you to give any crap to a group of people who prob. spent the last few years working on this, with a multi billion dolar corp. lingering over there every move, and still put out a fine product.

So back off the Raven bashing , they've had plenty since the game was put out, I believe.



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I am rather amazed at how caustic some of your responses are, really. Yes, maybe it was dumb to ASSUME that after Dark Forces, Jedi 1 and Jedi 2, that this one would be pretty much the same. I bought Jedi 1 and 2 without research and was not dissapointed. Hard lesson for me I guess, shame, I really like the series. Kinda like expecting a 2004 model car to have antilock brakes if the 2003 had it standard and buying it without checking. Unfortunately I really had to dig just to find this out. None of the reviews I have seen mention it, only a couple of obscure posts mention it. And I don't spend 40 hrs a week scanning the net for every conceivable bug a new game might have. I'm just irked that they call it a first person shooter when it really isn't.


Yes, I tried the 3rd person, it makes me dizzy and it's generally annoying, I would rather feel like I am fighting someone, not like I am controlling a puppet. I had no problem in the other version with saber play in 1st person so I never used the 3rd person.

Seems to me that the majority of those who want 1st person don't care if they model it perfect, just so it is there. Maybe we can talk them into a patch.

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Originally posted by Filbertcat

I am rather amazed at how caustic some of your responses are, really.


I'm rather amazed at the attitude towards the people who designed the game. I realize the consumer has rights with any product or what have you, and we should it's are hard earned cash that pays their salaries, mo arguments there.

I just belived all this complaining is being gone about the wrong way. This forum is neither Raven nor LAE, though Raven folks do visit the forum and are very giving to the JK series community, they are in no way obligated to.


Lucas Arts are the ones in charge of liscensed products being released I believe and not Raven. The point is there are threads all over the forum bashing Raven, and it all seems to be regarding a patch because people aren't happy with the game, and its just rediculous.


Anti-lock brakes are covered under warranties and save lives, patches are not and don't.



In no way am I directing this towards you. I realize that was your first post and I appologize for the causticness. Take a look at some of these threads though.











GREAT THREAD - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=115797

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Their reasoning (Mike and Kenn, so I assume the whole team) is that they wouldn't be doing it justice unless they had it so it was every possible combination of Jaden's arms, and since that is too much work, they just won't do it.


And then there's the thing that the # of people in the whole wide world who prefer sabering in first person view is probably closer to 5 than 20. :D


(Of course - I could be wrong.)

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Originally posted by {R^S}eniaC{JC}

A config file perhaps, a question better directed towards Kurgan or IG-64, not really sure.






Kurgan told me to look for a .cfg file (Can't remember name), it should be together with all the other .cfg files, but i cant find it.:(


Oh, well. Maybe i'll go ask the cheat master. :)

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Use Wordpad (not Notepad) to open the jaconfig.cfg file (or jampconfig.cfg for MP) in your Gamedata/base folder. Look for this line:


seta cg_fov


If it's not there add it, with this entry:


seta cg_fov "90"


A lower number will have you zoom in closer, a higher number will widen the field - though for some reason in JA, they've limited the field to 100. In all other Raven games, I could go as high as 135.

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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

Kurgan told me to look for a .cfg file (Can't remember name), it should be together with all the other .cfg files, but i cant find it.:(


Oh, well. Maybe i'll go ask the cheat master. :)


i don't mess with the files, im the cheat master, not the hack master :p

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Originally posted by Akshara

A lower number will have you zoom in closer, a higher number will widen the field - though for some reason in JA, they've limited the field to 100. In all other Raven games, I could go as high as 135.


Yes i know that. I never put lower than 80 or higher than 120.


Btw thx.:)

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by J.P.B.

This is how I configured my .skin files:







Hail all!


I am having trouble getting First Person Lightsaber in Single Player to work for Jedi Academy. I would love any help that you guys could give ;). I just can't deal with 3rd person, especially with that bouncing camera.


Can somebody please tell me:


What file (name and location) do we put this info into for Jedi Academy? (From J.P.B.'s post on first page)


And are there any more steps besides creating and/or editing a .skin file to get first person saber in single player for Academy?


Any way to get that bouncing camera to stay still (in case I can't get first person to work in SP)? I can almost tolerate 3rd person in JA if that camera will stay put, lol.


I've tried the 4 cg_thirdperson options, and it works GREAT for forcing the 3rd person camera to inside of Jaden's head in single player and in multiplayer!!! The problem is: Jaden hunches forward when the saber is unsheathed, putting his head right in front of the camera. Sheath the saber and his head moves back in-line with the camera. It's always something lol.


Thanks a lot all!!



PS. By the way, I personally never play in 3rd person in any game. I choked down 3rd person for Knights of the Old Republic, because its *not* a FPS!!! lol. Even though BioWare implemented 3rd person PERFECTLY in KoTR, I still would have rather been in 1st person. KotR's mouse-movable camera combined with movement keys is the best implementation of 3rd person I've ever seen.


Why does third person bug people so much in Jedi Academy?


1. I don't feel like Im a part of the story/game in 3rd person. I don't walk through life looking at myself, nor am I forced to see nothing but the back of the main star's head in a movie. It's all about perspective that fits the story...and 3rd person does not fit JA well at all.


2. The camera rolls back and fourth as if Jedi Academy takes place on a boat. The screen is constantly rocking back and fourth, really annoying, and gives me headaches since my eyes are always tracking to find the enemy.


3. The avatar walks through doors before the camera, making it real easy to get a couple of quick slices/shots in before that person even sees you camping on the inside of the door. This is almost cheat against people in 3rd person.


4. People can use the camera to peek around corners, over boxes, etc. Sounds like a cheat if somebody is in 1st person mode. This is almost cheat against people in 1st person.


4. I am tired of looking at Jaden's backside!!! I couldn't care less what he is dressed in, nor do I care how cool his rolls and kicks look. I only care about feeling like I am a part of Star Wars, and about feeling like *I* am the one doing the moves, not some Kermit the Frog puppet.


Really sorry for the rant guys and gals...but it's just a little frustrating to pay $50 for an *expansion* (it obviously is) that doesn't even support 1st person like it's predicessor did :(. JA and JO have almost EVERYTHING anybody could want in a FPS, and possibly two of the best FPS ever written, IMHO! JA and JO could have been so much more with such little effort :(. Just sad.

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Hail all!


Doh, I was afraid of that...now I see why it didn't work hehe. It still will be great for MP though, seige is tons of fun hehe.


Thank you for the reply all ;). Sorry again for the rant, I was just shocked when I installed it. I am dying to get to the storyline to see all of the goodies in store...but Im just not a 3rd person guy and tough to play ;(.


Be safe all!


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  • 1 month later...

Filbert & Rotep have said everything I've felt, and said it much more maturely, to be sure. I'm a bit outraged, as I can't return the game for my money back (store doesn't accept returns on software). And I do feel misled, as prior Jedi Knight games have first-person lightsaber standard.


I don't feel a part of the game. In Outcast, I could be a Jedi Master. Now, in Academy, I'm a Jedi Puppet Master. Wonderful. How immersive. Surround sound seems to put you right there, right about 10 feet behind & above the action! It's like you're almost there! Especially with the EAX.


The acrobatics don't do it for me. If I need to see acrobatics, I'll watch the Star Wars or the Matrix movies.


I'm out $50 for something I don't want to play.


I want retribution.

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Originally posted by Filbertcat

I am rather amazed at how caustic some of your responses are, really. Yes, maybe it was dumb to ASSUME that after Dark Forces, Jedi 1 and Jedi 2, that this one would be pretty much the same. I bought Jedi 1 and 2 without research and was not dissapointed. Hard lesson for me I guess, shame, I really like the series. Kinda like expecting a 2004 model car to have antilock brakes if the 2003 had it standard and buying it without checking. Unfortunately I really had to dig just to find this out. None of the reviews I have seen mention it, only a couple of obscure posts mention it. And I don't spend 40 hrs a week scanning the net for every conceivable bug a new game might have. I'm just irked that they call it a first person shooter when it really isn't.


Yes, I tried the 3rd person, it makes me dizzy and it's generally annoying, I would rather feel like I am fighting someone, not like I am controlling a puppet. I had no problem in the other version with saber play in 1st person so I never used the 3rd person.

Seems to me that the majority of those who want 1st person don't care if they model it perfect, just so it is there. Maybe we can talk them into a patch.

the word shooter refers to guns, you don't shoot sabers. And you dont' just go and look at a car and buy it, you test it out to make sure it works and runs like you want it to. new cars have different engines than old ones. You also have to make sure a car has all teh features you want. Sometimes costs are cut on car budgets and therefore features often become optional and not standard. That's the dangers of capitalism, It's called playing what you can.


Also demo's of games are released for a reason, so you can preview the game. I liked 1st person saber combat but I'm not about to ditch a perfectly good game just because of one thing I don't like. I am a swordfight myself in real life and I enjoy the thrill of getting caught off gaurd and catching others offgaurd, but it's a game not real life. Give it a rest. Besides I assume you are human or an intelligent ape of another form, either way you have a natural ability to adapt to new things, use this ability. And always test things before you buy them honestly. THis has got to be the stupidest reason for a diss on JA ever. I could put up with the, "it's just an expansion" argument, but this, this is just idiotic and petty. As said before, until you can do better, you should not diss people on what they have worked long and hard, on. Also try reporting to LucasArts, they have a feedback area for a reason.

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Also, it's interesting to point out that many of the moves one does with a saber are simply not possible or perhaps extremely difficult without seeing your avatar in the third person.


Perhaps this is why the game switches from 1st to 3rd person views when switching from guns to sabers?

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Thanks to JPB, I've got it working in fps mode, so my temper's gone, and I'm breathing sighs of relief, though I really find it obnoxious that I'm not gonna see my character in the cutscenes.


You're right about the people taking test drives before buying a new car, and playing demo versions before buying new games, but Jedi Academy was perceived by myself, and apparently others, as an old game with a few new bells & whistles...i.e., expansion pack. There was no mention of the removal of some old bells & whistles.


Otherwise, the exact reason you buy something from someone else is because they are better at doing it than you are. For heaven's sake, we'd all be hunting & gathering yet if we didn't do this! It's a fundamental principle of economics, though I forget it's exact name, you can find it in any freshman-level econ book. And yes, it is okay to "diss" that someone for selling you something other than what it appears to be. I think, in principle, that's called fraud.


Now, I'm not implying LucasArts or Raven is guilty of fraud, but given the number of topics one can find on this forum & others, there were obviously a number of people who purchased this game under false expectations. LucasArts is responsible for properly & accurately representing its products, and while it does not explicitly state anywhere on the box that the lightsaber can be used in first person, it is marketed as an FPS/TPS (Third Person Shooter...to coin the term if it hasn't been already, dunno), and one expects that feature. I haven't purchased Splinter Cell exactly for that reason...I know it is a third person shooter.


Jedi Academy is marketed as an FPS/TPS and it's not. It's an amalgam of the two, but not both. Therefore, I feel cheated.


Skinwalker, if your question is not rhetorical, though I'm terribly new to this game, I believe I can confirm that from what little I've read, yes, some moves are not possible or very difficult in first-person mode, and that is why the game behaves that way.


However, although I enjoy games, I've never been good at them, I lack anything resembling manual dexterity and I'm far to dumb to use these exotic moves. I bet my computer does alot more than I use it for too. I bought what I thought was a game that could be a simple first person hack & slash game with Force powers, not unlike Quake (remember the axe?) or...say...Jedi Outcast (remember the lightsaber?) What I got was a totally different animal.


Most importantly, I just want to get across that I'm not an intelligent human or ape of any type, and I get very frightened & very confused when I see my character running around in front of me, and I simply can't adapt.

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