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An open letter to Raven Software and Lucasarts

Lord Sokar

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are there any good clans even playing ja?


I know aP and +/< play and I know =X= had a server (but I never saw any of them on) but looking at the ASE master list, as far as ff/so goes....


I just see the admin mod newbie clans from JK2 and some new clans I have never heard of.


I don't think there are any "elite" clans or players in this game to be honest.

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Originally posted by Rumor

learn to read retard. he said that for Tie Pilot. are you tie pilot?


gj jackass.


Your right, I can type but can't read. As far as being retarded, yes I have extreme case of wanting to mop the floor with your a**, but I know that with my lack of game skill, that would be just retarted and I would never stand a chance against +/<aotics, right?


You guys made that clear on my very first few posts


quote "we talk s*** when we get it"


as do I,


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By no means did I ever say I was elite or could beat any of you in the game. There once was a time when I thought you guys might be a challenge, after doing my research I found this to be true.


btfw: I played JO since the release, and wouldn't say I suck, yeah I had trouble w/ the red overhead swing jump dash thingy(excuuuuuuuse me for not knowing what it's called in advanced) and wasn't elite, but I could hold my own. (and yes I found that JO with no patch was the best, so what) I didn't have the game on my HD anymore, oooh I'm a sell out n00b w/ no skillz.


I appologize for not measuring up to your people's standards of being elite, and I'm sorry there's no challenge for you, or servers w/ the gametype you all prefer.




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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Do you enjoy burying yourself with your own posts?


Master William, meet eniaC.


Very much so...picked most of it up from you.



*edited* I guess only the Elite can post sarcasm and useless trash, I just want to be elite so bad...won't you be my friend. :( Why don't you back to RavenForums and flame there, honestly(no sarcasm involved) you were doing a bang up job, and the you might actually accomplish something, what you think you'll hurt my feelings w/ your flames.


Yeah I really give a hoot what any of you ameoba think.

It's just ammusing is all.

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Originally posted by eniaC

Your right, I can type but can't read. As far as being retarded, yes I have extreme case of wanting to mop the floor with your a**, but I know that with my lack of game skill, that would be just retarted and I would never stand a chance against +/<aotics, right?


You guys made that clear on my very first few posts


quote "we talk s*** when we get it"


as do I,



no, you wouldn't.


we don't start the **** talking, but we will cut down any argument that is bull****.

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Originally posted by eniaC

Very much so...picked most of it up from you.



*edited* I guess only the Elite can post sarcasm and useless trash, I just want to be elite so bad...won't you be my friend. :(


we don't post useless trash thanks pal.


gj on the flames tho. i suggest you do it on clan boards that way the thread wont be locked. you'll see that you lack skill in flaming as well.


now chill.




^ flame all you like there. posts wont be edited or any other sinclans bs tricks.

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You know....f*** you all...this will be my last thread on this jacked up forum, so you won't have to listen to my lame flaming, OMG OPEN YOUR F****** EYES, every freakin flaming post I've read sounds like a 3rd grader wrote it (w/ exception of Unnamed)


Good Game, I'm out.


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Originally posted by eniaC

You know....f*** you all...this will be my last thread on this jacked up forum, so you won't have to listen to my lame flaming, OMG OPEN YOUR F****** EYES, every freakin flaming post I've read sounds like a 3rd grader wrote it (w/ exception of Unnamed)


Good Game, I'm out.



...never said to leave just said to quit flaming so the thread doesn't get locked. also said you could flame us all you liked on our boards. like uj said we don't look down upon anyone, but when someone makes a fool of themselves we'll call them on it.

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So, my thread has gone to crap. What does 75% of this have to do with servers not being listed?


Clans don't impact the problem.


Nerfed weapons don't impact the problem.


'Laming' doesn't impact the problem.


Colored server names don't impact the problem.




Just an update. Tomorrow is D-Day for my server. Host claims that practically all their servers are being listed now, except mine of course.


So, this is it. It's been going on so long that I've pretty much lost all interest in the game.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

So, my thread has gone to crap. What does 75% of this have to do with servers not being listed?


Clans don't impact the problem.


Nerfed weapons don't impact the problem.


'Laming' doesn't impact the problem.


Colored server names don't impact the problem.




Just an update. Tomorrow is D-Day for my server. Host claims that practically all their servers are being listed now, except mine of course.


So, this is it. It's been going on so long that I've pretty much lost all interest in the game.


Good luck bro, you and your provider tried, they failed to help.


At least you tried.

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If they are waiting for the HL2 engine, you would probably be waiting another three or four years. Since HL2 won't be out before the end of this years or early next year, the engine probably won't be available to other developers until mid-year 2004. Then it can take up to another year for a development house to license and learn all the capabilities. That is just to get to the starting point of making a game. Then it takes another two or three years to develop the game itself. So waiting for the nextgen engine might give us a game 5 or 6 years after JO. You might be happy with two games a decade, but I'm not.


If games developers were really that slow, then we wouldnt have had many of the games we do now. ST: Elite Force came out not long after Q3. As i mentioned, Vampires 2:the masquradiedjdasdadssd (f**k the spelling) already uses the HL2 engine. Rune quickly followed UT. It doesn't take that long really, not dismissing the hard work put in by the developers.


As for how long we'd have to wait, feels like only yesterday JO came out. its quite often more popular on MP than JA still. That seems like a balls up on their end, releasing a game when the prequel hasn't died off.


As for the same voice actors, isn't that what we want? Consistency for characters between titles is pretty nice, don't you think? Are there any of the voices that are bad? IMO, no. Luke and Kyle sound great, for example.


Come on, they're dragging the same characters in a rich universe though it all again... at least a new bad guy. If they're gonna charge £35/$50 for it, then maybe they can take a bite out of Epic's apple: If you own UT2003, you get a discount of UT2004. the changes between them, mirror the changes between JO and JA, and they're only a single year apart.


How often do you see a sequal to a game being so similar, only slightly worse?


Sokar! Tell Games Journies!! They can do wonders with the power of pressure/bad advertising!

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Well I tried to refrain from posting so as not to bump this thread, but since it's up here again...


So, my thread has gone to crap. What does 75% of this have to do with servers not being listed?


Clans don't impact the problem.


Nerfed weapons don't impact the problem.


'Laming' doesn't impact the problem.


Colored server names don't impact the problem.


Sokar, I'm sorry this got so far off track. My original intention was simply to offer suggestions that might help server admins gain more traffic while this ridiculous situation continues, which was somewhat related to the server admin topic early on. However, it did digress and go off into some really strange directions (like this entire page???). However, my apologies... it truly wasn't my intention for the discussion to stray so far off topic. I even tried moving discussions elsewhere, but to no effect...




Just an update. Tomorrow is D-Day for my server. Host claims that practically all their servers are being listed now, except mine of course.


So, this is it. It's been going on so long that I've pretty much lost all interest in the game.


I'm really sorry it turned out this way for you, and hope you find peace with it all. I know it's not much consulation, but something else will come along to take it's place. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, or where your energy is supposed to be going right now. I like to think that when one door closes, another one opens... and usually one which suits us better. Good luck.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

I think the sequel to this game should be Star Wars Jedi Academy 2: Electric Boogaloo with Hulk Hogan as the baddie.


If you only knew the power of the dark side, BROTHER!!


:lol: Thats hilarious! Hahaha.. This guy should work at Raven Software, he makes up better plots than George Lucas! :lol:


As for this thread, they are making a patch. And it will fix these bugs. The end.

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I would like to point some things out. Compare Elite Force with Jedi Academy...would you rather have an Elite Force with great graphics, or Jedi Academy with passable Unreal 2 level graphics? Jedi Academy has many more features than what Elite Force had...much larger environments as well. Since Raven has worked with the Quake III engine so long, they can do a lot more with it then they could when they made Elite Force. If they moved to a new engine, they'd have to work with it longer then they did with Elite Force, to get what is in Jedi Academy.


Also, while I'm at it, I should tell you what technology is behind Jedi Academy. Jedi Academy uses a modified version of the Quake III Team Arena engine...all its modifications are Raven made. Its technology comes from Elite Force, Jedi Knight II, Soldier of Fortune II, and there's much new technology that Raven created for Jedi Academy.


I would now like to point out some games...these are examples of what can happen if a developer tries making it's own engine. Obi-Wan and Trespasser come to mind. Obi-Wan was going to be a sort of sequel to Jedi Knight...it was going to have great graphics and amazing physics, huge worlds, complex game dynamics, great new multiplayer modes. Look at what it turned out to be...a mediocre Xbox game with graphics that could barely compete with games released at the same time as it...is this really what you want Jedi Academy to be? Now let's look at Trespasser...a game that was going to have huge environments, incredibly smart Dinosaurs, amazing physics, very complex and realistic game dynamics, amazing animation that would use special blending technology (does this sound familiar? *cough*Half Life 2*cough*), Amazing graphics with huge polygon counts...oh, and this came out in 1998. Yes, it did have great graphics at the time...but it still sucked. Because of its poor ability at using hardware acceleration, no one could run the game at acceptable speeds, even on the lowest detail level, unless they had the absolute top of the line hardware. Even then the gameplay was terrible, and the game quickly died and manufacture of copies of the game ceased very quickly, after it got scores as low as 35%. Is this really what you want Jedi Academy to be?


Now give these points some deep serious thought and see if it would really have paid off for Jedi Academy to be on a different engine.

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It depends on the developer. But then again Lucasarts is not known for it's groundbreaking games or graphics, except a few gems here and there for which the developers deserve a lot of credit. I think that a company like monolith could do great things with this series. I daresay they could do better than raven. I really enjoyed tron 2.0 and the most underrated fps ever, no one lives forever 2. Plus the fact that they developed and produced tron in about 3 years along with a new engine, i think that's pretty damn good and it shows in the game as well. Other developers like Volition and Id making these games would be awesome as well. I think Raven did excellent with JK2, they did alright with JA and i think it showed that it was just alright. The gameplay is great and all, the graphics are ok too, but it seems as if the spirit was lost somewhere. I would really like to see someone like warren spector do a JK game, Deus ex is a great example of how to fuse role playing, action, and first person shooting into one game.

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Well, first off many of the people who worked on Obi-Wan, worked on Jedi Knight and it's expansion, Mysteries of the Sith, and it still sucked. I think Lucasarts realized that they should go with an existing engine for the real sequel to Jedi Knight and they decided to get the developer who knew the most about that engine who could also make a great game worthy of Jedi Knight. I think they made a good choice.


Now, in my opinion, Jedi Knight II didn't live up to my expectations...particularly in editing, but also as a sequel to Jedi Knight. it was a good game, but it seemed Raven had to rush it a bit and cut some corners (hard coding many things like the vehicles), and that was because of all the stuff they had to do to convert the Soldier of Fortune Quake III modified engine into the Jedi Knight II one. With Jedi Academy, they could just start with the Jedi Knight II engine, and add and modify stuff from there, and so Raven could concentrate more on the game itself. Jedi Academy is what I wanted Jedi Knight II to be...I knew when I was standing on a cliff on Tatooine, that Raven had finally captured the great feel of the Jedi Knight levels that was lacking in Jedi Knight II. The editing stuff is more than I had hoped for, and I'm sure there are many things which will be uncovered as more tools are released.




Oh, and I played the demo for No One Lives Forever 2, and really didn't like the level design at all...I couldn't even jump into the creek! Whenever a developer resorts to invisible barriers to prevent you from going somewhere like into a creek, it completely ruins the experience. The levels I played in NOLF 2 felt very small and restricted...the exact opposite of what I loved about the levels in Jedi Knight. Jedi Knight II at least still had a certain amount of largeness that Jedi Knight had.



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i dunno how are happening on the other countrys but the elite clans of portugal and america of ctf so/ff aren't playing jka. actually many people are coming back 2 jk2 after playing jka. why? because the game it isn't competitive and so we don't like it. most people are waiting for Xmod 2 2 play a good game. i am not playing jka at all and i am back 2 jk2.

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