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Picking up health, shield: frowned upon?

Remirol Nacnud

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I was quite surprised earlier today.


Part of my fighting strategy is to keep myself in between my enemy and the health/shield respawns and hopefully stock up on said items and slice up my enemy whilst they're still low on health from my/their last attack.


So I was doing that as normal, and a few people started criticising me for 'picking up armour' in the middle of a fight. The same people had already been saying the same thing about someone else. They even started saying "kill Dunk(my in game name)" when I got into the lead.

Admittedly, fights can go on for a while when two people are good at avoiding each other and picking up the spawns, but come on, it's all part of being a good fighter, right?


What really took the biscuit for me was that a couple of these people(at least) were people using yawspeed.


So which of you thinks that stocking up is bad ettiquette, and which couldn't care?

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People who whine about you picking up health/shields are, for lack of a better term... "ignorant."


If this was a Duel map there would be NO pickups of any kind, so if they are against that they should play there.


Or you could have a Saber Challenge, in which case you can't pickup health/shields and are limited in your force use.


Its possible for the admin to set it up so that there are no item spawns, so whining about this is stupid. Ignore them.

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Yea, I always go for the health/sheilds if they are around.


You know the MP level where your in the rift temple theres that room with the ledge and 100% sheild thing? Well i always kinda hang out in that room and snatch that up. Between that and heal I'm managed to stake out 15 kills w/o one death. Keep in mind a lot of it was luck, but that was fun.



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Leave the server if you find idiots like that. In JK2 once, just because I was leading and winning, some guy shouted ''KILL WILLIAM!!!'' and the whole server was after me in a matter of seconds. Of course, I used my 1337 Jedi sk1llz to pwnz0r them. :rolleyes:


No, I had to /amsit in a dark corner with the Luke skin so they couldn't find me.


So anyway, I always do that (pick up health/armor nearby.), and no one whines about it.


Even if they are, I am admin at that server (it's a gameservers.net server) so I don't have to worry about getting kicked or chased or stuff like that.

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Personally I think people who use sabers are lame!


If somebody draws a saber in a game that is not how it was meant to be played! They are a lamer and a n00b and its almost the same thing as cheating!


I call upon everyone who sees these morons drawing their sabers in a JA game to immediately call vote and have them kicked, and if you're the admin, ban them permanently from the server!


Do whatever it takes to stop these fools who think they are cooler than everyone else because they can wave a saber around like they're some kinda jedi . ; p

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Personally I think people who use sabers are lame!


If somebody draws a saber in a game that is not how it was meant to be played! They are a lamer and a n00b and its almost the same thing as cheating!


I call upon everyone who sees these morons drawing their sabers in a JA game to immediately call vote and have them kicked, and if you're the admin, ban them permanently from the server!


Do whatever it takes to stop these fools who think they are cooler than everyone else because they can wave a saber around like they're some kinda jedi . ; p


I agree. Stupid saber lamers... Every time I try to get a clear shot with my honorable tenloss disruptor rifle, I get slashed at by these stupid glowsticks and then when I'm peacefully walking around and I see someone with their glowstick down, I ignore them thinking they are as peaceful as I am but I'm wrong! The second I turn my back, I get slashed! WTF?!




Ok, being serious... I've had a lot of people call me lamer and w/e in JK2 for running for medkits when my health is at like 20 and they're trying to land a red over-head swing right down the middle of my skull. I mean wtf? Do they expect me to stand there and take the hits with "honor?"

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Hey Remirol Nacnud, did you ever mention that if YOU can pick up the health and Armor/Shields, THEY can pick the same items up as well... Whats so hard about diverting yourself for 15 seconds to pick up stuff that will help you to stay alive 4x as long if not longer with the right amount of Skillz, which roXors:)

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why the hell not pick it up?


if u just ran by it they probably would pick it up (then say it was an accident of course)


screw that!!


this isnt even close to the exploits that we usually talk about


it IS however along the same line as kurgans sarcastic post


they LOVE saying what you can and cant do dont they!

no saber no guns no fists no fighting no health no shields

but bow!!....never forget to bow!!!!!

only bow :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Master William

Leave the server if you find idiots like that. In JK2 once, just because I was leading and winning, some guy shouted ''KILL WILLIAM!!!'' and the whole server was after me in a matter of seconds. Of course, I used my 1337 Jedi sk1llz to pwnz0r them. :rolleyes:


No, I had to /amsit in a dark corner with the Luke skin so they couldn't find me.


So anyway, I always do that (pick up health/armor nearby.), and no one whines about it.


Even if they are, I am admin at that server (it's a gameservers.net server) so I don't have to worry about getting kicked or chased or stuff like that.


oh the leet jedi skillz that you showed me and plazma the other day?

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i do it myself along with alot of people

im an honorable man if u dont want me picking up them shields duel me and that solves that:)

some people just abuse honor in game and they see that u have started a kata so they put down there saber and go wtf saber down=peace lmao. u do it back to them once and they have a fit at u:p

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All kidding aside, I've never seen anybody complain about me running to get health/shields in a game.


Besides, it's not like grabbing 20 health or 25 shields is going to save you when a saber hit can do 100+ damage anyway. ; )


Not since the days of JK1, and back then you could understand it happening because there was no "Duel Mode" or "Saber Challenge" thing setup, the best you could do was play custom maps that had no pickups on a NF server.


On my server, about the only things I hear people whine about are being killed while typing or with their saber down. I think IIRC one guy said I was "no jedi" because I killed him with guns repeatedly while he ran around swinging his saber (and not hitting me).


For the most part it's been pretty mild compared to some of the horror stories I've heard.


Oh yeah, and people whine about lag every time there's a map change or somebody joins. ; p

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Patches aren't meant to FIX GAMEPLAY and User Requests... They are meant to fix gameplay BUGS and Glitches, like incompatible drivers and in-game browser and such. Stuff like what you want Slapnut and the other 100 or so that want gameplay "fixes" are really wanting Mods and such.. Not a patch.

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Originally posted by SlapNut

well maybe in the patch, they wont put health in the main fighting areas or in the middle of the room, u'd always have to go out of ya way to get it

There are a few like that already.


You know the map where everything is suspended above lava?

The central area that everyone ends up in has no spawns.

I love to stand there and sometimes kill person after person, or just get killed on my first fight.

It's a great feeling to have just a few health and then be a really lucky b4stard and get another kill.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Unless your in the middle of a duel and the other guy (noob) goes and runs for pickups. Thats not a strategy, that just shows your a poor player imo.

But running for pickups when you won or w/e othwer reason is k imo.

I can't see anyone being bothered about running for pick ups in the middle of a duel, since it's about as pointless as a fish buying a bicycle.

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