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Originally posted by edlib

YAY! Just finished JA!!!

Now I can start thinking about finishing Halo,.. then it's time for some new games!!! KOTOR, here I come!!!


Although,.. I might just go back and see exactly what happens if I choose not to show Rosh any mercy... :D


Halo? I don't even own an X-Box and I beat it...I went over to a friend's house and just rocked on it for hours until it was game over and I then grabbed my friend and played through Co-Op mode (which is, I think, the best part of the game...especially on a big screen TV), but SWG owns me right now...wait a sec...what am I doing here? *clicks SWG icon on desktop*

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I have 60 bucks right now, and I'll get two days off in the week after this weekend. This will be my last game purchase this weekend, and so I've narrowed my games down to three different ones.


Fire Emblem, Prince of Persia, and Kotor. I'm not sure which to get. I loved Advance Wars 2, so I'd love Fire Emblem. Prince of Persia looks like the action-adventure game I've been yearning for a while. And Kotor looks so damn cool, and I love RPG's.


Aw hell, gonna get Kotor.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

KOTOR all the way.

As for CoD, comparing it with MoH is...well not fair.

MOH is old now...very very old...

I'm not comparing graphics or whatever, I'm comparing gameplay. MoH had some awesome gameplay, but CoD blows it away, bigtime. They perfected what MoH started.


Originally posted by STTCT

Well he has MOH and really likes it. I was debating about getting him the Breakthru expansion pack, or the new MOH on Ps2 or COD. Just wondering if its worth it to invest in yet another new war game :)


I don't play them myself. Just not into the whole WWII thing that much.

Yes its worth the investment. Get him CoD. You won't regret it. And if he says anything like, "This is nice, but I really wanted the Breakthrough EXP." Tell him to try the game first, or I'm going to come over there and...um...oh, wait I don't have the resources to fly to California. Just hit him REALLY HARD for not truely appreciating your gift to him.:D

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I wasn't talking about graphics, the graphics are pretty much the same. The point is still valid since MoH is old now and it's pretty normal that another game has beaten it on the throne of WW2 shooters.


Breakthrough is a load of crap and totally not worth the investment...


If you're really into MoH, you can wait for Pacific Assault to come out for PC.

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Alright - who got it?


I have it - its in the box and I haven't opened it. Circuit City has it on sale - btw.


Unfortunately I have not won JA yet - I know I suck. Well actually its for lack of game play time.


I passed the part where you become a Jedi Knight and I picked dual sabers and now I'm in the middle of the level after that - where I keep falling down off cliffs. Its pissing me off.


Well only 5 or so levels to go! Wish me luck!

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I had it in my hands today at Best Buy... but I made the mistake of reading the minimum requirements: 1 GHz Pentium III or better.


I'm running a PIII 933... :( Killed by 67 Hz.


I could give it a try,.. but my experience is that it probably won't even install once it analyzes the system, and I'd have to end up bringing it back to the store.




Time to upgrade my comp, I guess...

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I might just give it a try. Everything else should be met with more than flying colors.

But I remember once I tried to install a game on my old PC that didn't meet one of the specs (it might have been the processor) and the installer wouldn't even proceed. I'd hate to have to go through that again.


This is where a demo version would come in handy, that way I could try it without paying for it, but I've heard rumors that this game is so complex that they might not bother releasing one.

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