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to those offended about the "swamp awards"


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Honestly...dont click the threads if you will be offended if you arn't "picked". I know it somewhat gets to me (I'm a manic depressive supposodly, after all), so ya know what? I never click the threads and now it doesn't bother me. The awards are just for fun...and no one can honestly list every single person they like.


So all in all...if you will be offended, don't do something that will offend you. Just let the people who have fun with it, have their fun.




and if you don't like what I just said...feel free to duel me over it in jedi:academy :D

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

just the spam comes from......



offended people...normally. :eek: Normally turns into a fight.

Oh, I understand where you're coming from, I just don't want people whining that it was closed for that sole reason.


(I wasn't saying that you were whining, I'm just saying I know a few on here that would ;) )

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Honestly...dont click the threads if you will be offended if you arn't "picked". I know it somewhat gets to me (I'm a manic depressive supposodly, after all), so ya know what? I never click the threads and now it doesn't bother me. The awards are just for fun...and no one can honestly list every single person they like.


So all in all...if you will be offended, don't do something that will offend you. Just let the people who have fun with it, have their fun.




and if you don't like what I just said...feel free to duel me over it in jedi:academy :D


Mmm...my thread was closed :mad:

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Well... I don't see why people would be offended for not being mentioned in a forum. I wasn't mentioned and i didn't care. :p


Originally posted by Tie 23

*slams head on floor, throws self through window, runs into chain linked fence, gets cut into tiny little square pices like on Tom and Jerry, runs into traffic, runs to Jack in the Box, puts head into deep fryer* "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! IT BURNSSSS!!!!!! NOBODY LIKES ME!!!!! I think I wet myself." :ball::chop1:





Come on man please stop this. This is like the fourth thread I've seen you do this.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Honestly...dont click the threads if you will be offended if you arn't "picked". I know it somewhat gets to me (I'm a manic depressive supposodly, after all), so ya know what? I never click the threads and now it doesn't bother me. The awards are just for fun...and no one can honestly list every single person they like.


So all in all...if you will be offended, don't do something that will offend you. Just let the people who have fun with it, have their fun.




and if you don't like what I just said...feel free to duel me over it in jedi:academy :D


I second this because the swamp used to be just a hang out and now it has turned into a flamethrower :(

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

So all in all...if you will be offended, don't do something that will offend you. Just let the people who have fun with it, have their fun.



I guess some people just need to be reminded of their...value here....over the time I have been here, always, its all about the post count, or the cool avatar, or the custom title...way back when we didn’t have the custom titles....that I remember, and we defiantly didn’t have avatars. But people still want to be noticed, one way or another. Its cool to see that someone...notices you.... know what I mean?

It makes no difference to me....but it used to...a few years ago....so I can understand why people need such threads....but in my personal opinion they are pretty dumb. But, thats just me.....other people obviously are....entertained by them. But I will tell you, the majority of people clicking the thread are hoping their name is there....and its usually about a select few people....not whatever new people....you guys seem to get hundreds of new people so....most people's names aren’t mentioned. So its like....forget this forum, and you get all the 'I'm leaving threads"...because they think no one noticed that they are here, most people dont even leave....they just want sympathy...so all the award threads do more harm than good in my opinion.

I can't even count how many times I have seen this happen at forums....and still....they just never learn....:rolleyes:



anyways, I am not trying to sound like a jerk or put anyone down....this is simply my opinion on the subject.

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Originally posted by FLaM-DraG

Darned popularity contests. Then people come in and say "Wow, I can't believe I haven't been mentioned!". Wow, it's so obvious what's going on here. :p


And whats that exactly? I Think ppl just can't handle not being mentioned and maybe others may have said "What about me" to get attention or joking around.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

It just seems like it's the same group of people who start those threads, and the same group that gets picked for the initial "awards." Then other people come in and post, and the subsequent awards have a higher chance of including them, because nobody remembered them until they happened to see their ID somewhere above their post in the thread.


It's insulting, though. When I saw the "Swampie Traits" award thread thing, I thought to myself "Hey, I wonder how I come off to people. Will I get the 'prick' award? The 'nice guy' award?" I looked, and what did I get? Nothing! Nobody even thought of me, despite me having over 1000 posts.


I went into the thread with a bit of curiousity, hoping to, if anything, better myself by expanding or reflecting on whatever people thought of me. Instead, I got a light slap in the face and "Nobody is going to remember you."


I suppose I should have learned by now, but like people have already said, it's nice to be noticed sometimes.



exactly. all those threads do is leave people out, so why even bother?


this is a very large forum compared to many, and it is hard to remember everyone, but still they shove it in the faces of the ‘not so noticeable people’...whether you know it on not.


Originally posted by DarkLord60

And what’s that exactly? I Think ppl just can't handle not being mentioned and maybe others may have said "What about me" to get attention or joking around.


the only fair way for someone to make awards is to include everyone who has posted in the last few months, check it out, and get all the names....look at the posts...take your time in all the categories....and try not to use the same 10 people every time.

personally, I could care less for the awards threads, because it offends to many damned people for no good reason whatsoever.

once again, no offence to anyone

....but...think about it.

some people are easily offended by such threads.


I think it would be wise to take that into consideration before making such a thread.

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