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Attack Of The Clones TC: Clone Wars Project


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Some of you may or may not of seen this....




Since the Clone Wars era is set over the course of 3 years (between EpII and EpIII) we have decided to create a story set within this time.

In order to provide you with less boundaries and a storyline that makes sense, this mod will NOT be based on the clone wars animated series. It is a completely new storyline with completely new characters as well as famous ones.

Like Jedi Academy, you will be able to create your own Jedi, choose a lightsaber and travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy on missions.

However, this time you will be a student on

Coruscant and a padawan learner to a jedi master.

Please bear in mind that this is a mod still in its development stages

as far as planning goes.


Its all good, plus with Cell Shaded Textures it sure to look great too :)


So again we are asking for people who are able to give up some of thier time to help us complete both projects or just the one. If you are intrested please get in contact with us on the forums.


Anakin & Soul_Blade

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Hey Anakin, wow this does sound indeed like an awesome project, in scope as well as playability. It sounds like you really know what you want to do. Whatever happened to AOTC total conversion? Is it still gonna be released sometime? I was looking forward to it but I haven't really seen or heard news about the actual game in a long time just some model and skin releases......

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Originally posted by razorace

My inner nerd knows that this project hasn't had a full release or even a beta even after over a year of work. It sounds cool but don't get your hopes up yet.


Well we have models. I am still waiting for maps.


Originally posted by Anakin

Some of you may or may not of seen this....




Since the Clone Wars era is set over the course of 3 years (between EpII and EpIII) we have decided to create a story set within this time.

In order to provide you with less boundaries and a storyline that makes sense, this mod will NOT be based on the clone wars animated series. It is a completely new storyline with completely new characters as well as famous ones.

Like Jedi Academy, you will be able to create your own Jedi, choose a lightsaber and travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy on missions.

However, this time you will be a student on

Coruscant and a padawan learner to a jedi master.

Please bear in mind that this is a mod still in its development stages

as far as planning goes.


Its all good, plus with Cell Shaded Textures it sure to look great too :)


So again we are asking for people who are able to give up some of thier time to help us complete both projects or just the one. If you are intrested please get in contact with us on the forums.


Anakin & Soul_Blade


Anakin Soul_Blade alos wants me as Co-Team leader since I did suggest that we should do this.

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Originally posted by DarkLord60

Well we have models. I am still waiting for maps.


That's not exactly much progress for a years worth of work. I'm all for the goals of the mod, I think people just have to be realistic about the amount of work they are going to get from "staffers". I've found that even people that volenteer their time rarely do anything you ask them to do.

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